Weekly Breakdown! Week 2, Rayeels!


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Rayeels! Swimming through tier 1

So here it is! My second weekly breakdown of a deck. This time we are going to take a look at the Rayeels deck!
From my experience with the first breakdown (which you can find if you follow this link:) I have learned that quiet a few things could be added in, for an example the diffrent %-chance for beating the other decks in the meta and telling you how to beat the diffrent decks in the meta.

I AM ALSO WORKING ON A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, where I will make a video with all of my breakdowns and upload them to Youtube, there will also be vlogs from tournaments, gameplays from both real life and PTCGO (Pokemon Trading Card Game Online), and much much more! Other people from Denmark will also be helping me out.

The Rayeels deck focus on the unlimited damage combo between Eelektrik with Dyna Motor, and Rayquaza EXss attack Dragon burst, which lets you discard either all the {f} or all the {L} energies. The point with this deck is of course to discard your {L} energies with Computer Search, Juniper, Ultra ball, and Rayquaza's attack. You dicard your {L} energies then you Dyna Motor them back onto your Rayquaza EX and this will result in a minimum of 180 (160 if they have eviolite on a basic pokemon) each turn, keeping in mind that you have at least 2 eels on your bench and a {L} energy in your hand each turn. This means that you are able to OHKO every single ex in the game, as long as they don't have an eviolite attatched. this makes it a all around good attacker against any deck you could ever face in the current meta's tier 1 and 2. But, Rayquaza and his eels can't do it all on their own, they need help. And they will get that help from pokemons like Zekrom, Raikou EX, and The normal Rayquaza {dra}. Keep in mind that these are MY must-have-in-deck "helpers" and can be changed depending on your play style, and your tech cards.

This is a skeleton of the deck:

13 Pokemons:

4 Tynamo NVI 38

Simply because 30 HP is a bad thing with landorus around and the fact that paralyzing on turn 1 seems a pretty solid start (if you have to) since you won't be able to hit hard the first turn.

3 Eelektrik NVI

There is no Rayeels without eels. To be able to Dyna Motor your used energies back is a nice way to keep a damage circel, which is hitting for 180 per turn, going on and on. A 4-4 line on this seems obvious.

3 Rayquaza EX

I am not saying that you will need 3 Rayquazas, but since this is your primary attacker and starter you wonna up the chance of starting with it and not having it prized. Only playing 2 and having 1 prized is almost an auto lose. And with 3 you can also discard 1 without worries with your Ultra Ball, Juniper, Computer Search and other trainer cards.

1 Rayquaza DV

Well you need something for those darn Sigilyphs, and why not just use a Pokemon which helps you in the mirror match to? Rayquaza is a perfect card for this deck, it hits for a safe 90 Shred, it can OHKO Swablu, Gible, Deino, and Tynamo which gives this deck the turn 1 win ability with Dragon Pulse! Shred can OHKO an opposing Rayquaza EX, even if it has Eviolite on it since Shred goes through that kind of stuff. Rayquaza is an amazing card for this deck as I said earlier. With 120 HP, the possibilty to at maximum 2HKO every single EX in the current format, and only giving away a single prize when KO'ed, this card is a must in this deck IMO.

1 Raikou EX

I honestly don't like this card that much, but I can't say that it isn't needed. You have absolutely nothing to snipe pokemon which you weren't capable of OHKO'ing. This is where Raikou steps in and fires his Volt Bolt for a nice prize or 2. 100 damage to any pokemon on your opponents side of the field for the cost of all the {L} energies which are attatched to your Raikou EX, this seems as a fair trade when you play eels to get the {L} energies back. It is also capable of OHKO a Tornadus EX with an Eviolite OR Aspertia City Gym in play, Keep in mind it can't OHKO it if Eviolite AND Aspertia City Gym is in play at the same time.

That should do it for the Pokemons. On to the Trainers!

30 Trainers:

4 Juniper

It is the best supporter for this deck. Being able to Discard all your {L} energies and then draw 7 new cards is a nice way to get started.

4 N

In the late game, you won't need that many cards since it this is a "rence and repeat" kind of deck. So being able to max out N is a great thing, also because you probably will start of by giving away a prize or 2.

2 Skyla

Being able to search for any trainer is insane with this deck. You could find a Level Ball for your eels, a Ultra Ball for your Rayquaza, eels and/or to discard some energies, a catcher for a vital KO, Max Potion for some heal, Eviolite to survive for the next turn, and much much more. The possibilities are endless with Skyla and this deck.

3 Bianca/Cheren

The endless battle between Bianca and Cheren. I believe that Bianca is better in 90% of the decks in this format since the most decks has a playstyle which goes through discarding or playing a lot of cards and then play their supporter (Keldeo/Blastoise, Darkrai variants etc.), but we will save that discussion for another time. Bianca seems the best card for this deck since you play Computer Search, Ultra Ball, Level Ball, and many other cards which keeps your hand from growing over 4. For that reason I see Bianca as the better play in a Rayeels deck.

3 Ultra Ball

Discarding and being able to find the pokemon you need. Again, this is a perfect card for this deck and I se no reason AT ALL not to play at least 3 copies of this card in a Rayeels deck.

3 Level Ball

This card helps you find your Tynamo and your eels. You might want to play 4 copies of this, I know for a certain that I would but it is fine to only play 3 if you need that single tech card. 4 is a fantastic amount but 3 also works.

2 Eviolite

This card seems to be removed from all Rayeels deck and I see no reason at all why people would remove these gifts send from god from their respective owner. Eviolite turns your Rayquaza into a OHKO'ing machine which will leave the field after a minimum of 2 hits from any pokemon EX beside a Mewtwo EX with 9 energies or a keldeo EX with 7 {W} energies attatched. This card has to be in any version of Rayeels. It is gods will!

1 Super Rod

Since Landorus EX is around, you might have to face the fact that you will lose quiet a bit of your eels, so you want to have a way to get them back. Super Rod lets you shuffle in 3 pokemons, energies or a combo of those 2 type of cards, into your deck from your dicard pile.

2 Skyarrow Bridge

Okay so in a perfect world, (which isn't very unlikly with this deck) you want to have 3 eels and a Rayquaza EX with a {R} energy on your bench and a Rayquaza EX with a {R} energy as your active and you want to have Skyarrow Bridge in play. If this is your setup, then you pretty much have the game in your hand. You are capable of dealing a minimum of 180 dmg per turn, by using Dyna Motor three times on your benched Rayquaza EX then attatch a lighting energy from your hand IF it is necessary, if it ain't then don't waste it. If they play a eviolite to an EX and you are only capable of dealing 160 since they have Eviolite attatched, then you might get into a tough situation. But simply just rence and repeat the above and you should do fine in any EX match-up.

