Uxie is obviously the center Pokemon when it comes to drawpower. Since we've now lost Roseanne's and Night Maintenance, players have adjusted to running Pokemon Collector and Palmer's Contribution. You should know Palmer's and Pokemon Collector for leaving after HGSS. The staples are more cards coming out from HGSS. Along with Bebe's, people are running Pokemon Communication for Pokemon searching, and Professor Oak's New Theory for draw. Players have also used Judge for draw and disruption, since TGW is out of the format.
The best decks of the format are Luxchomp, Dialgachomp, Sablelock, and Vilegar. Vilegar is Gengar SF with Vileplume UD. With Vileplume and Spiritomb, you can lock Trainers for the entire game, and then use Poltergeist to dish out high damage. Sablelock is essentially using Sableye to T1 disrupt your opponent with Judge or Cyrus' Initiative, while using Garchomp C Lv.X to snipe the Bench (don't take my word on Sablelock, though. I have very little experience with it).
Other decks that are in the format are Gyarados, Donphan, Blazeray, and Machamp. You should be familiar with those decks.