Astra said:Blui was until he got converted.sillykyle said:BTW... Am I forgetting someone, or was there no town seer?
And he couldn't see alignment.
Town lost a lot of power roles really quick.
Link to graveyard:
General consensus was that PMJ played phenomenally, kyle was best townie, RaichuGirl played great and Blui was useless.
Red Rain said:I would've picked Cole McGrath from inFamous if I had to pick a different one.
Also, how are you just getting into a game that has been out for six months now?
Astra said:You were like the only one.![]()
Dear Porygon-X,
You are GLaDOS, the Town Miller
An evil robot who is very evil and hates cake. You like being evil and testing people with evil tasks because you are truly the most evil...thing to be on the face of the earth. Did I mention that you're evil?
Your abilities are:
Miller: Because you're so evil, anyone who investigates you will discover you are a MAFIA GOON.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Yup.RaichuGirl said:The kill seriously had priority over the recruit?
Makes little sense seeing how (almost) always kills are the very last thing to happen. Then again, cult is OP anyway so whatever. (We just weren't motivated by the idea of being cult I guess.)Astra said:Yup.RaichuGirl said:The kill seriously had priority over the recruit?
I was planning on having more exciting PMs, but I got bored really quick.Porygon-X said:Astra, what did you mean when you said that the more flavorful the description of your character is, the more flavorful your role will be?
Not quite sure what you mean here.Teal said:Makes little sense seeing how (almost) always kills are the very last thing to happen.Astra said:Yup.
sillykyle said:By the way RaichuGirl, what led you to choosing Blui first?
RaichuGirl loved having this role, and she played it really well. However, her recruits were all really apathetic and lazy, which is what I consider the biggest reason as to why cult failed in this game. If she had more active recruits, cult could've won much quicker.[/quote]Dear RaichuGirl,
You are Vanellope Von Schweetz, the Independant Cult Leader
You're the President of Sugar Rush. You're here to fight off anyone who thinks that games based off of movies are always terrible. You want to help them discover what they've been missing... using your interesting talents.
Your abilities are:
Recruit: Each night, you may ##RECRUIT: PLAYER. You will lure with sugar them to follow you to your base and said player will lose their previous role and alignment, but will keep their item. New roles will be given to your first 4 recruits. They are:
Backup: If you are killed, your first recruit will inherit your ability to recruit new members (they will not be given new abilities though).
Redirector: Your second recruit will gain the ability to ##REDIRECT: PLAYERA TO PLAYERB, causing that Player A's role effect to be redirected to Player B.
Role Cop: Your third recruit will gain the ability to ##INSPECT: PLAYER and will learn of that player's alignment.
Tailor: Your fourth recruit will gain the ability to ##TAILOR: PLAYER and will cause anyone who inspects that player to be given the opposite result of what they should be given.
You win if: Members of the Cult make up at least 50% of the current living town at any moment.
Keeper of Night did nothing with this role as he died super quick.Dear Keeper of Knight,
You are Olimar, the Town Doctor
The Captain of the S.S Dolphin, you command a hoard of Pikmin as you search for treasure! With your trusty Pikmin at your side, you seek victory for your new friends in this bizarre world you now find yourself. Thank goodness you have your Pikmin with you.
Your abilities are:
Doctor: Each night, you may ##PROTECT: PLAYER. You will send out a group of Pikmin to protect the player from death. However, the Pikmin cannot prevent any extra effects from happening to the player including: roleblocking and kidnapping.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
There were two shells in the game. Grant started with one of them. He made his kill, and then PMJ made sure he never had another one. I really don't remember what else he did beyond his usual "case later" stuff.Dear grantm1999,
You are Koopa Troopa, the Town Vigilante
Only thing more generic than you is a Goomba, but you've got an ace up your sleeve. Break out the specs, because this Koopa is ready to roll!
Your abilities are:
Vigilante: Each night, you may ##SHOOT: PLAYER. You will walk into that player in the night, causing them to die. Walking into someone breaks your shell though, and you cannot walk into someone if you lack a shell. In short, shells are your ammo.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Did nothing as usual. I'd suggest not letting her play in future games unless she gets her act together.Dear LuckyFire,
You are Heather, the Town Princess Guard
You're a small girl who is quite shy. You've survived things far worse than a mafia attack, including a car crash. You're ready to kick some scumbutt.