3 Pokemon Catcher

Catchering out Pokemons which your opponent tries to power up, will win the games for you anytime. Catcher is a broken card and has to be in every deck. Not much explanation has to be done here.

1 Tool Scrapper

This card can save you an energy vs. any EX in the current format. It is a must have in this deck since not being able to OHKO everything, might give your opponent the chance to win, which of course is bad.

1 Energy Retrieval

You might find this wierd, but it is a amazing card. Sometimes you might need some [R} or [L} energies and you have no way to get them back into your hand after you have used your Super Rod.

3 Switch

You probably won't attatch energies to your eels, unless you can afford it, and your Rayquaza DV also has a whopping 3 retreat cost, so switches are nice to have around since you can't Dyna Motor to your active Pokemon.

That is it for the most important trainers, on to the energy line.

12 Energies:

7 {L}
5 {R}

{L} for Dyna Motor and Rayquaza KOs, you want to discard {L} energies with Dragon Burst everytime unless you find a way to put your oppoent in a bad position by discarding your {R} energies.

Believe it or not. Their actually is some strategy when Choosing your {R} energies. Since they are so important for this deck make sure that every single {R} energy in your deck doesn't look the same as one of the others! Why is this a good thing to do? Because then you can keep track on how many {R} you still have in your deck without even searching through your deck. Let's say that you are in a late game scenario, your opponent, or yourself for that matter, plays an N. You know you will need at least one more {R} energy beside the one you already had in your hand before N was played. You draw your cards and you get a {R} among them. But if they all are from the same set and looks like each other. then you can't be sure if you have more {R} energies in your deck. no matter the chance of you drawing the same card from the N as you had before the N there still is a percentage of a chance of that happening. This strategy could be used with every single card as long as you have the same amount of different copies of the card as the amount of spots this specific card has in your deck.

Keep in mind that this is MY version of a skeleton list of the Rayeels deck, it can change from player to player.
Pokemons are done, trainers are done, and energies are done. 12+32+12= 56, so we have 4 free spots for tech cards.

Now when we are done with that, lets take a look at the diffrent match-ups.

Match-up list:

Keep in mind that these are from my personal experiences.

the first mention number in percentage is Rayeels and the second number is the opposing deck.

VS. Darkrai variants 55%-45%

Their only hope is to KO your eels before you get setup, if they succeed, then you will have a hard time winning, if they don't succeed, then you have the game wrapt up in your hand. But keep in mind that Darkrai can setup really REALLY fast! But if you go first, you should do fine. put your tynamos on the bench in pairs, don't drop them alone then they are easy targets.

You want to play the normal strategy, setup for eels as faster as possible and start hitting hard with Rayquaza EX as fast as you can.

VS. Darkrai/Hydregion 60%-40%

The whole idea with Darkrai/Hydregion is to heal all the dmg of their Darkrais, but that isn't possibility when you OHKO everything. So, against Rayeels, Darkrai/Hydregion is like a Darkrai deck, just slower. But hydregion can still OHKO your Rayquaza's so watch out. In most cases in this match-up, eels is the fastest and if it is, it wins.

VS. Ho-oh variants 60%-40%

If you teched in Keldeo EX or Zekrom, then this should be easy unless they start of with a landorus EX, then you have a hard time. But since it plays so many basics, then it is quiet hard to hit the 1 Landorus EX.

VS. Empoleon 40%-60%

Not much to do against this deck, since it takes two prizes every time you take one.
Your only shot is to KO their basics with Rayquaza DV for some easy prizes before they setup and then start hitting with Rayquaza EX when it is safe to trade prizes. Raikou EX could also do some wonders. Thunder Fang for those small piplups then follow up with Volt Bolt.

VS. Keldeo/Blastoise 55%-45%

It is always a good idea to go for those small Squirtles if you can, but if they have 2 of them on the bench, target Keldeo right away. You will pretty much win this game if you take the first two prizes. Fastest setup wins pretty much everytime, easy as that. But Rayeels is faster then Keldeo/blastoise that is why you probably is going to win this. If they setup faster then you, don't be scared. You can still win it since you are able to OHKO keldeos.

VS. Klingklang 95%-5% if the chance of you winning isn't bigger..

Klingklang is like hydregion just with diffrent attackers, aaand the fact that it is just as slow as Regigigas with slow start and all his speed in the bottom and with parahaxs on.

you are ready to take prizes from turn 2 maximum 3. Klingklang first gets started at round 3 or 4 also it will lose all its energies when its active gets KO'ed, it has nothing to OHKO you back, and even if it had you would take another 2 prizes the following turn.

VS. Tornadus EX/Garbador Variants 60%-40%

Raikou EX can OHKO Garbador and Tornadus EX unless they have Aspertia City Gym in play, and an Eviolite under Tornadus EX. Play your normal game, but focus a bit more on Raikou EX.

Landorus EX variants 35%-65%

Okay so we need math for this one. you have a 46,67% chance of starting with a Tynamo, not a lone Tynamo, but just to have a Tynamo in your starting hand. Lets say your opponent has 3 Landorus EXs in his deck, then he has a 35% chance of starting with a Landorus. That is math telling you that this is going to be hard! If he gets your Tynamos, then you are done.
the cards I would use as techs

Okay so I have 4 cards to do good with? Fine, +2 Zekroms since they are beasts in this deck compared to the EX version which is sooo bad! and this is a few facts why:

1. The normal Zekrom only gives away 1 prize.
2. The normal Zekrom can ohko Tornadus EX with 1 energy less then the EX version.
3. The Zekrom EX needs 1 more energy then the normal version to do anything usefull.
4. The normal Zekrom can hit turn after turn which they EX can't unless you use glinting claw (but why would you do that?), or if you waste a switch on it.
5. The normal Zekrom is a pokemon you can afford to start with.
6. . The normal Zekrom can be saved until you have to play it since it only needs 3 energies to attack, where the EX version has to be played the turn before you have to use it which, ruins the surprise element and might make your opponent change his way of playing making your Zekrom EX useless.
7. The normal Zekrom has a retreat cost of two where the EX version has a retreat cost of 3.
The 2. Tool Scrapper for secure 3 energy KO's on EXs and the 4th Eel for faster eel setup.

THAT will conclude this weeks breakdown! Thanks for taking your time reading through all of my content. Some of the cards might seem wierd to you but I place consistency over anything else, and mathematical, this is the most consistent way to play the deck.

