Western Canada Regional Championship Report- T4 With Metallix

What do you think of Metallix?

  • It's not a good deck

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*testing, testing*

Yep, that was all I was doing the whole week prior to regs. After testing five different decks against 3/4 metagame decks 3 times each, I felt 100% confident with my deck choice, Steelix. It had almost an autowin against Vilegar (40% of my metagame) and SP (except BLG, Chenlock, and Infernape 4), and didn't really have any bad matchups except for Fire types, which I didn't expect to see much of.

My List:

-Pokemon: 21-
3-3 Steelix Prime
4 Skarmory UD
1-1-1 Metagross LA
1-1 Blissey PL
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2 Skuntank G
1 Regice LA

-T/S/S: 23-
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Seeker
2 Lucian's Assignment
2 Expert Belt
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Warp Point
3 Broken Time Space
1 Ruins of Alph

-Energy: 16-
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Special Metal Energy
6 Metal Energy
2 Warp Energy

Now before you comment and say how bad this list sounds, let me explain my techs/lines.

1-1-1 Metagross LA: This is probably my favorite card released over the years I've been playing. It is essentially a Pokemon Reversal every turn, except can be searched for and not trainer locked, as well as being a backup attacker if absolutely necessary.

1-1 Blissey instead of 2-2: I found that I never needed 2 Blissey out at once in a game, and that 2-2 was just to clunky and unnecessary to be considered a good play IMO.

2 Skuntank G: Because of the large amount of Vilegar in my metagame, I found that 2 Skuntank was the play in case they were able to Shadow Room one of them to death or one was prized.

Division: Seniors
Players: 21
Rounds: 5
Top Cut: 4

*Main Rounds*

-Round 1 vs. Bye-
-Metallix vs. Bye Deck-

This was a very easy game. They didn't even have a deck so I won.


-Round 2 vs. Justin C-
-Metallix vs. Vilegar-

Yes!! I get to play a Vilegar for my first game!! I feel confident until I see that my only basics in my hand are Regice and Uxie, hindering my ability to set up quickly. Despite my bad start, I get a T2 Skarmory and begin to build up an Onix on my bench (I couldn't get a Steelix), while he spreads damage and plans for a 4 Prize Compound Pain. Once he KO's almost all my bench except for a Skuntank, I bring up Steelix and start swinging for prizes. His Gengars get KOed really early on, and with nothing for him to snipe on my bench and my hand having only 1 or 2 Trainers, the game goes rapidly downhill for him. He tries to do an epic play to heal his Gengar Prime (his final Gengar), but misplays badly and it's GG.


-Round 3 vs. Nakota H-
-Metallix vs. Mother Vilegar-

Honestly, when I saw that I had to play against Nakota, I died. This matchup would be great if I didn't have to face Nidoqueen negating Poison.... *sigh* Lucky for me, with both get mediocre starts and I get 2 Steelix powered up in 6/7 turns, while he gets out Gengar, Vileplume, and Nidoqueen at around the same time as me. I am able to set up my Metagross and keep switching around his Pokemon to take prizes, while he only can take 2 prizes with Shadow Room and stuff. Time is called and it's 2-4 prizes in my favor, as well as me being T1. He can't take 2 Prizes in one turn to tie the game, and I'm 3-0.


-Round 4 vs. Robert M-
-Metallix vs. Vilegar-

Wow, am I ever lucky lol. 2/3 of my games were against an autowin matchup. Anyway, this was just a basic game versus Vilegar. He gets a couple Gengar set up while I build up two Steelix and start OHKOing his Gengars with Skuntank and Gaia Crush. He can't get anything else set up and I win a low-stress game.


-Round 5 vs. Chase M-
-Metallix vs. Chenlock-

Well, my good luck has to end sometime. I knew I was going to lose this game since T1, and didn't really care to much because I knew I was getting into Top Cut anyway. He gets Blaziken up quickly and I can't fight back when he OHKO's me every turn, so I lose.

Top Cut is announced, and these are the standings:

1st: Me (Metallix)
2nd: Justin C (Vilegar)
3rd: Chase M (Chenlock)
4th: Kabir V (Magnezone/Regirock)

I am really annoyed that I have to play against Magnerock, as I don't have a very good matchup against it and wanted to play against a Vilegar.... ugh.

*Top Cut*

-Top 4 vs. Kabir V-
-Metallix vs. Magnerock-

Game One: I get the T2/T3 donk here, as he has a terrible start and can't draw into anything. Hmmm, maybe I do have a chance at Top 2....

Game Two: Well, this game goes really badly for me. He gets everything set up super quickly, and he takes down my fully powered up Steelix early on, crippling my set up. He takes 5 more quick prizes to win Game 2.

Game Three: This game goes almost exactly like game two, except I am able to take 4 Prizes before he sweeps through my field with Magnezone.

And, just like that, I've lost my chance at becoming Regional Champion.... But I pick up my box and fill out the forms so that they can send me my metal (darn P!P! for not having the medals ready....). I open my box because I don't want to bother selling/trading it, and pull some cool stuff like 2 Shinies, 3 Reverse Holo Energy, and Reverse Ninetales/Lost World/Smeargle.

