Well that was embarrassing.

Well One time I went to the bathroom at the hotel I was staying at with my friend...
And about five minutes later my friend came out of the shower kinda wet and kinda dry (he was sitting in the shower for ten minutes) and then my brother came in and made fun of us.
Luckily my friend forgave me.
O_O I got caught talking about something with my ex by her parents. It was awesome and embarrassing, because...well...they didn't care. *is decent and proper, all the time, yep, that's me.* :O
I peed in my pants in a store when I was 7, they did not have a bathroom I really needed to go.
Three years ago I took a completely useless and boring Metal Shop class. We were working on candle holders and I was having a very difficult time cutting out a piece of specific metal. After working on this one little piece for over a half an hour, I started getting very aggrevated. When I finally got it out a couple minutes later, I let out an ungodly scream "YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" ...The class falls silent... The teacher turns to me, gives me a weird look, and says "What the **** was that?"
Laughter follows.

David:Dodge ball!

He Hit me in the Ballz!...well Cole Did but still....nonre heard that but....here comes anouther embareesing Chat...

Emily(Person i REALLY liked 2 years ago):Do you "Love" me?
Alex: (....Um....Urg....Uh....Uf...Urg...U....Ui....Uy...Ur.....Y-E-S)....No
Emily:You can tell me.
Emily:I won't tell.
Alex: (YES YOU WILL!!!)....Don't care

I have one more to share...

Me Singing....

H-....E---R---e?!...We...com'a Casorolling???
Friend:..oh my god...my friend is a Dunce....i have to move to canada and Hide and Change my name forever....

and anouther...
Person in Back:*Barf*
Me:....U-h......d-d-d-d.....Don't say anything Alex....Please...
Everyone Else:Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahaha!!!!!*20 Minutes Later*hahahahahahahahaahahhahahaahahahhaahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahaahahahh!

Me:...Theres Only one thing to do at a Time like this!.....Run!..For My Life!*Trip Fall Barf on face*....never again...

These are some...one of them is just too Wrong..
Yesterday, I was running late for school and I jumped into my mom's car and sat down. I felt something wet, but I didn't make anything out of it. Well, by the time I went with my group of friends, one of them screamed out "WHY DID YOU CRAP YOURSELF?!" Well, I looked around, and I notice there was a huge brown stain on my rear end. I sat in some coffee. >.< That day was great. [/sarcasm]

So, today in Math my friend starting treating me like a dog for some unknown reasons. And then I started getting a little annoyed and stuck out my tongue starting to act like one (uncalled for, I know.) Yeah... that was a bit embarrassing if people saw that.
Shuckle the Snail said:
well, my fish died.

How can you show your face in public?

Anyway, I have a condition where I HAVE to release gas right after lunch, and it's always at the worst times.
Mapleboy86 said:
How can you show your face in public?

Anyway, I have a condition where I HAVE to release gas right after lunch, and it's always at the worst times.

lol. Anyway I was tryin some parkour trick for a really hot girl and... you know the rest.
Yesterday =|... Well at school, I was very tired (logical)... and let's say a girl came walking by (she's a good friend btw)... and uhm I was so tired my hand did... well did things on its own. And when she came by... my hand went to... well you know... her boobs =| it wasn't meant to do that it just happend ._. luckily we've laughed both about it afterwards, still it was embarrassing =|
i once kicked a teacher in a p.e (i think u call it gym) lesson when we were doing judo because i got too serious
Pokequaza said:
Yesterday =|... Well at school, I was very tired (logical)... and let's say a girl came walking by (she's a good friend btw)... and uhm I was so tired my hand did... well did things on its own. And when she came by... my hand went to... well you know... her boobs =| it wasn't meant to do that it just happend ._. luckily we've laughed both about it afterwards, still it was embarrassing =|

LooL something like that happened to me. However lets say she wasn't my friend.