Feedback is always appreciated, in PM's or in other replies to this thread. Cya!
I can see that the coding messed up so the {L} is lightning and the {R} is fire energies.

Thanks for the likes! I really love it :D
But some comments on some decks you would see next time would be awesome!
The main reason for this is also to start at discussion so lets go!
Bo$$_89 said:
Nice article. Maybe you should do Keldeo next.

Yeah I guess I could, it is the only deck I haven't tried out that much because I believe it is overhyped, but I will keep it in mind.

Since nobody (except bo$$) have been starting off a discussion then let me do it.
What kind of techs would you choose against the diffrent decks and why?
After playing this at a few cities, I'd like to point out a few things about the deck I feel you either forgot to mention, understated, or overstated:

-4-4 Eels is a must. All skeletons should have it as 4-4, not 4-3. I cannot stress this enough, your eels are your life, you need to be able to consistently stream them, no ifs, ands, or buts. I think you said this, but the "3 Eelektrik NVI" is misleading.

-TWave Tynamo's great, but I think the ideal split is 2-2 with Spark Tynamo (The one that does 10+10 to the bench). While it might seem crazy, it's amazing for hitting 10 Damage on things with just 10HP over the limit of a Dragon burst benchmark (knocks Terrakion into 2-energy range, Tornadus-EX into 3-energy Range (with Aspertia in play), etc). Paralysis is nice, but without fliptini cannot be relied upon, Victini being a liability in non-eviolite versions.

-2 Super Rods is a must. Again with the streaming of Eels, The freedom to discard one eel is a security that will win you games (same with discarding 1-of techs and fire energies). The added security of having more than just 3 cards you can save will be a blessing.

-Eviolite isn't the godsend you're making it out to be. In any deck not running Sableye, running only 2 tools is just asking for Tool Scrapper to ruin your day, and running 3+ is lowering your counts of important cards like Skyarrow Bridge and Switch. I found it unnessecary in my matches, made my opponent's Tool scrappers dead cards, and usually the opponent had the gear to 2KO my Quaza's anyways. I'm not saying it's useless, but it's not required either.

-With the second super rod, Energy Retrieval's a waste. Yes, I said it. I tested it, and hated ever drawing into it.

-You need 2 Tool Scrapper for Darkrai, garbador, landorus, and Keldeo decks. You have to be able to OHKO EXs when you want, and you can't do that if you had to remove an earlier tool or your Scrapper's prized. I tried 1 and hated it, tried 3 and found it too much. I highly recommend 2.

-Raikou is no longer the God of the deck as it once was. It has 2 uses: Killing Garbador when Tool Scrapper or catcher isn't an option, and winning the mirror match by killing Eels without wasting Catchers. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing card you can't work without, and he's been the reason I've won some of my matches (Like buying me one turn against a 1-Prize-left Shaymin needed to win), but he's not that good in this format.

-MEWTWO, MEWTWO, MEWTWO!!!!!! You need Mewtwo in this deck, at least 2. He's too good against the bigger threats of the format, he's a wonderful attacker that doesn't rely on Eels ONCE IT'S SET UP, and also forces your opponents to pull out their mewtwos (Against which your mewtwos kill or your Quaza has EX Meat). If anything, listen to this point: YOU CAN'T HAVE EELS WITHOUT MEWTWO!

-No mention of Max potion? In a deck based on discarding energies, high HP Basics, and reliance on discarded energies, I figured it'd be a staple. I can see it not being in the list with Eviolite, but max potion is so fun to pull on your opponents.

-Not as important as a few of my earlier points (Mostly because this is speculation, everything else I tested myself), but I missed having more than one DVQuaza in my deck. Might just be my area, which is Sigilyph-infested, but DVQuaza is just so useful and gives up only one prize.

Now that I have that out of the way, I'd like to take you on with the Tech options for the deck, the ones I've tested, and the results of said testing:

1. Fliptini is a great card in it's own respect, made Rayeels the dominant force at Fall Regionals, but it's fragile. I say it's a heck no if you're not running Eviolite, and a maybe if you are (depends on your Raikou Count and your inclusion of BKEX, which I'll get to later). Darkrai makes him 2 turns for a free prize WITHOUT CATCHER, same with LandaddyEX. Paralysis is nice, but with Switch being run more and Keldeo being popular, it's just not in Victini's favor.
2. Benchtini is one I wish I had tested more, one I wish was in my deck during cities, and one I advocate highly for. One prize, 100 Damage quite easily (your bench is rarely not full) for 2 energy, free retreat if you really need it (with SAB, obvs), and 70HP means Darkrai must dedicate 3 NS Residuals to it to knock it out (or one catcherKO, but it's at least not an eel). You run Fires already, I highly recommend this as a fast attacker of the deck and a one-prize option (or a less energy-extensive option than DVQuaza for Sigilyph).
3. Keldeo EX is my favorite card in Eels. With SAB, it's just one energy retreat, meaning sacrificing spare dynamotors to it makes future dynamotors successful, makes catcherstalling eels near impossible, and in a pinch Keldeo can attack for Electric. If you run Keldeo, I recommend 3/5 of your fires actually be Prisms (I didn't because my testing partner loved Enhanced Hammer) to make taking care of Landorus that much easier (If you somehow get 2 Prisms on Keldeo, you're set against Landorus). If you run prisms for this, you open up a plethora of other attackers you can use as well.
4. BKEX is decent. With prisms, you have a way of hitting 150 damage per turn (just Rush in+Retreat with Keldeo to attack each turn) without discarding. Yes, it's a lame attempt against fast setup decks, but against stuff like Terrakion, it's nice. I DON'T recommend it, though.
5. Terrakion is a card that can work, but requires you to draw into the right 2 cards and be facing the right deck to be useful, something I don't particularly like. If you can keep him a secret, have a prism in your hand, have a free dynamotor next turn, AND are facing Darkrai, then Terrakion's good; in other cases, just keeping the fire going with Quaza, DVQuaza, or even Benchtini I said above will be better without wasting your valuable prisms. If your area's loaded with darkrai, go ahead, otherwise no.
6. ShayminEX is like Terrakion, just better for Late-game and against Keldeo-heavy areas. Shaymin can come down and lay the hurt on the opponent in the late game if need be, can put serious pressure on your opponent, and can be surprised (If you have an eel in play). It's fragility makes it a liability any other time (except for deterring from Eels, which I guess is nice), so use it and see if it fits your deck.
7. Giant Cape. Yes, tool scrapper exists, but this helps the matchup against Darkrai, Eels, and Keldeo easier. Darkrai's forced to 2KO Eel (or use a tool scrapper), meaning your opponent's catchers will cause less pressure (remember Keldeo, or switch even). Eels will be forced to use Rayquaza to trade kills (DVQuaza doesn't OHKO Cape'd Quaza, making it not an even prize trade) AND your opponent can't just steal momentum by Sniping your Eels with Raikou. Keldeo is my favorite use of the card, as (while admittedly achieved with Eviolite too), Keldeo's forced to drop 7 energies to OHKO Rayquaza, making Mewtwo a clean 2-energy return KO (putting you in a favorable position 9/10 times). Again, Tool Scrapper exists, so take its boons with a grain of salt; it failed to make the final cut in my deck, so I could understand it missing out in yours.
8. Sigilyph. I haven't tested him, but in theory he is great for blocking EXs just like your opponents, takes down opposing Sigilyphs (and scary mewtwos if you have the resources), free retreater if that sways you, and non-EX factor and non-discarding factors are important too.

