Finished Werewolf XXIX: Melee - Finished!

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Vote count:
double o squirtle: 0 [Keeper of Night]
Jabberwock: 0 [Squirtle Squad]
Reinforce: 3 [TheFancyPineapple, Squirtle Squad, Keeper of Night, Jabberwock]

Not voting: 7 [Vom, Luispipe8, SilverSilent, Reinforce, Camoclone, double o squirtle, Squirtle Squad]
Wagons are listed in alphabetical order, but names within the brackets are in chronological order based on when the votes were placed. Vote weight is displayed in vote counts. Majority is 6. If the day were to end now, Reinforce would be lynched at L-3.
Along with Yeowie's mistake it also said that 2 other players targeted scattered mind that night. Reinforce stated that he targeted him that night, I also targeted him.
Host Note:
The watch report which Yeowie got was every shade of wrong, and he shouldn't have gotten it in the first place because scattered mind died that night. It was a host error all round, so try and act like it never happened please! >_>

This is only being said now because double o squirtle mentioned it in the above post and it had to be said at some point.
Alright! So I'm pretty sure Reinforce is town (for now!) Looking at his role closer, the flavour in particular stands out!

In IE's safe claim the flavour was pretty pitiful, and didn't match anything with his actual flip (duh, that was to be expected).
Now the scum team could have noticed this and fixed it for RF's flip but still, RF is reading town right now.

Alrighty! Time for a list :p

Squirtle Squad: Obviously thats me :p
Vom: Targeting ability has been confirmed by a few sources. He's confirmed RF's ability. Town read for now.
Luispipe: Probably scum seeings as the rest of Team Magma from last game were scum.
TheFancyPineapple: Didn't know why Drac's slip was scummy, so is a strong town read.
SilverSilent: Probably scum, his hesitancy on lynches is never helpful.
Keeper of Night: I'm reading as town atm but wouldn't be surprised if he somehow flipped scum. I'm really hoping he's town.
Reinforce: Subbed in for EM, could easily see him flip scum same as KoN, but for now I'm reading Town on his role.
Camoclone: Has disappeared for the latest two day periods, I've got suspicions on who has done this but I'm sure both Camo and the person I think is responsible are town. Camo could be scum and be using the ability to avoid the game (though I doubt it...)
double o squirtle: His latest comments read as town to me. so for now he's a town read.
Jabberwock: KoN has "confirmed" as town. If KoN flipped scum then Jabberwock would be scum most likely, though a player like KoN wouldn't do something so foolish as scum (unless he was just trying to get town lynched)

Now Im assuming there's 6 scum, but if my two scum reads here were lynched then that would only mean 5. Which means someone here is being read as town but is really scum!

Biggest scum read here is ##vote: @SilverSilent. your voting style is scummy, though consistent with last game, however you have been far less active than last game which could easily be a scumtell.

@Keeper of Night what makes you so sure Jabberwock is town? Is this through ability or just from your read of him?
I will say that I don't believe Vom has an ability which lets him kill another player at nigh if he is scum. I know this from
Alright! So I'm pretty sure Reinforce is town (for now!) Looking at his role closer, the flavour in particular stands out!

In IE's safe claim the flavour was pretty pitiful, and didn't match anything with his actual flip (duh, that was to be expected).
Now the scum team could have noticed this and fixed it for RF's flip but still, RF is reading town right now.

Alrighty! Time for a list :p

Squirtle Squad: Obviously thats me :p
Vom: Targeting ability has been confirmed by a few sources. He's confirmed RF's ability. Town read for now.
Luispipe: Probably scum seeings as the rest of Team Magma from last game were scum.
TheFancyPineapple: Didn't know why Drac's slip was scummy, so is a strong town read.
SilverSilent: Probably scum, his hesitancy on lynches is never helpful.
Keeper of Night: I'm reading as town atm but wouldn't be surprised if he somehow flipped scum. I'm really hoping he's town.
Reinforce: Subbed in for EM, could easily see him flip scum same as KoN, but for now I'm reading Town on his role.
Camoclone: Has disappeared for the latest two day periods, I've got suspicions on who has done this but I'm sure both Camo and the person I think is responsible are town. Camo could be scum and be using the ability to avoid the game (though I doubt it...)
double o squirtle: His latest comments read as town to me. so for now he's a town read.
Jabberwock: KoN has "confirmed" as town. If KoN flipped scum then Jabberwock would be scum most likely, though a player like KoN wouldn't do something so foolish as scum (unless he was just trying to get town lynched)

Now Im assuming there's 6 scum, but if my two scum reads here were lynched then that would only mean 5. Which means someone here is being read as town but is really scum!

