RE: Werewolf VI: Children's Card Game! Night 4 has begun! Send in your roles by the 19th!
It was night, and TwilightShayminLvr was sleeping peacefully. She awoke with the sound of broken glass ringing in her ears. She got up, and investigated the scene. She walked into her kitchen, and saw a broken window. She approached the window quietly, and noted a rock that had fallen into the kitchen, and had made a big hole on her tiled floor. She picked up the boulder, and saw that a note was attached:
Spirits that be,
Reveal her role to me,
I must admit, I was quite annoyed by her chatspeak,
And for that, she must die,
Is she truth, or is she lie?
And it is to you, TwilightShayminLvr, that I humbly say goodbye!.
She read this note aloud, and then saw a crudely written,
turn the page over -->
She did so, and she read another message:
Much as it is Shaymin you love,
Prepare for your death from above...
As if warned by a psychic presence, she turned her head upwards, and with her last sight she was two beady eyes staring at her on top of the ceiling covered by shadow, and as death's claws ripped the life from her, she screamed in a mixed sense of fear and agony.
The town, half-happy at the revelation that would be revealed, half-sad at the loss of a possible friend found out her identity:
5. n00by netd3cker
You are the league's very own n00by netd3cker! You spend a lot of time on the internet... too much time. Because of this, you have many decks under your belt that are ready for use, and you sometimes do very well at the league.
Ability: l33t
You can only post using chat speak, or "l33t sp33k". Substitute a few of your numbers for letters, misspell stuff, and you're ready to go! Failure to do so will result in a private warning, and the next time an automatic Modkill.
Win Condition: Town Wins.
Her death made me shed a tear, for she took her role to the next level by speaking l33t quite excellently. I salute her. I swear, you guys make me sad sometimes.
Just like the last few days, a note was left on the table. As always, the league leader read it aloud:
Someone's gonna be lynch'd soon!
Or my name ain't Marmaduke (which it isn't )
Signed: The committee to get You-know-who Lynched (A.k.A That pink guy)
The league leader struggled to read it, as it was done in very sloppy hand-writing. This was normal, however.
And with those events now behind us, Day 5 begins!