What are the funniest Donks you've seen?

Top cut. Both people started Tyrogue. Second game plays out and the guy who lost the first game won. Third game they both started Tyrogue again.

What a depressing way to lose in cut.
top 32-us nats-sudden death-

i'm going second. he sets up a phanpy to evolve into donphan next turn to win the game. i have a yanma active. i communication away a yanmega prime for a tyrogue. i plus power, junk arm for it again to play it. then discard my hand with professor juniper. play another pluspower, and junk arm one more time for the 4th pluspower. that has got to me one of the greatest donks of all time.
Bunch of them:
-We both start mewtwo. He DCEs his and pluspowers. Hits for 100. I draw play pluspower and Juniper. Get 1/2 Dces I drew and donked lolz

- Random Tyrogue tech in my Durant donks a Tynamo is Cities.

- Smeargle Donk- 4 Smeargles, 2 Tornadus EX, 2 Mewtwo EX, and a Tyrogue. 4 DCE. Many, many, many trainers. I nearly decked myself trying to donk a Tynamo XD

And the best donk ever....

States 2011- I'm playing my RogueChomp 2nd Round against a Gyarados. He starts lone Sableye SF, I start Roserade Gl. He GOES FIRST, and uses impersonate for Collector. I Expert Belt my Roserade GL, attach a Fire, and collector for Crobat G, Poketurn, Crobat G. Roserade GL, which does 10 damage and poisons, donked a Sableye, the king of donking back then. How ironic.
Sadly, he beat me in Top Cut. Y muz the 5-0 get 3rd! :[=

alexmf2 said:
Top cut. Both people started Tyrogue. Second game plays out and the guy who lost the first game won. Third game they both started Tyrogue again.

What a depressing way to lose in cut.

This is hilarious.

Puff said:
My best moment EVER:
I'm playing a Kyurem deck against a weird Zeels build. I go first, attach a {W} energy to my active kyurem, drop a totodile, and pass. They collector for 3 30 HP tynamos and dual ball for a Cleffa and a Tyrogue. they have a 30 HP tynamo active. they retreat, eeeeeek, and wake up. I draw, rare candy a feraligatr prime onto my totodile, Attach 2 {W} Energy to kyurem, and glaciate to take 6 prizes and clear their field in 1 turn.

so pro.....
Round two of Nats a couple years ago, I was running Luxchomp and played against Shuppet Donk. I attach, and pass. Then he plays a bunch of Pokemon with Pokepowers and then attacks me with shuppet and it goes back to the hand. Then I bust out ERL, move an energy with Bronzong G, attach, and hit all of his Pokemon in play for 80 for the game. He asked me what the card did when I played it, and I said "You can read it, but you just lost."
Back when you could rare candy first turn:

Me: Set out two gabites. One on the bench of course.
Opponent: Sets out two pidgeys with messenger

Opponent went first: He uses messenger to search his deck for pidgeotto.
My turn: Rare Candy to Garchomp from POP 9, attach a boost energy, Jet sword donk.

His face was priceless, mainly because he was still in the middle of shuffling his deck.
Nats top 32:

Tyrogue vs. Phanpy
Phanpy player goes first and passes. Tyrogue player plays a PlusPower, JA, Juniper, JA, PlusPower. This acutally happened.
When I was running ZPST, I got the T1 Bolt Strike and donked my opponent when I knocked out his lone Cynadquil. We had a rematch and I got the T1 Bolt Strike again with a PlusPower then donked his Reshiram BW. Not as epic as some of the other donks but I thought it was hilarious. :p
When I played Seismituff (which was only Seismitoad at the time) my opponent had a lone Pachirisu and I had a Tympole. He used Pachirisu's Poke-Power and donked Tympole.
9Tailz said:
When I played Seismituff (which was only Seismitoad at the time) my opponent had a lone Pachirisu and I had a Tympole. He used Pachirisu's Poke-Power and donked Tympole.
You do realize Pachirisu's Self-Generation is a drop power, correct? It doesn't work unless you play it onto the Bench from your hand during your turn.
So did he retreat or something?
Once during a local tournament. I went first with Emerging Powers Minccino vs lone Cleffa. Last Resort heads. GG.
Just had another one from yesterday at league.

So I'm playing Smeargle Donk yesterday at league. iis starts with Mewtwo EX. I start Smeargle and Mewtwo. I DCE Mewtwo and Pluspower.
1 Pluspower
I Dual Ball for more Smeargle. I portrait for Pont.
2 Pluspower.
I use switch and Portrait again using switch.....and again with Switch.....and I use my own Pont
3 Pluspower
4 Pluspower
5 Pluspower
X Ball
I just donked his Mewtwo EX.
at leagyue i used my roselia donk agaist a terrakion
i start with a lone roselia to his lone terrakion
1 pluspower and 3 heads on petal dance oooooooooh yeah
Yeah, I found out my Smeargle donk needed a fighting type that was basic and took 1 energy to do 40+ damage. Inspired by Mychael Bryan's donk at Regs, I chose Hitmontop. I keep SSUing and reusing Portraits and eventually I get 7 pluspowers due to Recycle and Junk arm. I use my Hitmontop. Then, I flip only 1 heads and donk a Darkrai. (20+70)x2= 180.
Porygon Z Promo with 8 TMs a double and an expert belt attached against a Palkia G.
I played against James Coss at Battle Roads yesterday, and we both have dead hands. I start with a HGSS Phanpy (Flail) and a CoL Phanpy (PokeBody). I send up the Flail one first, and he goes first. We both have dead hands and no supporters. He has like 5 energy or something like that, a Catcher, and some other dead card. He starts lone Smeargle. Portrait, whiff. For reasons unknown, he attaches DCE and Tail Raps for 20. I go, draw an energy, attach Rocky Helmet and an energy, and Flail for 40 (with weakness). He goes, draws another dead card, Portraits for nothing, Catchers the other Phanpy, and Tail Raps for 20. I draw, DCE to retreat, and Flail FTW.