Well, I was just thinking of something...


Guess who's back (kinda)? Back again (kinda)
Well, I was pondering about... stuff... and I thought about how when people lose tournament's, even though they saw all their friends and had a more than wonderful time, they still get upset! Like my friend (I won't mention any names), he got 2nd at a cities, and he was upset! Even though he had MORE than enough fun, got top-cut (2nd, in fact), and everything, complaints about losing! I'm not saying its wrong for people to want to win, but they don't have to gripe about it. Agrees? Dis-agrees? Comments?
If you play a marvelous CC yet you lose due to a lone Pinsir start and your opponent getting Blissey + Boost + 2 Pluspowers, then its only logical you feel a bit crappy.
I got second at a CC once and got a bit upset, as one of the players there went through my deck the night before, and made the only deck that could counter it.
well i got 3rd or fourth at cc (cant remember what place it was) i got upset because i knew i could of taken first but bad luck came and i got the lose
This isn't about how you lost or why, its about how people, even though they admit they had fun, fall into a deep blue fluke. LC: You're right there, but still, they were bound to have fun. C'mon. Its a tournament, and its meant for fun :)
Honestely I could care less even if it was 2nd at WOrlds. I really wouldn't care. Hate to bring this up but if those people at second looked at people who came 13/15 etc. it might be the slightest difference. But then again...
You guys don't really understand what I'm saying here...

People are becomming a little consumed with greed about winning, rather than having FUN. ITS ALL ABOUT FUN, not winning. However, there are only a few people left who can realize that. I know, I know, this is probably just a spammy thread with complaints in it, its just something that I noticed, and kinda wanted to ponder for a while...
I know what you mean K&M but its a natural reaction I think, If you walk into the tournament and try your hardest to win and then even come in second u have to be a little upset! Now im not saying you make a big fuss about it and make the day a bad one and go home and mope thats a little obsurd!
Lou Cypher said:
If you play a marvelous CC yet you lose due to a lone Pinsir start and your opponent getting Blissey + Boost + 2 Pluspowers, then its only logical you feel a bit crappy.

Dude that actually happened to me in a BRo_0 It didn't cost me top cut or anything but yah.

Anyway on topic: I also think it is a natural reaction. I mean if you were soo close to winning in the top 2 it is a little dissapointing when you lose. now people that pout about it or whatever need to get over themselves. People should be more then happy with a day of fun, some free prizes, ratings points, and what-not but not all are. You are right that this game is supposed to be about fun but it is also a competition and with competition comes people who lose. Losing can naturally come with some dissapointment. I know if I worked hard on my deck, played well, got into top 2 then lost I would be dissapointed. Not to a point where I couldn't enjoy the fun I had. Do you honestly think you could come in second and not feel at least a little dissapointment that you didn't make that top spot?
Let me give you a nice example, found in Football (The real one).

The World Cup finals were between France and Italy. Neither of those sides were predicted to be in the finals, so for both it was a pleasant surprise. Italy won in the end. A day earlier, Germany beat Portugal for the Third Place. In Germany and Italy, it was one huge party. In France? Disappointment all around.

You have as much fun in a tournament as you had in your last match.
Ex Dragon18 said:
And winning is Fun, loosing isn't.

I must disagree. Losing is halarious fun if it was a good game. On the other hand, winning isn't fun if you take out someone who got a bad setup or isn't very good in the first place.
I know I got first at a league yesterday and beat this guys bisscrio . I give him many comments [cause it was a great deck] and he got 2nd and I got 1st[first time ever!] and he cried and got all upset for a dumb reason and the judge [a.k.a his dad told him to knock it off] I don't know why thy get upset and he got like 3 packs any ways . I guess when you don't win or get 1st you feel like you let your self down and he did his best . and it was a very close battle , his bissey was at 60 hp left and he attacked me and was 10hp away from knocking me out and then I took him out with my aqua jet and got my last prize . now he was a junior [ juniors tend to cry and get upset a lot more ] so my point is when you lose you fell like you let your self down or you suck at the game [he did his best, I think and to me that's all that really matters]
I must disagree. Losing is halarious fun if it was a good game. On the other hand, winning isn't fun if you take out someone who got a bad setup or isn't very good in the first place.