Biggest scum read here is ##vote: @SilverSilent. your voting style is scummy, though consistent with last game, however you have been far less active than last game which could easily be a scumtell.

@Keeper of Night what makes you so sure Jabberwock is town? Is this through ability or just from your read of him?

I've only been less active this day because of work related things going on as of right now. Also, a majority of the votes were over the lynch count at that point and I honestly don't see a reason to vote against someone when the lynch is already secured. There's no point in it in my opinion. I've even supported lynched of people despite not voting so that kind of throws your case against my out the window in my opinion. If anything I'd vote IE being scum, while I doubt he has an ability to kill anyone as I would of most likely died when I targeted him, I'd still see him being scummy with the lack of input by him in my opinion honestly. Compared to last game, this game's days have been far shorter than the past ones. Anyways, I'd put my bet on IE for now in my opinion.
Eh, that doesn't mean anything, though his activity being limited to 'hey guys I'll catch up' is more valid reasoning.

Also @SilverSilent , no one said I had a killing ability, that's Reinforce :p

I was referring to Ice Espeon not having one :p. But yeah, I'm not sure on Reinforce either. When I targeted him and Camo the other night to see if any scum had targeted them, one did. Unfortunately they're not allowed to tell me which one was targeted apparently out of the two. So with that, you have a 50/50 shot that Reinforce is scum now with that.
Sorry for my lack of posts, just now I get a small chance to read and comment.

Funny how Reinforce tells me I'm scummy for my lack of post while he's being accused of the exact same thing. Between the awful amount of exams and almost no free time I can barely keep up with my forum duties, let alone post here. GM's little wager on me is no longer contributive, but if you have suspicions on me just tell them, I have nothing to hide.

While Celever stated what he did, information is already out, there's nothing you can do now and we're able to use that as we need it.

I'm still suspicious about Reinforce, tbh (don't you dare tell me it's OMGUS, I stated my suspicions way earlier), I wouldn't be surprised if he flips scum.

##VOTE: Reinforce
I was referring to Ice Espeon not having one :p. But yeah, I'm not sure on Reinforce either. When I targeted him and Camo the other night to see if any scum had targeted them, one did. Unfortunately they're not allowed to tell me which one was targeted apparently out of the two. So with that, you have a 50/50 shot that Reinforce is scum now with that.
For starters IE dies yesterday and flipped scum.

From what you've said @SilverSilent you're a weak tracker who targets two people and sees if scum targets either of them. But you don't get to know which one correct?
This would make for a very convenient safe claim. Just saying. You're ability sounds really helpful, but isn't actually that helpful.. Yeah we can learn if scum has targeted one of those two, but we don't know which one. Supposing scum don't target each other for whatever reason then yes it is helpful.

You claim it's a 50/50 that Reinforce is scum. How can you say that with such confidence? You're ability simply tells you if they targeted by scum. You can't know that between RF and Camo, one is scum. That's not what you've claimed your ability does.

I'm happy with my vote here guys.
Host Note:
The watch report which Yeowie got was every shade of wrong, and he shouldn't have gotten it in the first place because scattered mind died that night. It was a host error all round, so try and act like it never happened please! >_>

This is only being said now because double o squirtle mentioned it in the above post and it had to be said at some point.

I was referring to Ice Espeon not having one :p. But yeah, I'm not sure on Reinforce either. When I targeted him and Camo the other night to see if any scum had targeted them, one did. Unfortunately they're not allowed to tell me which one was targeted apparently out of the two. So with that, you have a 50/50 shot that Reinforce is scum now with that.
That doesn't make sense. If you're saying you know if scum targeted them, then all we know is that scum targeted one of them. it doesn't at all narrow down if RF is scum or not.

For now:
##UNVOTE: Reinforce

RF, target me the next phase so I also get your results, please. I have my suspicions of Silver, sure, but something is off. Will get back to that later.
The more I think about it, the more I doubt SilverSilent tbh. I mean, last game he showed he was pretty clever, managing to camouflage his janitor role until the very end of the game.
I feel like this game he's scum and he's making up that ability, which he conveniently cannot confirm even if he was indeed scum. Not to mention he would naturally have this information if he was scum. I've also never seen a role like that (though I've seen similar roles that involve only one player) which makes me think he wants us to think he's helping but not really.
Besides, his activity is way lower than last game, and for these reasons I'm kinda comfortable making such a stretch.

##VOTE: SilverSilent
Sorry for my lack of posts, just now I get a small chance to read and comment.

Funny how Reinforce tells me I'm scummy for my lack of post while he's being accused of the exact same thing.

