Pokemon We need more Cross-Generation Evolution


Pokemon Master
New here, by the way :)

Anyways, evolution is such a huge part of Pokemon. The Games, Anime, Movies, and TCG all reference it. The thing I hate is when Pokemon don't evolve, and they don't have any "relatives"! In Diamond in Pearl, I recall a game character mentioning that almost 90% of Pokemon evolve (excluding legendaries of course).

Since then I've always wanted to see every Pokemon evolve or have a "relative" unless it had a reason not to (To my dismay Black and White added a ton of these, and had no evolutionary connection to the previous generations -_-). I made a list of the Pokemon that do and don't fit in this group, and wanted other people's thoughts on it and the general idea of evolution. :D

I hope they finish off some evolutionary lines in Generation 6 (X & Y).


Pokemon that have a Reason not to Evolve <15>:

Generation 1:
Ditto - Novelty Pokemon that only knows Transform.
Tauros - Gender counterpart of Milktank

Generation 2:
Unown - Novelty Pokemon with many forms based on alphabet. Shown in conjunction with legendaries often.
Smeargle - Novelty Pokemon that only learns Sketch (therefore can learn any move).
Milktank - Gender counterpart of Miltank

Generation 3:
Plusle & Minun - Counterparts of each other.
Volbeat & Illumise - Gender counterparts of each other.
Lunatone & Solrock - Counterparts of each other.
Castform - Has multiple forms depending on weather.

Generation 4:
Rotom - Has many forms based on appliances/type. Commonly (mis)-identified as legendary.

Generation 5:
Sawk & Throh - Counterparts of each other.

Pokemon that DON'T have a Reason not to Evolve <41>:

Generation 1:

Generation 2:

Generation 3:

Generation 4:

Generation 5:
RE: Pokemon Evolution

I really hope Electrode gets an evolution and a Steel type addition! There are so many great fan made evolutions out there though for other Pokemon. I am excited to see what there will be.
RE: Pokemon Evolution

Heracross has no need for an evo. It's good as it is.
And if Electrode evolves, then what speed is it going to have? Deoxys-S?
The ones that need an evo the most are Dunsparce and Farfetch'd, imo.
RE: Pokemon Evolution

Skarmory (and Heracross) are so strong that they won't evolve. Stunfisk is a derp that won't evolve unlike Feebas and Magikarp. Aerodactyl evolving... eeeh... now? Can't see that happening. Shuckle is a novelty Pokémon too, can't really see it evolving. Same for Pachirisu and Emolga. They "need to stay cute". Spiritomb won't probably evolve either. It's a special/secret Pokémon.
RE: Pokemon Evolution

MudkipMadness said:
Pokemon that have a Reason not to Evolve <15>:

Generation 1:
Ditto - Novelty Pokemon that only knows Transform.
Tauros - Gender counterpart of Milktank

Generation 2:
Unown - Novelty Pokemon with many forms based on alphabet. Shown in conjunction with legendaries often.
Smeargle - Novelty Pokemon that only learns Sketch (therefore can learn any move).
Milktank - Gender counterpart of Miltank

Generation 3:
Plusle & Minun* - Counterparts of each other.
Volbeat & Illumise - Gender counterparts of each other. - They're so weak they could have an evolution for each one of them
Lunatone & Solrock - Counterparts of each other.
Castform - Has multiple forms depending on weather. - It could have an evo with the same number of formes. But I don't see that happening too.

Generation 4:
Rotom - Has many forms based on appliances/type. Commonly (mis)-identified as legendary.

Generation 5:
Sawk & Throh - Counterparts of each other. - They could have a third member in Gen 6 and then a pre-evo for the three - fully imitating the Hitmons

Pokemon that DON'T have a Reason not to Evolve <41>:

Generation 1:

Generation 2:
Shuckle - Its BST total is already too high even though it is not that threatening
Skarmory - it would actually be logic for Skarmory to have a pre-evo since Mantine got one and they were designed to be counterparts

Generation 3:
Sableye & Mawile - Counterparts of each other, yet, similar to Volbeat and Illumise, they're weak so each one could get an evo
Zangoose & Seviper - Counterparts of each other


Generation 4:

Generation 5:



Heatmor & Durant - Counterparts of each other

My opinions are in bold.
The ones I scribed(?) are too strong already to evolve. Most of them could actually have a pre-evo instead. Honestly, I don't see a Scyther/Scizor case happening again (btw, Pinsir and Heracross are counterparts)...
The ones with a * are Pikachu clones. Improbable that they will evolve...
The ones I put in bold are not too strong but they're not too weak either. They're supposed to already be fully grown (as in 'adults') and be able to stand on their own, and would most likely get a pre-evo instead of an evo, but since their BST is not too high, they could always have Rhydon-like evos (Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, Gen IV was pro at this) or simply stay as stand alone pokémon.
Also, I pointed out some other pokémon counterparts but that doesn't mean I think they shouldn't have an evo (this includes the case of Lunatone & Solrock that you listed). But since they're counterparts with average BSTs, I doubt they will get evolutions. Still, like I exemplified above, just because two pokémon are counterparts, it doesn't mean they should not evolve, specially if they are weak.
RE: Pokemon Evolution