I hope this isn't a wall of text and that I could genuinely contribute to the discussion. Please don't take my earlier points as insulting your skills, I just feel those aspects are vital to the Eel strategy and shouldn't be misinterpreted to more unfamiliar players of the deck; we are trying to analyze what makes eels great, no?
Deoxysmatter said:
After playing this at a few cities, I'd like to point out a few things about the deck I feel you either forgot to mention, understated, or overstated:

-4-4 Eels is a must. All skeletons should have it as 4-4, not 4-3. I cannot stress this enough, your eels are your life, you need to be able to consistently stream them, no ifs, ands, or buts. I think you said this, but the "3 Eelektrik NVI" is misleading.

-TWave Tynamo's great, but I think the ideal split is 2-2 with Spark Tynamo (The one that does 10+10 to the bench). While it might seem crazy, it's amazing for hitting 10 Damage on things with just 10HP over the limit of a Dragon burst benchmark (knocks Terrakion into 2-energy range, Tornadus-EX into 3-energy Range (with Aspertia in play), etc). Paralysis is nice, but without fliptini cannot be relied upon, Victini being a liability in non-eviolite versions.

-2 Super Rods is a must. Again with the streaming of Eels, The freedom to discard one eel is a security that will win you games (same with discarding 1-of techs and fire energies). The added security of having more than just 3 cards you can save will be a blessing.

-Eviolite isn't the godsend you're making it out to be. In any deck not running Sableye, running only 2 tools is just asking for Tool Scrapper to ruin your day, and running 3+ is lowering your counts of important cards like Skyarrow Bridge and Switch. I found it unnessecary in my matches, made my opponent's Tool scrappers dead cards, and usually the opponent had the gear to 2KO my Quaza's anyways. I'm not saying it's useless, but it's not required either.

-With the second super rod, Energy Retrieval's a waste. Yes, I said it. I tested it, and hated ever drawing into it.

-You need 2 Tool Scrapper for Darkrai, garbador, landorus, and Keldeo decks. You have to be able to OHKO EXs when you want, and you can't do that if you had to remove an earlier tool or your Scrapper's prized. I tried 1 and hated it, tried 3 and found it too much. I highly recommend 2.

-Raikou is no longer the God of the deck as it once was. It has 2 uses: Killing Garbador when Tool Scrapper or catcher isn't an option, and winning the mirror match by killing Eels without wasting Catchers. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing card you can't work without, and he's been the reason I've won some of my matches (Like buying me one turn against a 1-Prize-left Shaymin needed to win), but he's not that good in this format.

-MEWTWO, MEWTWO, MEWTWO!!!!!! You need Mewtwo in this deck, at least 2. He's too good against the bigger threats of the format, he's a wonderful attacker that doesn't rely on Eels ONCE IT'S SET UP, and also forces your opponents to pull out their mewtwos (Against which your mewtwos kill or your Quaza has EX Meat). If anything, listen to this point: YOU CAN'T HAVE EELS WITHOUT MEWTWO!

-No mention of Max potion? In a deck based on discarding energies, high HP Basics, and reliance on discarded energies, I figured it'd be a staple. I can see it not being in the list with Eviolite, but max potion is so fun to pull on your opponents.

-Not as important as a few of my earlier points (Mostly because this is speculation, everything else I tested myself), but I missed having more than one DVQuaza in my deck. Might just be my area, which is Sigilyph-infested, but DVQuaza is just so useful and gives up only one prize.

Now that I have that out of the way, I'd like to take you on with the Tech options for the deck, the ones I've tested, and the results of said testing:

1. Fliptini is a great card in it's own respect, made Rayeels the dominant force at Fall Regionals, but it's fragile. I say it's a heck no if you're not running Eviolite, and a maybe if you are (depends on your Raikou Count and your inclusion of BKEX, which I'll get to later). Darkrai makes him 2 turns for a free prize WITHOUT CATCHER, same with LandaddyEX. Paralysis is nice, but with Switch being run more and Keldeo being popular, it's just not in Victini's favor.
2. Benchtini is one I wish I had tested more, one I wish was in my deck during cities, and one I advocate highly for. One prize, 100 Damage quite easily (your bench is rarely not full) for 2 energy, free retreat if you really need it (with SAB, obvs), and 70HP means Darkrai must dedicate 3 NS Residuals to it to knock it out (or one catcherKO, but it's at least not an eel). You run Fires already, I highly recommend this as a fast attacker of the deck and a one-prize option (or a less energy-extensive option than DVQuaza for Sigilyph).
3. Keldeo EX is my favorite card in Eels. With SAB, it's just one energy retreat, meaning sacrificing spare dynamotors to it makes future dynamotors successful, makes catcherstalling eels near impossible, and in a pinch Keldeo can attack for Electric. If you run Keldeo, I recommend 3/5 of your fires actually be Prisms (I didn't because my testing partner loved Enhanced Hammer) to make taking care of Landorus that much easier (If you somehow get 2 Prisms on Keldeo, you're set against Landorus). If you run prisms for this, you open up a plethora of other attackers you can use as well.
4. BKEX is decent. With prisms, you have a way of hitting 150 damage per turn (just Rush in+Retreat with Keldeo to attack each turn) without discarding. Yes, it's a lame attempt against fast setup decks, but against stuff like Terrakion, it's nice. I DON'T recommend it, though.
5. Terrakion is a card that can work, but requires you to draw into the right 2 cards and be facing the right deck to be useful, something I don't particularly like. If you can keep him a secret, have a prism in your hand, have a free dynamotor next turn, AND are facing Darkrai, then Terrakion's good; in other cases, just keeping the fire going with Quaza, DVQuaza, or even Benchtini I said above will be better without wasting your valuable prisms. If your area's loaded with darkrai, go ahead, otherwise no.
6. ShayminEX is like Terrakion, just better for Late-game and against Keldeo-heavy areas. Shaymin can come down and lay the hurt on the opponent in the late game if need be, can put serious pressure on your opponent, and can be surprised (If you have an eel in play). It's fragility makes it a liability any other time (except for deterring from Eels, which I guess is nice), so use it and see if it fits your deck.
7. Giant Cape. Yes, tool scrapper exists, but this helps the matchup against Darkrai, Eels, and Keldeo easier. Darkrai's forced to 2KO Eel (or use a tool scrapper), meaning your opponent's catchers will cause less pressure (remember Keldeo, or switch even). Eels will be forced to use Rayquaza to trade kills (DVQuaza doesn't OHKO Cape'd Quaza, making it not an even prize trade) AND your opponent can't just steal momentum by Sniping your Eels with Raikou. Keldeo is my favorite use of the card, as (while admittedly achieved with Eviolite too), Keldeo's forced to drop 7 energies to OHKO Rayquaza, making Mewtwo a clean 2-energy return KO (putting you in a favorable position 9/10 times). Again, Tool Scrapper exists, so take its boons with a grain of salt; it failed to make the final cut in my deck, so I could understand it missing out in yours.
8. Sigilyph. I haven't tested him, but in theory he is great for blocking EXs just like your opponents, takes down opposing Sigilyphs (and scary mewtwos if you have the resources), free retreater if that sways you, and non-EX factor and non-discarding factors are important too.

