Sorry for the inactivity guys, I've been kinda busy x_x
You see Luis, thing is, you're acting pretty similar to last game where you were scum (I just went and checked, then looked over your latest posts). Claiming with little to no pressure (and in last game, D1) to get people off your back, pointing fingers to drive attention away from yourself (which, along with a claim /could/ actually be convincing, but not in this case given the way you've been acting) and going like 'omg guys I'm not scum stahp ittt' are all things you did last game. Your last post only further proved my second point, since you try to drive the attention to 2 different players, one of which we've literally seen nothing of since 2-3 days, and literally menacing the other one if he doesn't stop the pressure on you.
It just seems to me you're basically desperate to get the attention off yourself at this point, and yours is the most defensive attitude I've ever seen on anyone. If you'll quit the game when there's pressure on you, then you're dead weight, scum or not (there are no subs to replace you rn IIRC). Quitting the game instead of giving actual reasons as to why you should not be lynched doesn't help anyone, and if you'll simply quit, might as well lynch you, given that you're the most suspicious person right now.
But I'm curious, Luis: why confirm my Ability if you're scum? To drag me down with you if you flip scum? To get town cred? I'd really love an explanation for this.
On a side note, although a small detail, you messing up your claim and changing it later doesn't help your case.
VOTE: Luispipe8
I'd also wait for
@Squirtle Squad to explain what he meant, but I have reasons of my own (listed above) to think Luis is scum. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want more evidence though
P.S: Woo first actual case I've ever made!