Your abilities are:
Mason: You are Masons with Four Arms. You are aware that their inital alignment is town.
Bodyguard: You know that life is short, and you know how precious life is too. If your Mason partner is targetted for death in any way, you will die to protect them.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
James tried. He just fell for all of PMJ's tricks. His roleblocking didn't do anything of note either.Dear James86134,
You are Kirby, the Town Roleblocker
The pinkest marshmallow on this side of the galaxy, you're ready to roll and aren't going to let anyone stop you...especially since you can eat pretty much anything.
Your abilities are:
Roleblock: Each night, you may ##ROLEBLOCK: Player. You will swallow that player, and this will prevent them from using their role during the night. You will not gain any powers of the people you swallow, and players will regain them at the beginning of the day. Swallowing a scum member will not block their factional kill in any way.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
You are Albert Wesler, the Independant Serial Killer
You're a power hungry, knowledgable and cunning man who wants power over the whole world. Why? Because it's fun and you have nothing better to do with your time. There's a lot of tricks up your sleeve to keep you ahead of the bunch.
Your abilities are:
Godfather: Anyone who investigates you will discover you are a TOWN VANILLA.
Bulletproof: You are smart enough to bring a bulletproof vest with you to the battle, causing you to survive the first two attempts made on your life.
1-shot Strongman: Once a game, you may ##STRONGMAN: PLAYER, instead of your normal kill. This will cause the player you strongmanned to die and nothing will stop them from dying.
Hangman: During the day, you will receive any items that the lynched player holds instead of a random wagoner.
Serial Killer: Each night, you may ##KILL: PLAYER. That player will be killed.
Neighbor: You may communicate with RogueChomp. They do not have the same alignment as you, but you can be sure that they do not win if you die.
Thick Skin: Your too focused on your goal to allow alignment to be changed.
You win if: you are the last man standing or nothing can prevent the same
SL tends to do nothing in Werewolf. Neither did HegaFire. Watcher was supposed to find Tracker for what would be a full cop. I think he used his role once...Dear Some Loser,
You are Isaac Clarke, the Town Watcher
You're an engineer from SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE who watches over the world from his SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE ship. But for game balance reasons you don't go into your ship at all. But you bring the tools with you to be a valuable asset to the town!
Your abilities are:
Watcher: Each night, you may ##WATCH: PLAYER. You will use your fancy SPAAAAAAAAACE tools to see who targets that player in the night, but not what they did to that player.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Did nothing of note either. I didn't like how he pretty much gave up when he was found out. >_>Dear Kecleon-X,
You are Nathan Drake, the Town Doublevoter
A man who is always prepared for the battlefield. You beleive in "when push comes to shove, punch them in the kidney" and you'll use that to get your way.
Your abilites are:
Doublevote: What better way to control what you want than through propaganda? Nothing. During the day, your vote carries twice the normal weight to help you get what you want.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Came so close to getting modkilled like 3 days in a row. Be more active in future games!Dear Porygon-X,
You are GLaDOS, the Town Miller
An evil robot who is very evil and hates cake. You like being evil and testing people with evil tasks because you are truly the most evil...thing to be on the face of the earth. Did I mention that you're evil?
Your abilities are:
Miller: Because you're so evil, anyone who investigates you will discover you are a MAFIA GOON.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhDear DNA,
You are Hazanma, the Town Alarmist
You're basically a fancy FBI agent who's really smart and makes everyone else feel bad about their appearance because they don't dress in fancy black suits like you do. Normally you're pretty quite but things changed this time.
Your abilities are:
Alarmist: Once a night, you may ##ALARM: PLAYER. In a strange twist of fate, you will make yourself noticed by going to visit that player and ringing their alarm clock if someone attempts to change their alignment, causing the alignment change to fail.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Died Day 1 and still came out a winner. That's awesome.Dear RogueChomp,
You are Crash Bandicoot, the Independant Jack of All Trades
Who names their kid Crash? Obviously someone with a vendetta for children. You bring a wide variety of tools to the table, but you aren't too sure on who you want to help with them. Probably whoever makes the best pancakes will get your help.