I hope this isn't a wall of text and that I could genuinely contribute to the discussion. Please don't take my earlier points as insulting your skills, I just feel those aspects are vital to the Eel strategy and shouldn't be misinterpreted to more unfamiliar players of the deck; we are trying to analyze what makes eels great, no?

First of all its great that you comment on the things I've said, and that you went so in depth with it. For that, you have my thanks!

Second of all, 2 Super Rods isn't a must, it depends on how you play this deck. Discarding an eel is never the best way to go around things so you should not discard it unless it is an absolute must!

Third, I believe I said that 4 eels is the best way to go around this deck, but it isn't a super must. You will need it in many occasions yes, but if you don't discard them, then it is okay to only have 3 in the deck.

Fourth, Mewtwo is in no way a must, it is amazingly good yes, but Rayquaza EX can OHKO everything so Mewtwo isn't need as much as it could.

Fifth Keldeo is good no doubt it saves you switch and I totally agree with you saying that it is a fantastic card for this deck.

Sixth, Shaymin EX and Terrakion were in my first version of this decks breakdown I just forgot to list them again I think.

Seventh, Giant Cape? Well, uhm, I guess you could? But it just doesn't seem worth it.

eighth, Sigi? I don't like that, no need to block any Pokemon you can OHKO with your main attacker.
I disagree with Mewtwo not being a must. The reason Rayeels has gotten worse with Landorus around is because Raquaza EX is 100% reliant on Eelektrik. If you don't have multiple Eels out, you don't attack. Also Blastoise is everywhere in this format. For a Keldeo EX to 1 Shot a Rayquaza EX it will only take your Mewtwo 3 energy to hit them back. 2 If you make them attach another to break through eviolite. Mewtwo is too good with Eels not to run it. You will loose 100% of the time if they deny your Eels and you don't have anything else besides Rayquaza EX.
exdarkrai01 said:
I disagree with Mewtwo not being a must. The reason Rayeels has gotten worse with Landorus around is because Raquaza EX is 100% reliant on Eelektrik. If you don't have multiple Eels out, you don't attack. Also Blastoise is everywhere in this format. For a Keldeo EX to 1 Shot a Rayquaza EX it will only take your Mewtwo 3 energy to hit them back. 2 If you make them attach another to break through eviolite. Mewtwo is too good with Eels not to run it. You will loose 100% of the time if they deny your Eels and you don't have anything else besides Rayquaza EX.

Hmm, true. Can't disagree with the fact that it is the best card for the deck against Landorus.
But against Keldeo? they will need 6 energies, 7 if you have eviolite under it and you will probably do a OHKO back at them oif they manage to get that thing pumped up. If you KO a Keldeo with 7 energies, then your opponent will have a hard time OHKO'ing you back the following turn. if they'cant do that, then you win.
Keldeo EX is an awesome card in this deck no doubt at all. 4 Catchers isn't a must since you can OHKO anything, and you would only need them for important KO's.
The next breakdown will be up this Sunday! You can still come with your wishes if you have any specific deck you would like to see a breakdown of.
Baby_BI said:
Rayeels! Swimming through tier 1

So here it is! My second weekly breakdown of a deck. This time we are going to take a look at the Rayeels deck!
From my experience with the first breakdown (which you can find if you follow this link:) I have learned that quiet a few things could be added in, for an example the diffrent %-chance for beating the other decks in the meta and telling you how to beat the diffrent decks in the meta.

I AM ALSO WORKING ON A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT, where I will make a video with all of my breakdowns and upload them to Youtube, there will also be vlogs from tournaments, gameplays from both real life and PTCGO (Pokemon Trading Card Game Online), and much much more! Other people from Denmark will also be helping me out.

The Rayeels deck focus on the unlimited damage combo between Eelektrik with Dyna Motor, and Rayquaza EXss attack Dragon burst, which lets you discard either all the {f} or all the {L} energies. The point with this deck is of course to discard your {L} energies with Computer Search, Juniper, Ultra ball, and Rayquaza's attack. You dicard your {L} energies then you Dyna Motor them back onto your Rayquaza EX and this will result in a minimum of 180 (160 if they have eviolite on a basic pokemon) each turn, keeping in mind that you have at least 2 eels on your bench and a {L} energy in your hand each turn. This means that you are able to OHKO every single ex in the game, as long as they don't have an eviolite attatched. this makes it a all around good attacker against any deck you could ever face in the current meta's tier 1 and 2. But, Rayquaza and his eels can't do it all on their own, they need help. And they will get that help from pokemons like Zekrom, Raikou EX, and The normal Rayquaza {dra}. Keep in mind that these are MY must-have-in-deck "helpers" and can be changed depending on your play style, and your tech cards.

This is a skeleton of the deck:

13 Pokemons:

4 Tynamo NVI 38

Simply because 30 HP is a bad thing with landorus around and the fact that paralyzing on turn 1 seems a pretty solid start (if you have to) since you won't be able to hit hard the first turn.

3 Eelektrik NVI

There is no Rayeels without eels. To be able to Dyna Motor your used energies back is a nice way to keep a damage circel, which is hitting for 180 per turn, going on and on. A 4-4 line on this seems obvious.

