Wednesday, 12/12, Pokemon USA President to Step Down

:O, mabye something new and exciting will happen, like, in england :p.
Never really knew the guy, who he was, and if he existed or not, but hopefully we can look forward to something...
Is this a good thing? Well, for the TCG over here, it can't exactly get any worse. Hopefully, Mr. Kenji Okubo will be able to sort out the English OP, so we can actually get new League supplies and even find out if SW is legal!
Never (and probably will never again) even heard of these people before, so it's good to know they exist :D
Azure - There is a slim chance of that happening if they can find a way of reducing the costs. It would be great if they were held in Europe for once.
Jigglypuff13 said:
Is this a good thing? Well, for the TCG over here, it can't exactly get any worse. Hopefully, Mr. Kenji Okubo will be able to sort out the English OP, so we can actually get new League supplies and even find out if SW is legal!
Thats what all us aussie's are hopeing for at the moment, as we dont have our new league supplies either.

Maybe things will change for the better, maybe some for the worse.
I think some things will definately change. Let's hope some drastic things change in the PTCG, like some people have already mentioned. I can't wait to see what he does to the T.V. show. :F

dmaster out.
Wow. I hope he does a good job running things.

Jigglypuff139015711510 said:
Well, for the TCG over here, it can't exactly get any worse.

Same goes for the anime. Maybe, just maybe, he'll get it to change a bit... maybe... Meh, that's probably just wishful thinking, but who knows.
Pokémon USA, like many other companies, will undergo leadership changes. I hope the transistion runs smoothly, and Mr. Okubo can continue to build on Pokémon's success.
The change in the presidency of a big company like this probably won't mean that much to the consumers for a while as long as the heads of the specific departments stay the same.
Maybe if he starts implementing new policies or changes leadership we'll see some changes, but until then, let's just hope that the transition is smooth and we can keep the game growing.
This is for Pokemon USA so some of you really don't need to worry. As for this guy he seems to have been around for a while so he has a decent amount of trust for me. As long as things don't end up like Rite-Aid we're probably fine.
There is an office in Seattle WA? I did not know it was even there and I am not that far from Seattle. I hope he had a fun time while he was there. Cool.:)
Daroach - I had no idea about the situation in Australia, but I hope league supplies and whatever else you need get sorted out as well. And it will be hard for things to get worse (here at least, maybe they can get worse in Australia, but I don't know).
Mew the source of all said:
This is for Pokemon USA so some of you really don't need to worry. As for this guy he seems to have been around for a while so he has a decent amount of trust for me. As long as things don't end up like Rite-Aid we're probably fine.


The US is the supplier of all english pokemon cards, and could effect the game dramaticly from stock to prizes and anything of the sorts.
Well, I don't think that the anime will improve since it depends on Japan and he is only the president of PUSA.
Pokémon USA is actually a misnomer, since they oversee all Pokémon activity outside of Japan I believe. So there could be changes for Europe, Austraila, etc. I believe they are also responsible for localization of the anime, too. You could probably get someone more knowledgable on here to talk about it, though.