General What Are You Good At?


A Cat
I know most people on Pokebeach are somewhat good at Pokémon, but what are other things you are good at? I'm good at Origami (if random foods that look cool count), distracting people and doing things most wouldn't do, like jump off a cliff putting hot sauce on Ice Cream. :D actually it's pretty good.
The small amount of replies to this thread make me think people have to skills, no talents, nothing. As far as I'm concerned, your all skill-less, life-less people. :p
Why are there no replies LOL

My skills include eating lots of food especially at buffets or food challenges! A couple of sports including Badminton and Table Tennis. Also enjoy Karaoke and Dancing as I joined one of my University clubs!

Ice cream is
Thinking about my life choices is my best skill. Other than beating a ten year old kid who made it to worlds for VGC.
Do useless skills count?

If so, I can eat heavily spicy food without drinking water or looking around for an ambulance. (I'll take up your challenge to eat hot sauce on ice cream!)
I'm good at claw machines and getting outside cats to come over to say hi.
Well I'm good at playing piano, guitar and the violin. Also I can paint but I'm not super amazing. I am also really great at sneaking up on people and scaring them half to death, so there's that.
I am pretty good at the violin (currently playing Tchiakovsky's Waltz of the Flowers–so much fun), and I'm good at reciting random trivia facts that no one wants to know. My spelling and grammar is pretty good as well, since I spend most of my time reading (instead of hanging around on social media that has no literary value whatsoever).

Apparently, I'm also really good at drawing stick figures. Not sure if that's even a thing, but that's what people say.
I'm the ''machine fixer'' in the household , so i guess i'm good at it.

I also tend to have a good sense of humor, so thats a plus as well
I'm good at not being noticed, but terrible at finding hiding places.

I also seem to have a knack for crying multiple times in the same hour, which is weird and unhelpful. -_-
I'm good at the following:
• Video Games
• Messing with computers and video games to do cool stuff with them like ripping song sequence files from DS games
• Writing stories
• Drawing
• Singing
• To an extent, video editing
• Sewing and crocheting

Aside from this, I'm also good at calling out in class, and when I was a bit younger, injuring myself in minor amounts. Even now, I've managed to sprain one foot two or three times, but I'm a better at keeping safe now.

It's possible I could've forgotten one or two things on here, but I won't bother to edit them in.
Running, Baseball (yes, I stack up well against the boys >:L), and Cooking. Video games to a certain extent as well.
Video games (Pokèmon, Clash Royale, and amiibo training in particular), Soccer, School, and taking a lot of insults from people.
having lived on my own for some time now, i can say i'm pretty okay around the house... i guess
I'm pretty good at a number of mundane things.
  • Untangling knots (I've yet to meet a knot or tangle I couldn't fix)
  • Logic puzzles
  • Communicating with kids (hence why I'm in Child and Youth Care)
  • Making connections with people (despite being super introverted and shy)
  • Making puns (much to the chagrin of my class)
  • Befriending animals
  • Grammar
Nothing that will win me any awards or anything.