3 Rayquaza EX

I am not saying that you will need 3 Rayquazas, but since this is your primary attacker and starter you wonna up the chance of starting with it and not having it prized. Only playing 2 and having 1 prized is almost an auto lose. And with 3 you can also discard 1 without worries with your Ultra Ball, Juniper, Computer Search and other trainer cards.

1 Rayquaza DV

Well you need something for those darn Sigilyphs, and why not just use a Pokemon which helps you in the mirror match to? Rayquaza is a perfect card for this deck, it hits for a safe 90 Shred, it can OHKO Swablu, Gible, Deino, and Tynamo which gives this deck the turn 1 win ability with Dragon Pulse! Shred can OHKO an opposing Rayquaza EX, even if it has Eviolite on it since Shred goes through that kind of stuff. Rayquaza is an amazing card for this deck as I said earlier. With 120 HP, the possibilty to at maximum 2HKO every single EX in the current format, and only giving away a single prize when KO'ed, this card is a must in this deck IMO.

1 Raikou EX

I honestly don't like this card that much, but I can't say that it isn't needed. You have absolutely nothing to snipe pokemon which you weren't capable of OHKO'ing. This is where Raikou steps in and fires his Volt Bolt for a nice prize or 2. 100 damage to any pokemon on your opponents side of the field for the cost of all the {L} energies which are attatched to your Raikou EX, this seems as a fair trade when you play eels to get the {L} energies back. It is also capable of OHKO a Tornadus EX with an Eviolite OR Aspertia City Gym in play, Keep in mind it can't OHKO it if Eviolite AND Aspertia City Gym is in play at the same time.

That should do it for the Pokemons. On to the Trainers!

30 Trainers:

4 Juniper

It is the best supporter for this deck. Being able to Discard all your {L} energies and then draw 7 new cards is a nice way to get started.

4 N

In the late game, you won't need that many cards since it this is a "rence and repeat" kind of deck. So being able to max out N is a great thing, also because you probably will start of by giving away a prize or 2.

2 Skyla

Being able to search for any trainer is insane with this deck. You could find a Level Ball for your eels, a Ultra Ball for your Rayquaza, eels and/or to discard some energies, a catcher for a vital KO, Max Potion for some heal, Eviolite to survive for the next turn, and much much more. The possibilities are endless with Skyla and this deck.

3 Bianca/Cheren

The endless battle between Bianca and Cheren. I believe that Bianca is better in 90% of the decks in this format since the most decks has a playstyle which goes through discarding or playing a lot of cards and then play their supporter (Keldeo/Blastoise, Darkrai variants etc.), but we will save that discussion for another time. Bianca seems the best card for this deck since you play Computer Search, Ultra Ball, Level Ball, and many other cards which keeps your hand from growing over 4. For that reason I see Bianca as the better play in a Rayeels deck.

3 Ultra Ball

Discarding and being able to find the pokemon you need. Again, this is a perfect card for this deck and I se no reason AT ALL not to play at least 3 copies of this card in a Rayeels deck.

3 Level Ball

This card helps you find your Tynamo and your eels. You might want to play 4 copies of this, I know for a certain that I would but it is fine to only play 3 if you need that single tech card. 4 is a fantastic amount but 3 also works.

2 Eviolite

This card seems to be removed from all Rayeels deck and I see no reason at all why people would remove these gifts send from god from their respective owner. Eviolite turns your Rayquaza into a OHKO'ing machine which will leave the field after a minimum of 2 hits from any pokemon EX beside a Mewtwo EX with 9 energies or a keldeo EX with 7 {W} energies attatched. This card has to be in any version of Rayeels. It is gods will!

1 Super Rod

Since Landorus EX is around, you might have to face the fact that you will lose quiet a bit of your eels, so you want to have a way to get them back. Super Rod lets you shuffle in 3 pokemons, energies or a combo of those 2 type of cards, into your deck from your dicard pile.

2 Skyarrow Bridge

Okay so in a perfect world, (which isn't very unlikly with this deck) you want to have 3 eels and a Rayquaza EX with a {R} energy on your bench and a Rayquaza EX with a {R} energy as your active and you want to have Skyarrow Bridge in play. If this is your setup, then you pretty much have the game in your hand. You are capable of dealing a minimum of 180 dmg per turn, by using Dyna Motor three times on your benched Rayquaza EX then attatch a lighting energy from your hand IF it is necessary, if it ain't then don't waste it. If they play a eviolite to an EX and you are only capable of dealing 160 since they have Eviolite attatched, then you might get into a tough situation. But simply just rence and repeat the above and you should do fine in any EX match-up.

3 Pokemon Catcher

Catchering out Pokemons which your opponent tries to power up, will win the games for you anytime. Catcher is a broken card and has to be in every deck. Not much explanation has to be done here.

1 Tool Scrapper

This card can save you an energy vs. any EX in the current format. It is a must have in this deck since not being able to OHKO everything, might give your opponent the chance to win, which of course is bad.

1 Energy Retrieval

You might find this wierd, but it is a amazing card. Sometimes you might need some [R} or [L} energies and you have no way to get them back into your hand after you have used your Super Rod.

3 Switch

You probably won't attatch energies to your eels, unless you can afford it, and your Rayquaza DV also has a whopping 3 retreat cost, so switches are nice to have around since you can't Dyna Motor to your active Pokemon.

That is it for the most important trainers, on to the energy line.

12 Energies:

7 {L}
5 {R}

{L} for Dyna Motor and Rayquaza KOs, you want to discard {L} energies with Dragon Burst everytime unless you find a way to put your oppoent in a bad position by discarding your {R} energies.

Believe it or not. Their actually is some strategy when Choosing your {R} energies. Since they are so important for this deck make sure that every single {R} energy in your deck doesn't look the same as one of the others! Why is this a good thing to do? Because then you can keep track on how many {R} you still have in your deck without even searching through your deck. Let's say that you are in a late game scenario, your opponent, or yourself for that matter, plays an N. You know you will need at least one more {R} energy beside the one you already had in your hand before N was played. You draw your cards and you get a {R} among them. But if they all are from the same set and looks like each other. then you can't be sure if you have more {R} energies in your deck. no matter the chance of you drawing the same card from the N as you had before the N there still is a percentage of a chance of that happening. This strategy could be used with every single card as long as you have the same amount of different copies of the card as the amount of spots this specific card has in your deck.

Keep in mind that this is MY version of a skeleton list of the Rayeels deck, it can change from player to player.
Pokemons are done, trainers are done, and energies are done. 12+32+12= 56, so we have 4 free spots for tech cards.

