RE: Werewolf XX-0: Troll Mafia. D3 ends sometime in 2014
By ?he way, whoever did ?his ?o me is an evil genius, because i? also means ?ha? I can'? vo?e a? all. Since, you know, it has a ? in i?. ?hanks. I'd be willing ?o be? ?ha? whoever did i? also has a ? in ?heir name... very clever of you.
Also, I have ?he Yellow Ribbon. Las? nigh?, someone sen? me a message ?aun?ing me abou? ?hem having one. KoN or rev3rsor, was i? ei?her of you? Because we know a? leas? 3 of ?he ribbon holders now, and our mys?ery messenger could be our four?h, unless ?hey were doing i? jus? ?o ?roll me.
By ?he way, whoever did ?his ?o me is an evil genius, because i? also means ?ha? I can'? vo?e a? all. Since, you know, it has a ? in i?. ?hanks. I'd be willing ?o be? ?ha? whoever did i? also has a ? in ?heir name... very clever of you.
Also, I have ?he Yellow Ribbon. Las? nigh?, someone sen? me a message ?aun?ing me abou? ?hem having one. KoN or rev3rsor, was i? ei?her of you? Because we know a? leas? 3 of ?he ribbon holders now, and our mys?ery messenger could be our four?h, unless ?hey were doing i? jus? ?o ?roll me.