what are the most popular decks?


Aspiring Trainer
So i havent played in like six years and i was woundering what the most popular decks are for this upcoming tourny season?
Scizor, Kingdra, Torterra, AMU, Machamp, Empoleon, Froszong, electrode variants, raichu, T-tar, and alot of random rogue decks.
Going strictly by what I saw and the calibur of the people playing them the two big decks are Machamp and Raichu.
so i just looked at raichu and machamp and they dont look all that good, is it just cause there quick setups?
T3 Raichu X that snipes for 80,twice
T1 machamp that toss basics to the discard pile

How is that?
are these cards in sf, if not what set are they in

ok i just read the machamp, that is pretty good, but i still dont like the raichu very much, wouldnt you not beable to use voltage shoot again because you dont have the right amount of energy to do it again.
btb13 said:
are these cards in sf, if not what set are they in

ok I just read the machamp, that is pretty good, but I still don't like the raichu very much, wouldnt you not beable to use voltage shoot again because you don't have the right amount of energy to do it again.

The energy are from your hand. And you can use the normal Raichu's attacks as well.
btb13 said:
so I just looked at raichu and machamp and they don't look all that good, is it just cause there quick setups?

raichu is amazing, he can snipe someones claydol and do 100 damage to your active all in one turn. Also, since it's a body it really can't be negated. The deck just has so much synergy; you discard 2 cards from your hand then your Electivire's picks them up and feeds raichu to do Burst ball.

The machamp is like a fighting version of kingdra without the spread. T2 rare candy donking is just disgusting. Plus, all his attacks aren't that bad. You also don't have to use the Lv.x if you don't want to either, but he has that reverse Gengar attack strong-willed which is kinda nifty.