Now when we are done with that, lets take a look at the diffrent match-ups.

Match-up list:

Keep in mind that these are from my personal experiences.

the first mention number in percentage is Rayeels and the second number is the opposing deck.

VS. Darkrai variants 55%-45%

Their only hope is to KO your eels before you get setup, if they succeed, then you will have a hard time winning, if they don't succeed, then you have the game wrapt up in your hand. But keep in mind that Darkrai can setup really REALLY fast! But if you go first, you should do fine. put your tynamos on the bench in pairs, don't drop them alone then they are easy targets.

You want to play the normal strategy, setup for eels as faster as possible and start hitting hard with Rayquaza EX as fast as you can.

VS. Darkrai/Hydregion 60%-40%

The whole idea with Darkrai/Hydregion is to heal all the dmg of their Darkrais, but that isn't possibility when you OHKO everything. So, against Rayeels, Darkrai/Hydregion is like a Darkrai deck, just slower. But hydregion can still OHKO your Rayquaza's so watch out. In most cases in this match-up, eels is the fastest and if it is, it wins.

VS. Ho-oh variants 60%-40%

If you teched in Keldeo EX or Zekrom, then this should be easy unless they start of with a landorus EX, then you have a hard time. But since it plays so many basics, then it is quiet hard to hit the 1 Landorus EX.

VS. Empoleon 40%-60%

Not much to do against this deck, since it takes two prizes every time you take one.
Your only shot is to KO their basics with Rayquaza DV for some easy prizes before they setup and then start hitting with Rayquaza EX when it is safe to trade prizes. Raikou EX could also do some wonders. Thunder Fang for those small piplups then follow up with Volt Bolt.

VS. Keldeo/Blastoise 55%-45%

It is always a good idea to go for those small Squirtles if you can, but if they have 2 of them on the bench, target Keldeo right away. You will pretty much win this game if you take the first two prizes. Fastest setup wins pretty much everytime, easy as that. But Rayeels is faster then Keldeo/blastoise that is why you probably is going to win this. If they setup faster then you, don't be scared. You can still win it since you are able to OHKO keldeos.

VS. Klingklang 95%-5% if the chance of you winning isn't bigger..

Klingklang is like hydregion just with diffrent attackers, aaand the fact that it is just as slow as Regigigas with slow start and all his speed in the bottom and with parahaxs on.

you are ready to take prizes from turn 2 maximum 3. Klingklang first gets started at round 3 or 4 also it will lose all its energies when its active gets KO'ed, it has nothing to OHKO you back, and even if it had you would take another 2 prizes the following turn.

VS. Tornadus EX/Garbador Variants 60%-40%

Raikou EX can OHKO Garbador and Tornadus EX unless they have Aspertia City Gym in play, and an Eviolite under Tornadus EX. Play your normal game, but focus a bit more on Raikou EX.

Landorus EX variants 35%-65%

Okay so we need math for this one. you have a 46,67% chance of starting with a Tynamo, not a lone Tynamo, but just to have a Tynamo in your starting hand. Lets say your opponent has 3 Landorus EXs in his deck, then he has a 35% chance of starting with a Landorus. That is math telling you that this is going to be hard! If he gets your Tynamos, then you are done.
the cards I would use as techs

Okay so I have 4 cards to do good with? Fine, +2 Zekroms since they are beasts in this deck compared to the EX version which is sooo bad! and this is a few facts why:

1. The normal Zekrom only gives away 1 prize.
2. The normal Zekrom can ohko Tornadus EX with 1 energy less then the EX version.
3. The Zekrom EX needs 1 more energy then the normal version to do anything usefull.
4. The normal Zekrom can hit turn after turn which they EX can't unless you use glinting claw (but why would you do that?), or if you waste a switch on it.
5. The normal Zekrom is a pokemon you can afford to start with.
6. . The normal Zekrom can be saved until you have to play it since it only needs 3 energies to attack, where the EX version has to be played the turn before you have to use it which, ruins the surprise element and might make your opponent change his way of playing making your Zekrom EX useless.
7. The normal Zekrom has a retreat cost of two where the EX version has a retreat cost of 3.
The 2. Tool Scrapper for secure 3 energy KO's on EXs and the 4th Eel for faster eel setup.

THAT will conclude this weeks breakdown! Thanks for taking your time reading through all of my content. Some of the cards might seem wierd to you but I place consistency over anything else, and mathematical, this is the most consistent way to play the deck.

Feedback is always appreciated, in PM's or in other replies to this thread. Cya!

Why 3 catcher, not 4? just interested- is it personal preference?
cyndaquil2000 said:
Why 3 catcher, not 4? just interested- is it personal preference?

Since the purpose of the deck is to OHKO anything, then the 4th catcher isn't needed. You will need some for important KO's but your doesn't have the chance of switching a damaged Pokemon out since they won't have any.

If you play against Keldeo for an example, then you won't need that many catchers since they don't have anything that scary to make this a good match-up for them. You have your catchers so you can KO their Keldeo with a lot of energies, but at the same time they will be forced to have it as their active to attack you. So the 4th catcher ain't a must.
Baby_BI said:
cyndaquil2000 said:
Why 3 catcher, not 4? just interested- is it personal preference?

Since the purpose of the deck is to OHKO anything, then the 4th catcher isn't needed. You will need some for important KO's but your doesn't have the chance of switching a damaged Pokemon out since they won't have any.

If you play against Keldeo for an example, then you won't need that many catchers since they don't have anything that scary to make this a good match-up for them. You have your catchers so you can KO their Keldeo with a lot of energies, but at the same time they will be forced to have it as their active to attack you. So the 4th catcher ain't a must.
Ok, thx!
That's good for me anyhow cos I only have 3 catcher at the moment!
Thanks for the help!
Hey again! I got this amazing idea! I am going to a city championship here in Denmark tomorrow and I have decided to play Rayeels. I will show you my list and then after the tournament I am going to give you details on how it all worked out!

This is my list:

16 Pokemons:

2 Rayquaza EX
1 Rayquaza shiny
1 Raikou EX
2 Zekrom full art normal
2 Emolga
4 Eels
4 tynamo all with spark

31 Trainers:

1 Computer Search
2 Skyarrow bridge
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Super Rod
4 N
2 Switch
2 Tool Scrapper
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Skyla
4 Juniper
3 Bianca
2 Eviloite

13 Energies:

8 Lightning
5 Fire

Wish me luck!
I play 1 mewtwo EX, and in a few games I've played it has seriously helped. I reckon it would be a lot easier to play 1 Eviolite and 1 Max potion (I play 2 eviolite at the moment) because when your Rayquazas on the bench get damage because of attacks such as night spear or Raikou's attack (cant remember what it's called), you are in a tricky situation. Also, if your energy in the discard pile has all been dynamotored and you don't have enough energy to OHKO (this has happened to me), if Mewtwo EX is on the bench with 2 energy attached, you could switch for it. If the defending pokemon was one who needed a lot of energy to attack (say Hydreigon, etc.) then your Mewtwo could quite easily win the game for you!