That is so true. In the finals at my most recent cities I lost both games but we were joking and having so much fun I couldn't care less that I had lost. Infact I would've rather had played those two games and lost then not playing those and winning. I always dread the first round since it will most likely be against a n00b and the game either goes very slow(reading cards and whatnot) or extremely fast. And you have to be the person that makes that n00b sad about losing. It stinks to have to do that. At my first cities I went undefeated(including finals) but I enjoyed my more recent one much more because I didn't talk to anyone much at the first one.
well it just upsets me that kids [meanly juniors] cry and get upset over one dumb round it's just a game and losing and winning builds skills and you might just learn some thing from lsing like oh i shouldn't have did that or used that card . learning is the better then winning cause you get better and you may find out how to counter a deck or you may like the deck and think you can play it as well. but it still upsets me that kids get upset from losing . that just shows bad sportmen ship
10806 said:
Ex Dragon18 said:
And winning is Fun, loosing isn't.

I must disagree. Losing is halarious fun if it was a good game. On the other hand, winning isn't fun if you take out someone who got a bad setup or isn't very good in the first place.

Well ALOT of people at all my tournaments mainly care about winning, and some of them are big jerks about it, so i get really upset when I lose to a big jerk who just brags about winning. I just feel like slamming them in the face.
umbreondude said:
well it just upsets me that kids [meanly juniors] cry and get upset over one dumb round it's just a game and losing and winning builds skills and you might just learn some thing from lsing like oh i shouldn't have did that or used that card . learning is the better then winning cause you get better and you may find out how to counter a deck or you may like the deck and think you can play it as well. but it still upsets me that kids get upset from losing . that just shows bad sportmen ship

Jezus cripes, learn to friggin type man.

Anyway, bad sportsmanship is something different from not being able to take a loss well.

Not taking a loss well = Being pissed about it.

Bad Sportsmanship = Being pissed about it AND whine about your opponent.

What pisses me off more as the inability to take a loss are people who refuse the handshake afterwards, who go "my opponent was a lucky n00b" etcetera.

I myself have not too much right to speak, being VERY bad at taking losses right, but at least I refrain from insulting my opponents.

The only thing that truly pisses me off about losing some games is when you're donked (T2 Blissey + Boost + Pluspower + Pluspower) and then the opponent goes to brag about how good he is. Those kind of people I'd like to shove their decks down their throats. But my peace-loving self refrains me from doing so.
I think there is a balance. If you get donked by a random Riolu, there is no "fun" factor. When your turns consist of drawing and passing until your opponent beats you, there is no "fun" factor. If you barely lose a match because you made a mistake, suck it up and except you messed up and learn from it :p I always hate getting luck sacked at cards. Still, my record is trash anyway, so it's no big deal. I think most kids see the people who get first in tournaments and rankings and they always seem happy, so they bieleve they need to win to be happy. Whereas you rarely here if the kid that got donked at grinders had fun or not. You just have to assume he didn't. If you are a slave to your ranking, I'm sure you can't really have all that much fun anyway XD. But sometimes we just have those days were we really didn't feel like getting creamed.
Well, of course it is great to have fun, but if you really prepared for the tournament, played a good deck and got a bit unlucky you really feel a bit upset. Let me give you an example. Last year I lost a match in a Territorial Championship against a Junior (I am in seniors) with him playing a starter Crystal Guardians deck and me a Polistall. It completely ruined my position and got me 8th place instead of 4th. Do you get my point?
People are becomming a little consumed with greed about winning, rather than having FUN. ITS ALL ABOUT FUN, not winning. However, there are only a few people left who can realize that. I know, I know, this is probably just a spammy thread with complaints in it, its just something that I noticed, and kinda wanted to ponder for a while...

you are absolutely right and i am tired of people being rude /cheating/ borrowing whole decks to WIN..... HOW ABOUT HAVING FUN?