What are your plans for summer?


Aspiring Trainer
I know I've made two other threads like this that involves certain times of the year, but I know this topic will recieve a lot of discussion.

So, what are your plans for summer? I'm going on a camping trip with my cousins and then a few weeks later I'm going to go on a trip with my cousins again to Cedar Point. It will be or 5th Annual Camping Trip and our 3rd Annual Cedar Point Trip so I guess it's becoming a tradition. I'm also going to finally go to Ohio to attend my first prerelease. It's really my first ever competetive Pokemon TCG event so it's pretty exciting. Hopefully, the dates won't conflict with anything else I have scheduled.

So what are your plans for the summer? Post and tell us what's exciting. :)
Spend most of my summer studying to get a scholarship for private school.
And Nationals ;)
7 day cruise around the medditerrian:D. Other than that: Pokebeach, looking at E3 stuff, friends etc
I am hopefully going to Nats/Worlds and I am going to Florida for 2 weeks or so and I am also going to Put-in-Bay.
I'm going to get my Wisdom teeth yanked and then I'm going to my Grandparent's house! :p
I think I'm going to go visit my grandparents' house one last time before they move closer to us.

Also playing some pokeymanz :]
I will be hanging out with as many friends as possible.
I'm going to nats and if I do well (which would involve a miracle) I might go to worlds.
I will be playing lots of soccer and pokemon.
I will be talking on beach everyday
Reading a lot
Hopefully attending some acting work shops.

Lots to do
Get a job, Drive, PB, Video Games, TCG, Read, Volunteer work, Sleep. I have tons to do. Thankfully no Washington this Summer.

dmaster out.
Nice agendas, everyone. I'm testing out of a bunch 8th grade classes for highschool so I have to study until the end of June which will be a lot of work. Then, finally, after that, I can enjoy my summer like I should. I'll defenitely be going to my Grandma's house because her sub has a great outdoor pool. :)

- Luigi
Well enjoy your summer. For me, it will another year that work won't allow me any time off.
From June to early July, it'll be Community Service, which is needed for graduation. I would be enjoying the summer, like I always do. (And complain about the humidity, like I always do).
Nationals, Worlds, Comic-Con, and going to play sports again. POKEMON INDIGO.

Probably going to play Pokemon Indigo also.