Your abilies are:
Neighbor: You may freely communicate with PMJ. They are not the same alignment as you but you can be assured that they do not win if you die.
Fur Coat: The first time someone attempts to change your alignment, they will fail. If they try a second time, you will be killed instead.
Jack of all Trades: You may use each of the following abilities. You may not use multiples on the same night. You must wait two nights before using the same ability to keep your abilities charged.
Role Cop: Once a night, you may ##ROLECOP: PLAYER and will learn their role, hopefully to stop yourself from getting in trouble from them.
Roleblock: Once a night, you may ##ROLEBLOCK: PLAYER and will stop them from performing any actions using your tornado spin.
Doctor: Once a night, you may ##DOCTOR: PLAYER, and will stop them from dying because you think that they are Nina (even though they may not be). Any other effects will still happen.
You win if: the cult is eliminated.
I still have no idea what happened with those items when you died. Neat role that totally failed in practice because so many items went unused.Dear eagle4,
You are Grandma, the Town Item Trader
uhh, I'm not even sure what this is but you know this have to be serious for you, a grandma, to want to fight! Maybe you can use your cookies to... do something I guess?
Your abilities are:
Item Trade: You're so old, you remember when the barter system was standard! Once a night, you may ##TRADE WITH: PLAYER and will swap items with that player, even if either you or them have no items.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
sillykyle is honestly a way better played than people give him credit for. He easily gets the award for best townie in this game. Town would've been so screwed many times without this seemingly scum role.Dear sillykyle,
You are Toad, the Town Kidnapper
Yeah is a big fan of the irony of this. Let's just hope Princess Peach isn't around to see this.
Your abilites are:
Kidnap: Once a night, you may ##KIDNAP: PLAYER. You've watched the Princess get kidnapped enough that you know how to do it flawlessly (maybe Bowser isn't so bad after all I mean what). That player will be unable to post in the game thread during the next day phase or converse with anyone outside of the game thread except for you. They will also be unable to be lynched.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
I was mad when he died because he was one of the few active players in the game. >_>Dear TwistedTurtwig,
You are Don Paolo, the Town Bodyguard
A master criminal, you are a genius inventor as well. Even though you're a terrible person, you've chosen to let your nice side come out just this once. Just don't tell the Professor.
Your abilities are:
Bodyguard: Once a night, you may ##GUARD: PLAYER. To show how nice you are, if anyone targets that player and attempts to kill them, you will die in their stead.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
It was lucky that Four Arms got recruited before his princess trait came in. Town would've been even more screwed without it.Dear Four Arms,
You are Donkey Kong, the Town Beloved Princess
The original video game character isn't just a relic of the past. You're a symbol of the gaming industry and everyone would be devastated if they lost you.
Your abilities are:
Princess: If you are killed at any time, the next day phase will be skipped because everyone is mourning your loss.
Mason: You can be certain that LuckyFire has the same initial alignment as you, and they will also sacrifice themself for you if you were to be killed.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Yeah Blui did nothing except tell Teal he was cult so RaichuGirl could recruit him.Dear Blui,
You are Reimu Hakurai, the Town Alignment Cop
As the sole maiden in the Touhou games, you call it upon yourself to investigate strange occurances. Unfortunately, you will be unable to figure out why everyone is in the same game.
Your abilities are:
Alignment Cop: Once a night, you may ##INSPECT: PLAYER and will learn their alignment but not their role.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Became backup doctor and then had his wish granted to become a cultist. Then he did nothing with his roles, but I don't blame him because cop was converted, and voyeur/watcher died.Dear Teal,
You are Phoenix Wright, the Town Universal Backup
Object all you want, you've been forced into a battle of the games. As a lawyer, you're a smart individual who can do what seems like anything. Yeah, you got put that ego in that suitcase of yours.
Your abilities are:
Backup: Once a game, you may ##BACKUP: DEAD PLAYER. You will discover that player was an old client of yours. Knowing everything of their every day life, you will inherit that player's role. You will not be allowed to use any effects of that role until the next night.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Died way too quick.Dear SheNinja,
You are Golden Phantom, the Town Voyeur
You're a big, hulking phantom from Hyrule. While slow, you're a whiz at teleporting. Too bad your just a rip off of that guy from Mario Bros. 2
Your abilities are:
Voyeur: Once each night, you may ##VOYEUR: PLAYER. You will teleport to that player's side and learn what happened to that player during the night, but not who performed those actions.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
/me hands Sir Taco the scummie award for best vanillaDear Sir Taco,
You are Rosalina, the Town Vanilla
You're a majestic woman who rules over the stars. Oh, and you're really hot too. erm, I mean wat? I meant to say you're really wise.
