Well that was embarrassing.


Anyone have any embarrassing stories :p?


haha yea, I fell UP the stairs on the first day of freshman year at the high school
This brings so many bad memories. Once when I was seven, we were having a playdate with some of my friends. It was a great day. I also got to see a movie, and go to the mall where I saw many of my friends who looked at me oddly. I found out later I had toilet paper hanging from my pants the whole day XD. (I WAS 7 OK!! DONT ANYONE DARE QUOTE THIS!!!)
Yes. There was this one time I joined a pokemon forum. I think it was called something dorky like PokeBeach :p.
^^Bobblehead no way, the SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME!!

Lolno, I guess something embarrassing was that I was at a local park, and I was like 10, and everyone else was like 7. And I was like I can skateboard down the slide! So I tried, got my pants stuck on a screw and *rip; insert spongebob episode here*
I do have an embarrassing story, but I don't want to post it since it deals with my personal life.

But I guess what embarrasses me the most is when a teacher calls on me, and then everyone turns around and stares at me while I'm answering a question. If I ask a dumb question, it embarrasses me more.
42 chocolate said:
But I guess what embarrasses me the most is when a teacher calls on me, and then everyone turns around and stares at me while I'm answering a question. If I ask a dumb question, it embarrasses me more.
lol, that's fun :p at least for me, I go talking nonsense, a lot and very fast, nobody can't follow it anymore not even the teacher can follow it, and so somebody else has to answer the question :D
Juliacoolo said:
I had toilet paper hanging from my pants the whole day

Hmm... *Resists putting this in sig* Anyway, I once farted pretty loudly in my PE class last year, it was so embarassing, and of all classes, because that one was full of people who made fun of me anyway... And I think I've had worse, but not something I'd mention here.
One time me and some friends were running outside and we slipped on ice. The friend behind me did the splits and kicked me in the back. Then I we went to a party and people kept laughing at me and I was like lolwut? When I got home, there was a footprint on the back of my shirt. Not really all that embarrassing to me, but it was kinda funny.
Well... uhh...

We went to Jasper in school... and we got SOOOOOOOO drunk on energy drinks! Having 13 guys in 1 group each having 8 Full throttle... Man When we woke up we heard some funny stories lol
I had a wedgie, so it looked like I was wearing a thong. Everyone saw it, at my birthday party, which was over 35 people. Then, I was pantsed, with my underwear going down. Worst birthday ever >.>

Electimortar said:
I had a wedgie, so it looked like I was wearing a thong. Everyone saw it, at my birthday party, which was over 35 people. Then, I was pantsed, with my underwear going down. Worst birthday ever >.>


Who pantses the birthday boy!?
This happened about two weeks ago in gym. I was urinating in a stall and a friend went to pants me, but he accidently took down my boxers. Luckily for me, he was the only one who saw the moon.
BlastoiseGotMeWet said:
This happened about two weeks ago in gym. I was urinating in a stall and a friend went to pants me, but he accidently took down my boxers. Luckily for me, he was the only one who saw the moon.

Always use stalls, even when going #1, and always close them, for going in a urinal just demands pantsing...:D
Ok, just a reminder guys, try to keep it decent. The last one of these threads got pretty bad.
Dr.empoleon said:
Well... uhh...

We went to Jasper in school... and we got SOOOOOOOO drunk on energy drinks! Having 13 guys in 1 group each having 8 Full throttle... Man When we woke up we heard some funny stories lol

meh heh heh.... wow on saturday at my moms wedding I had 3 rockstars and got like drunk on them X3 yum.... i want one right now...

Today in class the teacher was reading aloud and I'm like falling asleep and she yells "*name*, wake up!" and I just like shoot up lol and everyone laughs, but it wasn't embarrassing really because I laughed as much as everyone else.
I was really hyper in my first hour (poor, poor english teacher...), so I was trying be a ninja, I ended up accidently tearing my worksheet in half, and sreaming "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" when my friend was collecting the workbooks from us as he tried to take mine. Wen my first hour teacher called my mom about it, I was banned from having chocalate chip granola bars for breakfast....