DPPt/HGSS Weekly Battle Stories! PDC will fight Zenith!

Who do you want PDC to battle?

  • Joeypals!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Freak :P

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dragonexpert

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Jirachinick

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ice_Master

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • dmaster

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Zenith

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Do you loooooves me? <3

Thanks to Roa and his crew for making the banner! I hope his store and this wonderful program is successful! Also, approved by dmaster.

Hello everyone to Weekly Battle Stories! My name is Joeypals!!, here to help you newer battlers improve and get you off to a new start. As a little intro to the program, I got the idea ever since I got epic wins off of Jirachinick, both in Ubers (where I'm king of haxxing :D) and our warstory, Epic Battle of Trick Room Trickery. Jirachi and I put this program together, hoping to inspire you new battlers and get you off to a great start. At the top of the thread, you will see 9 members that have quite an array of styles and experiences, from majorly experienced, some such as DE being on the leaderboard (DE was 4th on Ubers at one point) in Shoddy battle, and others who are not so experienced, such as Jirachinick and Ice_Master.

Here is going to be the section you guys will want to pay attention most to at the end of the week and the battle is done: The warstory section! I will request at least 48 hours in order to get commentary from both sides to insert after moves and regrets, good moves, and MVP's on their team if they want.

History log:

Ground rules:
1. The people battling will decide on the style. If they cannot, I will by random choice.
2. Match-ups should happen anytime from Thursday-Friday. If the battle does not happen, the second battler will be replaced by the person who recieved the second-highest amount of votes in the second poll.
3. You may not chat during the battle. Only the people battling may chat. If you do chat, be warned: You will be kicked by a mod.
4. Please follow the standard pokebeach rules, please!

Please enjoy this program and everything it has to offer!
~Joeypals!! and Jirachinick, Weekly Battle Stories staff
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Er... I didn't agree to this, please take my name off of the poll.

Good luck with this thread though.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

I got to #19 on uberss leaderboard too =| Anyway, looks like i'm the favorite!
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Well I couldn't vote for myself so I decided to vote for you since I felt you would be the hardest challenge. No offense to anyone else.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Umm... I do not know how to take people off bacon. And I am voting now.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Bacon was taken off by whoever. lol, of course DE and PDC are being voted for(not me :( ) lol, anyway, good luck to whoever is voted for
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Hooray for me not being in the poll!

Anyways, good luck with this, I think this could newer battlers a lot. We're also a bit short of War Stories on Pokebeach.

Just a recommendation, if the two weekly participants can agree on it, an additional video war story could be nice as well. The match would be recorded, and later the two players could comment, and narrate. Then you could put it on Youtube and get more attention.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Very true. Thing is that I do not have a YouTube Account, so yeah... Someone else would have to record and put it on Youtube.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

WOW I got a vote lolz I think this is gonna be very fun Joey And Nick.Oh and I voted for Joey : P
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

It says dmaster voted for you too, but it did not count for some reason. Oh well.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

Juliacoolo said:
Hooray for me not being in the poll!

Anyways, good luck with this, I think this could newer battlers a lot. We're also a bit short of War Stories on Pokebeach.

Just a recommendation, if the two weekly participants can agree on it, an additional video war story could be nice as well. The match would be recorded, and later the two players could comment, and narrate. Then you could put it on Youtube and get more attention.

That's what we like to call, the Battle of the Week! :p That would just make two completely similar threads, and the BOTW was there first. Other than that, good luck to this thread.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

lol, I hope this goes well(nobody votes for me) Thanks for the support of the thread you guys! I hope all that don't understand this will understand this after the first battle
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

I voted for bacon, but he got deleted, so that's why the vote was messed up.

dmaster out.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

@dmaster: Move your vote to count if you want.
@Everyone: Poll 1 will end in two days!
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

I can't revote again so yeah. I'll just vote for PDC. XD

dmaster out.
RE: Weekly Battle Stories!

I voted for Joeypals!!....

Saw your battle once. i think i could take you down....

Anyways.... this seems cool. I will stick around here just cuz im not "good enough" for the Pokebeach Battle of the Week