Alright! So I'm pretty sure Reinforce is town (for now!) Looking at his role closer, the flavour in particular stands out!
In IE's safe claim the flavour was pretty pitiful, and didn't match anything with his actual flip (duh, that was to be expected).
Now the scum team could have noticed this and fixed it for RF's flip but still, RF is reading town right now.
Alrighty! Time for a list
Squirtle Squad: Obviously thats me

Vom: Targeting ability has been confirmed by a few sources. He's confirmed RF's ability. Town read for now.
Luispipe: Probably scum seeings as the rest of Team Magma from last game were scum.
TheFancyPineapple: Didn't know why Drac's slip was scummy, so is a strong town read.
SilverSilent: Probably scum, his hesitancy on lynches is never helpful.
Keeper of Night: I'm reading as town atm but wouldn't be surprised if he somehow flipped scum. I'm really hoping he's town.
Reinforce: Subbed in for EM, could easily see him flip scum same as KoN, but for now I'm reading Town on his role.
Camoclone: Has disappeared for the latest two day periods, I've got suspicions on who has done this but I'm sure both Camo and the person I think is responsible are town. Camo could be scum and be using the ability to avoid the game (though I doubt it...)
double o squirtle: His latest comments read as town to me. so for now he's a town read.
Jabberwock: KoN has "confirmed" as town. If KoN flipped scum then Jabberwock would be scum most likely, though a player like KoN wouldn't do something so foolish as scum (unless he was just trying to get town lynched)
Now Im assuming there's 6 scum, but if my two scum reads here were lynched then that would only mean 5. Which means someone here is being read as town but is really scum!
Biggest scum read here is
##vote: @SilverSilent. your voting style is scummy, though consistent with last game, however you have been far less active than last game which could easily be a scumtell.
@Keeper of Night what makes you so sure Jabberwock is town? Is this through ability or just from your read of him?