What activities do you LOOOVE? <3

My personal activities that I love doing are Magic the Gathering (despite in all aspects, I'm a noob), Pokemon (both VG and TCG), playing video games, and enjoying my school's Gamers Club.
Update: talkin to the ladies ;)

Hanging with friends
listening to music
definitely not school
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (with Dawnguard)
What I love:

- Rugby League
- Music
- Going out with friends
- Parties
- Anime
- Starting to get into Manga
Pokemon because of how nostalgic it is and its just plain fun and riding my motorcycle because of how freeing and fluent flying down a twisty road on a sport bike is
bacon said:
I love reading threads made by 6-Dimension

Same with me, this is one activity that I truly looooooove <3
I also love eating.
Like all the time.
I'm really in to good food and cooking
I love playing guitar, hanging out with friends, building decks for mtg, and reading books by C.S. Lewis.
I like activities, but I'm not sure I'm ready to love again.
Speaking of which I enjoy making references to see if my friends will catch them. [They won't]
I also like making instant pancakes, except for all the fire it creates.
I like playing guitar, playing Pokemon (VG and Im learning the TCG), I have this weird habit of collecting CD's... If I have one CD by a band I like, I just have to get them all... I like reading, and playing RPG's. Some of my favorite are Fallout 3, Pokemon Sapphire, and Borderlands.
Coutihno said:
I like playing soccer with friends,sleeping (especially at school!) and Atheism.

I never knew Atheism was an activity.

keybLade said:
I like activities, but I'm not sure I'm ready to love again.


I keep myself busy nowadays with hobbies like Video Games, Yu-Gi-Oh, and listening to a varying amount of music. If it's not that, it's school.