What are you playing for Battle Roads?

Yeah it does my friend has actually spoken to me about you being there back when you were Furoshi man.///
I don't understand how you can have a deck that everyone knows as your secret deck It is kinda not so secret at all.
If I go to battle roads I would likely play Empoleon, teched in with something that can beat other archetypes. Just my playstyle.

But I probably won't go. :/ (Nearest BR is 115 miles away!)
DawnOfXatu said:
Yeah it does my friend has actually spoken to me about you being there back when you were Furoshi man.///

So are you going to either Tewksbury or Londonderry?Ill preobably write somewhere on me Dszet97
An AMU that I worked with this guy from my league with (Ajay). Big kudos to him, he really helped me with this :]
DawnOfXatu said:
No I am actually going to milford.

i might. it just will be hard to get my parents to get my to 3 pre releases and 2 drafts(they already said theyd do 2 and 2)
It really depends on what I get at the prereleases, but if I get nothing good Porygon Z ftw...darn one head no knockout. Maybe I'll use the new one when it comes out.
Yeah but that is so far awya that it would be played for State/Regionals and by then who knows what we will have./
Right now I have a Butterfree deck made but I'll probably make something else to use for BRs.
I've been trying to figure out what people play in a froslass deck since nobody has posted a deck in the deck garage or anything you don't need to tell us all but would you mind sharing some of the basic parts of the deck?