Baby_BI said:
Hey again! I got this amazing idea! I am going to a city championship here in Denmark tomorrow and I have decided to play Rayeels. I will show you my list and then after the tournament I am going to give you details on how it all worked out!

This is my list:

16 Pokemons:

2 Rayquaza EX
1 Rayquaza shiny
1 Raikou EX
2 Zekrom full art normal
2 Emolga
4 Eels
4 tynamo all with spark

31 Trainers:

1 Computer Search
2 Skyarrow bridge
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Super Rod
4 N
2 Switch
2 Tool Scrapper
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Skyla
4 Juniper
3 Bianca
2 Eviloite

13 Energies:

8 Lightning
5 Fire

Wish me luck!

Good luck!!!
I was meant to be playing this deck at cities today, but due to health and safety reasons, it has been postponed for another month :( ... which means that I will have to change it quite a bit because of Plasma Storm :( there are only a few slight differences between your deck and my deck, but the main thing I noticed is you don't play mewtwo!
Good Luck!!!!:D:D:D
After playtesting, this deck revealed many things:
1. This deck should play 3 Level Ball. I have only been playing 2 and when you have to discard good cards (when you're hand is energyless) to get a Tynamo, it's a massive waste.
2. Emolga is good, but weak. Be careful with how many Emolga are on your bench. I play 2 Emolga, it seems to work OK.
3. With Emolga, sometimes 4 Ultra Ball isn't necessary. Playing 3 might be a good idea.
4. (this one is important) This deck needs Mewtwo EX. Mewtwo won me many games I played :)
5. 2 Eviolite is not necessary. even 1 is a bit pointless (in my opinion) in this deck, cos the whole point of the deck is to OHKO. So the changes I am going to make are:
-2 Eviolite. And +1 Thundurus, +1 Level Ball.
Maybe -1 Ultra Ball, I haven't decided yet!

Okay so the tournament didn't go as I hoped. I only need 136 points to get my invite so the 50 points could have been nice. I ended up going 3-2, but it wasn't quiet enough, I blame luck this time but hey, who doesn't?

ROUND 1 vs White Tea/Eel and friends

The match-up looked great for me, I had an okay starting hand with 3 energies, an Ultra Ball a N, a Tynamo, Emolga and a Rayquaza EX, Then I draw N and I was so happy, this was an amazing start! I play my Ultra Ball, but then I notice that 2 of my Tynamos were prized.. I attach to my emolga and play then I play N. I get nothing at all beside 6 junk cards. From here on out I get steam rolled because I draw nothing-


ROUND 2 vs Garbodor Tornadus EX

I start with Emolga, Rayquaza and Tynamo. I had an energy to attach to Emolga and then I play Juniper. I had an AMAZING hand, so just to save your/my time, I will just tell you that I had 3 eels and 2 Rayquaza's on my bench in turn 2. It was a safe win, not much to talk about, the only thing which annoyed was that I had some problems getting lightning energies in my Discard Pile so the game drew out.


ROUND 3 (AKA the top match in Denmark) vs Keldeo/blastoise played by Simon Eriksen Denmark's number 2 player on ranking.

It doesn't get any bigger then this here in Denmark guys! The number 1 player (me) vs the number 2 player (Simon).
This was the best match the whole day, I set up quiet well, but I have to play my 4th N in turn 6 or so. For people who don't know, your way to beat Keldeo, is N. I tell Simon that, later in this game, I will win because he plays an N and that I will draw all the stuff I need and that he will draw junk.
He starts taking out my eels since he forced to do it, and I can slowly hit his Keldeo and KO them at the same speed he KO's my Eels. He had 1 chance to take out my Rayquaza EX, all he needed was a energy retrieval and an energy or 3 energies with his 5 card Bianca. He hits only junk and the game ended here, he had nothing to take out my Rayquaza EX, and just to add some fun stuff, then the next time it was his turn he played an N and I got a Fire energy for my 2nd Rayquaza EX + a Juniper which gave me the Catcher I need to win. So as I said, then his N would backstab him as it usually does. RIP Simon Eriksen's luck (even though you never were there).


ROUND 4 vs Landorus EX deck....

He took out 3 of my Tynamos in his turn 3 so lets end it there. :p


I had no way to get in the top cut now but I played the last game for the fun of it.

ROUND 5 vs Hydregion/Darkrai EX

He starts of with a lonely Deino and I got Emolga, Tynamo and Rayquaza. I start the game of my searching for 2 Tynamos with Emolga and then my turn ends. He plays a Bianca, gets nothing and gave me the turn. I attach a fire energy to my Rayquaza EX, plays a Ultra Ball to discard a lightning and find an Eel. Then I Dynamotor my lightning to my Rayquaza EX, I retreat and gives 120 to his Deino for the win.


All in all a good tournament since I 4 out of 5 games had the chance to have 2 Rayquza EX's and 3 Tynamos on my bench after turn 1. My Zekroms where never used in this match so maybe I should switch 1 out for Mewtwo EX next time I play this deck :p
But the deck build here is REALLY REALLY good! SO packed with consistency! you literally never draw yourself dead.
Baby_BI said:
ROUND 1 vs White Tea/Eel and friends

The match-up looked great for me, I had an okay starting hand with 3 energies, an Ultra Ball a N, a Tynamo, Emolga and a Rayquaza EX, Then I draw N and I was so happy, this was an amazing start! I play my Ultra Ball, but then I notice that 2 of my Tynamos were prized.. I attach to my emolga and play then I play N. I get nothing at all beside 6 junk cards. From here on out I get steam rolled because I draw nothing-


[stuff between these parts that is pointless for me to have in this response]

All in all a good tournament since I 4 out of 5 games had the chance to have 2 Rayquza EX's and 3 Tynamos on my bench after turn 1. My Zekroms where never used in this match so maybe I should switch 1 out for Mewtwo EX next time I play this deck Tongue
But the deck build here is REALLY REALLY good! SO packed with consistency! you literally never draw yourself dead.
You never draw yourself dead... your tournament results seem to conflict with that statement.