By evolution I meant higher evolution for the weak ones and pre-evolutions for the strong ones. Essentially every Pokemon should have an evolutionary line. And yeah some of the counterparts should each get new evolutions but I think that's lower priority than the others :)

As for the Zangoose/Seviper, Mawile/Sabeleye, Durant/Heatmor, Pinsir/Heracross I view them more and rivals and less of "family members".
I mean for the other counterparts they have similar types, look similar, and are shown connected. Know what I mean?
RE: Pokemon Evolution

Note that sometimes the Effort points pokemon give are a hint as to their "current stage".

Because each pokemon gives either 1, 2 or 3 EP.
So for example Tangela/Tangrowth give 1 and 2 respectively, so I doubt they' would either evolve or get a pre-evo.

Lickitung/Lickilicky on the other hand give 2 and 3 respetively, which is extremely curious...
Lickid? xD

Also, you might wanna add Relicanth to those that won't evolve. It is based on the fish that is known for not changing a bit over millions of years.
RE: Pokemon Evolution

Dunsparce has some potential, Girafarig could also use an evolution.
RE: Pokemon Evolution

Hmmmm dunsparce evolving?! Then he won be useless any more :(.

Who said pikachu look alikes couldn't get evos? Pikachu itself has an evolution line...
Shuckle is another novelty though, with its huge defenses...and if they added an evolution, putting eviolite on it would be unfairly broken.

With Prankster, they've essentially made Sableye into another gimmick that can hold its own. Spiritomb and Dunsparce are also meant to be one-offs; the former a bizarre collection of spirits, the latter based on a famous Japanese cryptid.
Oh the memories of red version... I could totally see an evolution fo him ( Some B.A duck with a huge leek), but I'm afraid he's a forgotten one.

Kangaskhan should get a baby. As it is always carrying one around and seen in the anime. It's name should be the same though.
ryter78 said:
Oh the memories of red version... I could totally see an evolution fo him ( Some B.A duck with a huge leek), but I'm afraid he's a forgotten one.

Kangaskhan should get a baby. As it is always carrying one around and seen in the anime. It's name should be the same though.

Kangaskhan's baby could be treated as a form rather than an evolution, wherein after it reaches a given level it automatically changes into a grown-up Kangaskhan. This would only apply to egg-hatched ones, though. Wild ones would probably just have the default grown-up form and need to be bred to get the baby form.
Incinermyn said:
ryter78 said:
Oh the memories of red version... I could totally see an evolution fo him ( Some B.A duck with a huge leek), but I'm afraid he's a forgotten one.

Kangaskhan should get a baby. As it is always carrying one around and seen in the anime. It's name should be the same though.

Kangaskhan's baby could be treated as a form rather than an evolution, wherein after it reaches a given level it automatically changes into a grown-up Kangaskhan. This would only apply to egg-hatched ones, though. Wild ones would probably just have the default grown-up form and need to be bred to get the baby form.

Or the baby gets older and the kangaskhan has it riding piggy back now.
Pokemon that have a Reason not to Evolve <15>:

Generation 1:
Tauros - It could get a pre-evolution that could become Tauros or Miltank depending on its gender.

Generation 2:
Smeargle - I know a lot of people have come up with a puppy version that learns something like Doodle where it can temporarily learn a move and evolves once it learns Sketch. Bonus points for having it use finger-painting.
Milktank - See Tauros.

Generation 3:
Plusle & Minun - They could get an = pre-evolution that works like Tyrouge and a multiplication and division evolution.
Lunatone & Solrock - I know a lot of people have combined them as this sun with a moon half. They could also have a shared pre-evolution.
Castform - Castform could get stronger weather-specific evolutions, with weather-inducing abilities.

Generation 5:
Sawk & Throh - They could get a shared pre-evolution and an extra possible evolution like Tyrouge and Hitmontop were for Hitmonlee and Hitmontop
Spinda and Chatot are gimmicks and therefore won't evolve. Spinda exists just to show off the billions of possible forms and Chatot exists just to make use of the DS microphone for Chatter.
Personally, I think counterparts are capable of evolving, as long as both of them evolve.
Has anyone noticed the even generations are the ones that bring new evolutions for old Pokemon? In the second generation, we got a good many babies and things like Bellossom, Scizor, and Eevees. In the fourth generation, we got some more babies and some interesting evolutions like Yanmega, Magnezone, Gallade, and more Eevees. Third and fifth didn't have any new Pokemon. I think we're due for some more evolutions. Weren't they hinting at some new Eevee types recently?
Or it could be that the third and fifth generations didn't have enough Pokemon to do it with because they had already done it in the previous generation.