This is completely true!
It should be all about the fun, but people don't really see that anymore.
I mean, I went to London Battle Royal a couple of weeks ago, and I lost my first 3 matches horribly.At the end of those first 3 matches I was LAST in my division, and kept hearing people joking about, saying "At least you're not doing as bad as that Charlie Holmes".
But I didn't mind. Because I played against a deck that, even though I lost amazingly quickly and badly too, I fell in Love with and now play with that deck.
I then went on to win all my following matches.
I still did pretty bad in the rankings, but I STILL had loads of fun, and I met a bunch of great people and got a bunch of great cards.
And thats what it should be about, making friends and having fun.
Rant over =]
It should be all about the fun, but people don't really see that anymore.
I mean, I went to London Battle Royal a couple of weeks ago, and I lost my first 3 matches horribly.At the end of those first 3 matches I was LAST in my division, and kept hearing people joking about, saying "At least you're not doing as bad as that Charlie Holmes".
But I didn't mind. Because I played against a deck that, even though I lost amazingly quickly and badly too, I fell in Love with and now play with that deck.
I then went on to win all my following matches.
I still did pretty bad in the rankings, but I STILL had loads of fun, and I met a bunch of great people and got a bunch of great cards.
And thats what it should be about, making friends and having fun.
Rant over =]