Thanks for the selective reading, Luis. I didn't say your lack of post was what made me think you scummy. It was you popping up earlier on the game to drop a vote, promising to come back with your thoughts/reads, but not really following up on it faithfully. That's what's scummy for me. I'm not -that- hypocritical to accuse someone of something I myself do, regardless if it's because of RL issues or not.

GM's little wager on me is no longer contributive, but if you have suspicions on me just tell them, I have nothing to hide.

I did state I have suspicions on you already. But apparently I'm not enough for you to elaborate on yourself because I'm the person on the chopping block being accused as scummy.

While Celever stated what he did, information is already out, there's nothing you can do now and we're able to use that as we need it.

I'm still suspicious about Reinforce, tbh (don't you dare tell me it's OMGUS, I stated my suspicions way earlier), I wouldn't be surprised if he flips scum.

##VOTE: Reinforce

You're still suspicious of me. On what grounds, exactly? No elaboration? Yes, you were suspicious of me earlier when TheFancyPineapple revealed my locked Ability. Well, I've revealed my entire role and results now. So, what else is keeping you suspicious on me? Because if none, then yeah, you might just have done an OMGUS vote.

I was referring to Ice Espeon not having one :p. But yeah, I'm not sure on Reinforce either. When I targeted him and Camo the other night to see if any scum had targeted them, one did. Unfortunately they're not allowed to tell me which one was targeted apparently out of the two. So with that, you have a 50/50 shot that Reinforce is scum now with that.

I don't get the logic here. Just because a player wasn't targeted by scum for one night means they're scum? Why? If we're going by this logic, then imagine at the start when we had complete 18 players. Assume there are 6 scum and they all had targeting abilities to target one person. Does that mean the remaining 12 who were not targeted are scum? Your ability is good and useful and all, SilverSilent, but I don't think this is one logical application or way to use it.

As for the Camoclone business, I highly doubt that both Camo and his jailer are scum. Because that sounds unfair, if Camo was scum and his teammate jails him meaning he can't be lynched, and it's two straight days now. It's more likely the jailer is the scum preventing Camo from participating in the discussion is how I see it, though I'm not discounting the alternate possibility of a town jailer suspecting Camo is scum and preventing him from influencing town discussion.

RF, target me the next phase so I also get your results, please. I have my suspicions of Silver, sure, but something is off. Will get back to that later.

... All I can say is that I'm putting your request as one of my options in case I'm still alive by next phase, but don't be expecting it for sure. Especially since you've announced it, and scum might try to interfere in whatever manner they could. I'm also considering that one of the two targets I choose might get night killed, and I'm still gauging each player's possibility for that (you included). If you think it scummy that I have not completely acquiesced your request, that's fine. I'm just taking the decision that I believe is careful in regards to my ability.
I was referring to Ice Espeon not having one :p. But yeah, I'm not sure on Reinforce either. When I targeted him and Camo the other night to see if any scum had targeted them, one did. Unfortunately they're not allowed to tell me which one was targeted apparently out of the two. So with that, you have a 50/50 shot that Reinforce is scum now with that.
The discrepancy here that Squirtle and Reinforce stated earlier is a little too big to ignore – you don't know that Reinforce is scum.

##UNVOTE: @Reinforce
##VOTE: @SilverSilent

Explanation, Silver?
The more I think about it, the more I doubt SilverSilent tbh. I mean, last game he showed he was pretty clever, managing to camouflage his janitor role until the very end of the game.
I feel like this game he's scum and he's making up that ability, which he conveniently cannot confirm even if he was indeed scum. Not to mention he would naturally have this information if he was scum. I've also never seen a role like that (though I've seen similar roles that involve only one player) which makes me think he wants us to think he's helping but not really.
Besides, his activity is way lower than last game, and for these reasons I'm kinda comfortable making such a stretch.

##VOTE: SilverSilent

I already talked about this yesterday (and hoenstly I forgot about IE flipping). I talked about Athena's ability giving me the chance to target someone twice. Plus the chance for scum to attack twice because of it as it targets a random person every time. With this, I was able to target two people. Which were Camoclone and Reinforce with my first ability. My second ability I targeted Vom and Ice Espeon to use their abilities all on me. With this said, Unless Camo was jailed and targeted, that would me that Reinforce would still have a fairly high chance of flipping scum in my opinion. Usually I'm only able to pick one person per ability per night. With that said, because of Athena's ability, I was able to get two with both.

The discrepancy here that Squirtle and Reinforce stated earlier is a little too big to ignore – you don't know that Reinforce is scum.

##UNVOTE: @Reinforce
##VOTE: @SilverSilent

Explanation, Silver?

I never said I knew if Reinforce was scum I said there's a good chance that he is based on my ability and with the help of Athena's a previous night.
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