Zekrom and Reshiram will be really big. Using newer cards like Eviolite will make the decks even better, with other optional techs such as Super Rod and Rocky Helmet. Because of a rise in play in dragon decks, decks that have weaknesses to either of them will not be played as much.
ZPST probably the biggest boost from NV. Eviolite especially makes the deck better, giving it consistency, and keeping Zekrom from being knocked out in some cases. A Bolt Strike will only give Zekrom 20 damage, and even after a Bolt Strike any attack that does 120 damage will still not knock Zekrom out. This makes cards such as Bouffalant worthless, and makes Zekrom a lot harder to knockout. By attaching Eviolite to Tornadus, and Earthquake attack will only do 20 damage to Tornadus, and 40 with Ruins of Alph. Ruins of Aplh used to give Donphan the 2hko, but now Tornadus most be 3hko'd. Without Ruins of Alph, it will take six turns to knockout a Tornadus with Earthquake, or five with Pluspower. The huge boost ZPST gets from Pluspower will make it Tier One if not BDIF.
TyRam also gains a lot from NV. Super Rod and Rocky Helmet are ok, and Eviolite is really good. Though it doesn't dramatically give a boost to to TyRam, after using Typhlosion's Afterburner, it will take 140 damage instead of 120 damage to knockout Reshiram. This can be a problem in mirror or for ZPST. Super Rod works as energy retrieval, and Rocky Helmet is a Gothitelle counter.
Gothitelle doesn't really get a boost, but the deck isn't any worse. Rocky Helmet doesn't pose much of a threat because of Pokémon Catcher. It may be played more because of a good ZPST and TyRam match-up, but Mew techs will probably keep it down.
Stage 1s are getting worse. Zoroark no longer has the return knockout on dragons, nor does Donphan. Gothitelle also tears the deck apart because all the Pokémon tend to hit for low damage amounts. The hope against TyRam is to knockout Typhlosion, but against ZPST, Zekrom and Tornadus will just be able to take out all of your Pokémon.
MegaZone is a bit worse, because of a bad TyRam and ZPST matchup. Zekrom hits Yanmega for weakness, and Reshiram ohkos Yanmega too. Both decks can Catcher-ko Magnemites to cut out drawpower, making MegaZone worse.
tl;dr? dragons will dominate.