Weekly Discussion #1 - Dreams

I remember dreams pretty clearly, or the ones that stood out the most to me. I am rarely able to control them. However, I did have a deja vu moment in the fifth grade with one of my dreams, and I was very shocked. It was intense.
Posting inside quotes for the win.
Shampoo Thief said:
Any one ever experience lucid dreaming? Where you can control your dreams. I haven't. I saw this post on tumblr, that I am posting below, and found it interesting. I haven't tried it, but I might. It probably won't work, but who knows?


Tried this last night. I can't tell if it worked, but I was able to control my dreams and when I woke up, I couldn't move my left hand and had to wiggle it around until I could again. xD
LuckyPokeGirl said:
Hahaha, story time. ^.^

Middle of night. I woke up, scared. I had just thought of a "nightmare", and I just knew it was going to be in my dreams. My mother said don't worry, so I fell asleep. And you know what happened?

I had the dream, this time more clearly. o_O

I also had another at the same time for a strange reason. All those just to make me scared for 2-3 months. *shudders*
The dreams were about the world dying, or something. :(

I also had a strange dream when I was younger. I was sleeping in my mother's bed, and I had a dream that a monster was carrying me to my bedroom. And then I was in my bed!

The one where you teleported from your mum's bed to your own was probably you in your mum's bed then when you fell asleep, someone carried you back to your own bed. Dreams always reflect on events that have either happened or are happening which is what explains all the dreams that people have about being moved when they are actually being moved. Also, when your mind is in a sub-conscious state, it will make your dreams much more extravagant than what you would think when you are awake when you can see what is going on - Imagination...
I had another weird dream today that I was at a tournament with a bunch of Pokebeach members. Everyone had the same color 3DS as me so I kept picking up everyone else's 3DS by mistake and someone who wasn't battling was holding up a really funny sign about Gale being the tournament's S-Mod.
I've never had recurring dreams. And I haven't remembered many of them for a while. The last one I can sorta-remember was about... 8-12 months ago? I was out on my front porch at night, maybe the sidewalk in front of it. The air raid siren that runs near curfew (at least, I think it's for that) in my town was going off, everyone down the street was running inside their houses. I don't know about sleep paralysis, but I feel I have dream paralysis, at points (or something). I barely moved in this situation, and then the Warp Whistle from Mario Bros. 3 played, something about a Soothe Bell was mentioned by somebody, and a big 'ol grey wolf came tumbling down the street, with the atmosphere of a neighborhood terrorist. I still remained relatively motionless, it noticed me, tried to eat me whole, and I naturally woke up.

The ones I do remember usually involve chasing. I won't talk about too many other dreams since this isn't that "What are your dreams?" thread, but I can remember running barefoot down a sidewalk at night with Team Rocket chasing me.

I don't remember too many of them, but I also have dreams where I get something I don't really have. Not fun to wake after those.

But recently, I've been having something I relate to chain-dreaming. Dreams apparently only last for 20 minutes, but it feels like hours in these. I can't remember them, but one happens for a while, I suddenly and barely wake up (my eyes don't open, and I'm only partly conscious), I fall back asleep, and the dream continues right where it left off.
^ Speaking of Sleep Paralysis, I had that when I woke up, here's what happened: I was asleep, then I heard my mom's voice, (I guess she was in the kitchen talking to someone) so I woke up, but when I woke up I couldn't move and my right arm was numb all over, it was scary because I thought I was paralyzed, so after a few minutes of atempting to move I was able to move my numb right arm, but not the rest of my body, I had to try really hard to brake out of the paralysis, I hope it doesn't happen again because even though I couldn't open my mouth to scream, I was screaming on the inside. (yes I know this sounds like it came out of a Creepypasta, but it's true)

I think I'll keep a Parlyz Heal next to me when I sleep from now on! :p (but how will I reach it if I'm Paralyzed?! 0_o)
I very rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, they are very long and detailed. Frequently, they take place in recurring (fictional) places, stores and houses that I could recreate from memory pretty easily, or at least I would be able to if the physics made sense (which it only does about half the time).
Last night, I had a dream that I was on the forums, and then a pop-up game from Pokebeach appears.

Also, I had a dream where my family was driving. Then, I felt a really strong wind, and next thing I knew, I saw a tornado heading our way. No, seriously, the clouds were dark. I screamed. "TORNADO!". And our family were driving away. Then... I felt a rumbling and woke up. I shut off my alarm. That... that was really real. I thought I was going to die. Literally. :(
The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
I had another weird dream today that I was at a tournament with a bunch of Pokebeach members. Everyone had the same color 3DS as me so I kept picking up everyone else's 3DS by mistake and someone who wasn't battling was holding up a really funny sign about Gale being the tournament's S-Mod.

Ewwww I hate those random dreams like that, I have them all the time. Once I was dreaming and I guess I was just sitting on a grassy plain with nothing in sight and I looked to the sky and saw one of my friends floating in the sky...tilted. It was a total 0_0 moment.