Finished Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game: End Game, Brawler wins!

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RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

z-man said:
So I haven't read the posts yet, but I gotta work on my iron chef decks. SPs seem to work very good with medicham DP :D

TCG Role as well. These roles should help weeding out the wolves.

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Just because someone posts something about the TCG doesn't mean their not wolves. If I were a wolf for example and saw you ruling out people who posted something about the TCG guess what I would do? Yeah - post about the TCG.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

>__> That's a dumb thing to fake. They'd be stupid to try to hide it, especially if you guys lynch them. Like you almost did with TSL.

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Hmm...Th0ugh th3re i$ qu!te @ fevv sus℗icious pe0pl3, ! c@n't ©ompl3tly b®ing my$elf t0 vot3 fo® an¥one. Thµs m¥ v0te i$ st!ll undecided. i'lL ju$t ke3p w@tching...
$o f@r ther3 ha$ ßeen spe@king r0les @nd TCG rol3s. †hen !t mo$tly lo0ks lik3 e√ery0ne el$es r0les ʝust h@ppen du®ing th3 n!ght. M@ybe thi$ has s0m3thing t0 do w!th PokeChamp's f!rst po$t?

(PS: $orry it's t@king m3 s0 long t0 r3ply. !t's h@rd t0 typ3 l!k3 thi$ *$hrugs*)
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Hmm, I can't really state my vote right now, as its a little cloudy atm. But I'm doubting TSL is dangerous. Usually the funny roles go to townies, as it was mentioned before.

I am watching Flare, Tristan and Coolkidmaster555 though, as they do seem a bit suspicious.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

dmaster, I want to show you something that will change your life forever


Anyways, TSR isn't worth killing...
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

dang sign me up for replacement please D:
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Is that some giant rock? lol

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

So apparently dmaster didn't get my joke.

In my grief, I'm gonna take a trip to Egypt, because thats what people do when they're grieving. They go to Egypt.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

It wasn't funny to begin with.

RB, possible TCG role...

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Hey dmaster, remember that time I stole your cards?

I was tormenting you ^_^
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

No stealing in the League. You know that.

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Oh geez, Z-Man is quoting Yugioh: The Abridged Series.... In America!!! You know that's where Chuck Norris lives, right?!

z-man said:
dmaster, I want to show you something that will change your life forever


Anyways, TSR isn't worth killing...
Also sorry for double posting but OMG A giant rock!!! It's a rock and it's giant. Somewhat like /b/ on 4chan .-.
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

Well this is a league and I should learn more about it. How does Skuntank and Toxicroak SP sound?
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

So let's recap; cause "Knowledge is Power :p"
Z-Man is referencing YGO:TAS ( his voice has super strength)
RB is a Pokemon tcg noob (geez, try Mudkipz srsly)
D-Master must be a League Leader (or something)
+$r (yeahhhhhh movin' on out to the east side)
There's some guy being painfully obvious (GO ME---AT!)
And according to post #1 there is a guy in the corner for whatever reason.__.
And there's our status for Day 1 :)
RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Day One has begun!

actually the reason i am jumping on people like that is because one there is no evidence to go on and someone needs to be lynched today, also in the second and third day where there is actually things to go on i will post with reasoning and educated guesses. But for now since there is nothing to go on i may aswell do what other people are doing and hope it pays off. i would hate it if we killled a townie with an important role though.
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