XY What Are You Using the Master Ball for?


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What did you guys use the Master Ball on? I've already caught Mewtwo and Zygarde, and Articuno will eventually become stationary if I understand it right so there's no reason to throw it at him, either. The Safari Zone as we know it doesn't exist so there's no chance of finding a shiny that I run the risk of being unable to catch.

I guess there's always the random shiny exploder?
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!

I used my master ball on Mewtwo, because I didn't want to waste time trying to catch it with ultra balls or dusk balls, and I doubt I'll need it for anything else. None of the shinies I'm hunting explode.
Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!

PMJ said:
What did you guys use the Master Ball on? I've already caught Mewtwo and Zygarde, and Articuno will eventually become stationary if I understand it right so there's no reason to throw it at him, either. The Safari Zone as we know it doesn't exist so there's no chance of finding a shiny that I run the risk of being unable to catch.

I guess there's always the random shiny exploder?

I still have mine, ultra'd my yveltal, mewtwo, zygarde, and bird. Not sure what I'm saving it for, but it's nice to have it there just in case.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!

I'm saving my masterball until I run into a shiny that can roar, explode or teleport. I ran into a shiny Abra once but the shiny Gothorita I caught like a hour before had Shadow Tag so that was a miracle out of a hat. :b
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I honestly have no idea, I will probably use it for a shiny that can run away from battle or something but I hope one of the 3 event legendaries will be catchable within X and Y and not just be given to you so I can catch it with ma master ball.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

Haven't used mine yet and still haven't caught mewtwo as well. I'll probably use it against him just to save time.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I used mine on Mewtwo :)

mostly cus i tried first with ultras and it just took much time
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I'm thinking about using it on Zapdos because assuming the IVs are not set until it rests, it will be much faster to get one that is competitively viable. If they are set, I'm not sure what I'm going to use it on.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I don't think I'm going to use mine ever. I never do, why you ask? Well I have this crazy obssession of catching any and all legendaries with pokeballs. I bring like 30 poke balls to the fight and do my best to catch it in a poke ball. If I fail and run out of em I reset. Its just something that has been ingrained in my head that anyone can catch a legendary with an ultra ball or a master ball but it takes some dedication to catch em in a poke ball. Haha but yea definitely if I ever run across a shiny that can run or explode then I will most likely throw dat mastah ball.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I never seem to use my masterballs. I'm so paranoid that something will come along after I've used it that I need it for. If I do use it, it will be for a shiny that I'm not prepared to catch at that moment or after many attempts of trying to catch a legendary.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I'll use my Masterball on a random 'mon like Bunnelby or Ledyba.
Then I'll breed at least a hundred of them, and name each and every one of them "Regret".

I'll Wonder Trade them for hours of fun.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I have thought about doing that as well, since the ball you use is now passed down via the mother. Also, I am not sure this required its own thread, as I thought it was more worthy of a sqsa thread, but I'm not going to argue. Thank you for your comments, everyone.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I caught Xerneas in a Quick Ball, Mewtwo in a... Ultra Ball? Zygarde in an Ultra Ball and Moltres in a... I'm not kidding here... Dive Ball. Best. Thing. Ever. I'll probably keep my Master Ball. Maybe do something stupid with it. Maybe trade it to Z/X2/Y2.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

Does the Master Ball transfer down like the others? I know Cherish Ball doesn't, sadly. But as I still have my MB... hmm... Maybe I'll catch a female something and breed it :p
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

Does having a masterball pass down through breeding mean anything? Or is it just aesthetics?
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I used mine on Mewtwo to save some hassle, but I want to try and madusa method a shiny diggersby with a master ball
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

momoxmomo said:
Does having a masterball pass down through breeding mean anything? Or is it just aesthetics?

It's just for aesthetics. I think the main point would be to have tons of lower levels (non legendary) Pokémon inside of Master Balls. It would be quite funny to see. :p

I personally haven't used it yet and I'm not planning to use it on the Legendary Pokémon either. I might also end up transferring it to the future games or not using it at all.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

Mewtwo. The colors match perfectly, after all, and it saved a lot of time. :p
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I might use it on Zygarde if I'm lazy or maybe save it for a future event Pokemon.
RE: What will you use / have you used your Master Ball for?

I almost never use my Masterball. I like to save it for either sentimental purpose, or use it as a bargaining tool for trading. Besides, I get a lot more fun out of trying to catch legendaries the hard way.