Yay, another story! =D
Okay, so I was playing my White version. And, I was stuck in Twist Mountain. I could not find the way out to save my life. I eventually found a new room, and thought it might lead me out. I walked up, grabbed the item, and was about to leave, but then I saw there was another ledge leading to an item. Thinking it might have been the TM91 Flash Cannon I so badly needed, I went to get it. It wasn't. I was disappointed. So, I started up the way to the exit. A Pokemon. Great. Another way to stall me. Anyways, it's a Cryogonal. Yay, I think, that's the first one I've encountered. I look at it, and for that split second, I think, Why are its eyes and mustache thing orange? Then, the shiny sparkle glints, and I realize what just happened. I don't attack it at all, and eventually catch it.
Rash Nature (+Sp. Attack, -Sp. Defense [It can spare some])
Characteristic: (Sp. Attack grows most)
Yes! It's sitting in my box right now. It's actually the first shiny that I saw the shiny sparkle on. It's also one of my favorite types, and Cryogonal is a cool Pokemon, so yay!