-Getting 3rd
-Getting a Booster Box
-Getting good pulls in my box
-Playing against 3 Vilegars
-Proving that Steelix is a viable deck in the right metagame
-Watching my friends faces when they found out I was playing Steelix

-Playing against Magnerock in T4
-Not going 5-0 in Swiss
-Medals not being at the event
-Playing against one of my worst matchups in Round 5
-Not getting a two round Bye for Nationals
-No scholarship

Hope you liked my report, and what do you think of Metallix? :)
So much Vilegar you had to face. Then again, I'm sure you actually enjoyed it - I hate having to fight against Gengar, and at my own Regs I had to fight against 2.5 of them (I say 2.5 because the third guy only got one Gengar out and it was the only deck of those that wasn't a Vilegar).

Although, I've got a question; your deck's name is "Metallix". Pardon me if I'm not getting something here, but isn't that a redundant name? The only unusual thing I see in your deck is Metagross LA (I love him too and want to try and build a deck with him in it again one day).
@S/R: Thanks!

@DNA: lol, I usually do hate facing Vilegar, but now I'm finally trying to build decks that counter it (like Steelix/Metallix). IDK about the name, it was just something that I thought of randomly and thought it would fit the deck without being a common name (*cough* Steelix/Healix *cough*). :)

Sounds like the reasoning behind my deck's name as well (RegiAwesome). Thanks for the explanation!
Nice job!

I don't like the Metagross, or Skarmory starter really. IMO it's best to just go straight Steelix, and not bother with techy stuff. Metagross is horribly clunky, and a liability against a lot of decks. Skarmory is interesting, but just slows the deck down, and is not needed. There are better options.
Thanks! Have you even tested Metagross though? It is very simple for me to get it out, and I can get one set up in around 90% of my games if necessary. Skarmory is a great starter IMO, as the the other two main possibilities (Jirachi and Sableye) can't set you up with Energies fast enough, and Steelix with no starter just doesn't work for me. Also, why would you ever think that Skarmory slows the deck down? It is your main method of energy attachment, so that you can have a Steelix set up on T3 instead of T4/T5.

As far as the discussion of a starter goes, this is on what you had, not on the new rules. Under the new ones, I would use Sableye as a starter, if I even used Steelix.

I almost always got a Steelix up and rolling, T2-3, with out Skarmory. Skarmory is just unneeded filler, that is using up valuable spaces. As far as Metagross goes, it's just another card that's clunking up the deck. It's anything BUT necessary for the deck to function. I see it as something that's nice to have, and does work, but really isn't needed. Decks that have cards that are nice to have don't win. Decks that have cards that are 100% needed to win, win.

Look your decks not bad, however, don't let a questionable at best tourney result let it go to your head. You had a VERY small turn out, and top cut that's almost laughably small. Realistically, you won 3 games against easy matchups, and promptly got bonked out of top cut. (I do feel your pain being paired against zone... I didn't personally face one, but I know how horrible the matchup is) However, 3 wins against Gengars don't really prove much about your deck.

I would say the first mistake you have in your list is a lack of 4 Sage's Training. Lucians is also a gimmick, as is Warp Energy. No good Steelix ever run Azelf. This leads to why all the good ones run a 2-2 Blissy. BTS is a waste, only use RoA, and CQ. You could use at least 1 more belt, healing trainers, Lost Remover (wins mirror + cripples most SP). Heaven only knows why on earth you would ever want to use Regice, as it's only another possible HORRIBLE starter (and yet another fat lug for someone to drag active...). Steelix doesn't care what the heck they have on the bench. Just blast away at the active, and tank.

Check out my report if you wish. I went 7-1 in swiss with no starter, and DEFINITELY no filler cards. I'm not trying to be arrogant or anything. I'm just trying to help you make your deck better, and understand that you REALLY can't base anything off of a tourney like you had. I've had almost the opposite situation where I've by some horrible luck, faced auto losses all day. What does that prove? It sure as heck proves I lose to the deck I already knew I would lose to every time. The same goes if you were to play a water deck in a field of all fire decks. You would just prove that, *insert cheesy fake surprise noise of your choice* WATER POKEMON BEAT FIRE POKEMON! :p Either way, both situations are 100% worthless, and show nothing about your deck. The best way to really know how your deck does, is run it at something BIG. Long rounds always weed out the lesser decks.

Let me know if you need any help with your list. I'm not going to give mine out, but I'll be more than happy to give advice/thoughts on matchups/etc...
Metagross can give the power to switch the opponents active around conveniently, aka choosing what to KO. Skarmory can build up the metal energy needed for Steelix or Metagross (if necessary) for the attack. Metagross can do an attack of 50 and then 100 the next turn for 1 metal and 1 DCE. Metagross HP is 120 and difficult to knock out in one hit! The Special Metal energy really reduces any attack that I could give to it. For example even if I attack with Machamp Prime fully powered up with all benched Pokemon damaged, my attack is 150 but if Metagross has 4 Special Metal it reduces it to 110 and it lives!! ugh! And then Blissey will heal it by 20 and next I may get knocked out. Or Metagross can use its PokePower to try to switch my Active again!
Good deck!
You do realize that you would never want to attack with Metagross, since Steelix is the far better attacker. Skarmory is still unnecessary, as it only slows the deck down.