weirdist/worst walking home experince

bacon said:
One time I was walking back from a friends house at something like 2:00 am. There's a bridge I usually cross, but that night I found it blocked by a policeman. The whole area had been cornered off (I asked the policeman why, but he refused to tell me). After going around and taking a different route, I notice that it's an unusually foggy night. I'm walking down a pathway alongside a quiet road, and standing on the side of the path is a man... not doing anything, just standing there (it's 2:30 am at this point). Kind of unsettling.

Anyway, I make it home. Turns out that the reason why the bridge was sealed off was because a man had jumped off and commited suicide. I've never seen the man standing on the side of the path again, either.

Thought that was a pretty weird experience lol

One time I was blocking a bridge, when this guy who was walking back from somewhere at like 2AM came towards me. We had cornered the whole area off, he asked me why, but I refused to tell him. It was a really foggy night, and this guy then went down a pathway alongside a really quiet road. I decided to follow him, just to make sure he was safe (I am a policeman after all) and I stood on the side of the path. I didn't want to alarm him so I just stood there, doing nothing, just watching him. I was like 2:30AM at this point. I think the guy was unsettled.

Anyways the guy ends up getting home. He found out on the news that we sealed off the bridge because someone commited suicide. The guy has never seen me again.

He probably thinks it was all a pretty weird experience.
Lucario_aura_wielder said:
what is your worst/weirdest walking home my story is
the vans are going to BE 2 HOURS late so i decide to walk home takes forever and i have to go run through route 10 so i don`t get hit by all the lousy drivers get home pass out.
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I can't think of anything weird but once when I was walking home from middle school, I was across the street from my house. Then this dog walks out from behind a car when I was in the middle of the street. Keep in mind I was only in middle school so having a strange dog confront you was scary.

The dog walked over to me so I tried to be as calm as possible. I put my backpack down to distract it and I walked to the other side of the street while he sniffed it. For whatever reason he walked away from it and I went back and grabbed my backpack from the middle of the road and ran to my house.
i so wish i could tell this epic story but i wopuld be permabanned for sure = [.
one time i got chasedf by like a pack of dogs walking home luckily im better at hopping fences the the dogs.
it took about an hour to make a 15 min walk xD