What are your next destinies theme deck elemental type predictions?

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Aspiring Trainer
If the title is cut off, it says "What are your Next Destinies theme deck elemental type predictions.

Here is how it works. You can predict only 3 elemental combos for each of the 2 decks, and also bold the one you think is really going to happen.

I'll give you an example, which is also my prediction.

Reshiram, Explosive Edge

Fire Water
Fire Darkness
Fire Metal

Zekrom, Voltage Vortex

Lightning Grass
Lightning Psychic
Lightning Darkness

Reshiram's deck being Fire Metal makes sense, because Explosive... Fire... Edge...blade... metal.

Zekrom's deck is a tough one. I don't know what elemental type describes a Vortex. Maybe a Vortex that leads into the darkness?

Another reason is that PTCG has never ever had a Lightning Darkness theme deck ever, nor has it ever had a Fire Metal theme deck.
signofzeta said:
Before I go on, how did Bulbapedia get the names Explosive Edge for the Reshiram Deck and Voltage Vortex for the Zekrom Deck?

EXplosive Edge and Voltage VortEX both utilize the EX as did the set name with NEXt Destinies. Thats my guess anyway.
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