Because violence is unfamiliar to you, you have no abilities.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Didn't do much. >_>Dear Red Rain,
You are Joel, the Town Vanilla
A brutal survivor with few moral lines left to cross. You have been hardened by the ravages of the fungal pandemic that has devastated civilization as we know it. Yeah, I just copied this from the wiki.
You're so old that you have no abilities.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Was the only non-apathetic cultist after conversion, which made him RaichuGirl's greatest ally.Dear SoldiersSpirit,
You are Gilgamesh, the Town Vanilla
You're a legendary swordsman, at least as far as you care. You're a famous samurai who's looking for a sword for each of his eight arms.
However, in this realm, you have no special abilities.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
camoclone policy lynch 2014!Dear camoclone,
You are The Doctor, the Town Vanilla
You're a... doctor. Who can regenerate multiple times... Neat, I guess.
Because this role was OP the last time it was used in Werewolf, you have no abilities.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Did nothing beyond being the chicken in the first few updates. Rusty Sticks was the worst sub ever. >_>Dear TokyoToots,
You are Cucco, the Town Vanilla
You're a chicken who hates people. Maybe we should form a club or something.
Because you're a chicken, you have no abilities other than your vote and posts.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Letting Guy play in the game was a mistake as he pieced info together from the game we planned in February. Whoops.Dear TheGuy,
You are Seth, the Town Vanilla
A very loyal knight from Magvel, you want nothing more than to protect Eirika. Oh, and you're so OP.
But you're not OP in this game trolololol. You have no abilities other than your vote and posts.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
Shocker and Dark Void did nothing, but Chronus really surprised me. Yeah he lost town the game, but it happens. It's a stressful situation.Dear Shocker
You are Luigi, the Town Vanilla
uh, who are you?
Because you're so obscure, you have no abilities other than your vote and posts.
You win if: all threats to the town are eliminated.
These items had to find grant. There were two of them. They were ammo for him.You have the Koopa Shell.
This item is wanted by a specific player. Try asking around to see who can use it.
Would've been deadly in cult's hands, so it's a good thing DNA died with it.You have the Dancer's Ribbon.
This lovely ribbon is worn by dancers all across the land and allows its holder to ##SELFMOTIVATE, causing them to use any non-killing actions twice. The ribbon is fragile, so it will break after two uses.
I was really looking forward to how people would use this item, but no one did which sucks because it's such a cool item.You have the Pikmin Onion.
This bizarre plant-like thingy allows its holder to ##DAYUSE their actions, causing them to choose to use their abilities in the day instead of the night.
Guy used it on him because he had it, but it would've been in better hands with a PR.You have the Hyper Potion.
This potion will allow its holder to survive the first kill made on them.
Way to go Sir Taco and eagle4 for combining them.You have the Silver Bow / Fire Blade / Midnight Palm / Aquarius Blade
This item looks like it can be combined with something else, but you're not sure what. Surely something good will happen if it is combined.
Incredible item when it got to be used, but I'll still never get why it was used on Eagle and not DNA or Keeper of Night.You have created Palutena's Bow.
This item has been blessed by the Goddess Palutena, and will allow its holder to ##REVIVE: DEAD PLAYER, causing them to revive any dead player. It will be broken after being used once.
Before now, I just thought you were the worst Werewolf host ever.ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh
DNA being so against OC made me "furious, mad, sick with anger". I was incredibly annoyed with how self rightous he was about handicapping himself, and was very glad when picked him. May not let him play in future games I host that aren't traditional, for both my good and his good.
Red Rain said:> too old
> Joel is a bamf who kills zombies that take loads of ammo to kill
> no abilities
This is why we can't have nice things, Astra. Because of this.
How do you sleep at night when you know that you do this to people?
Astra said:5. There are a non-zero number of vanilla roles in this game. Don't join if this bothers you.