What are your plans for summer?

...And that's pretty much it
I'll be going horse back riding again (yay), going to my Grandmothers camp and I might be going to a horse back riding camp. :D
This summer: Goto hershey park, go Camping, goto the outer banks
Next summer:Cruise hershey park and camping
Summer School. D: I've failed 4th frade math for the third time now, I think I was born to fail.
Mew Jadester said:

Nuff said.

I'm With Ya Buddy :D
I'm going to study for worlds all summer cuz this is my last year in Jonior and I need to get this right!

SotS said:
Summer School. D: I've failed 4th frade math for the third time now, I think I was born to fail.

4th grade math is easy o.0
I'm in 4th grade and I'm doing 5-6th grade math XD

EDIT: PM Me If You Need Help With Your Home-work :D
Well im am going to start doing my weight training again as I have stopped for like 2 weeks to concentrate on studying.

After that im going to theme parks 24/7

Hanging out with my mates and causing mischief to the community :D

Going to london eye and oxford street to get some clothes (boy I sound like a girl!)

Studying maths purfusely so I can be prepared for my early exam and yeh more studying

I got a lot of stuff to do :p
Oh, I love going to theme parks. It's defenitely a way to enjoy your summer.

I'm saving up my money all summer for a digital camcorder. It's just how a 14-year-old can get the money that's the problem. But it's another thing that will take up my summer, so I guess I can say my summer is pretty jam-packed full of things to do, which makes it a lot of fun. :)

- LuckyLuigi7
3 Fs : Facebook = Friends = Fun
Oh right, count another F in, Football! ( Am I missing any important Fs? :I )
Summer school to get the easy classes out of the way. Arcades to play Maximum Tune 3DX :D. Hang out with friends. Go to the mall. Play video game and have fun with whatever I can do. xD
LuckyLuigi7 said:
Oh, I love going to theme parks. It's defenitely a way to enjoy your summer.

I'm saving up my money all summer for a digital camcorder. It's just how a 14-year-old can get the money that's the problem. But it's another thing that will take up my summer, so I guess I can say my summer is pretty jam-packed full of things to do, which makes it a lot of fun. :)

- LuckyLuigi7

I hear ya, I'm 10 and I need a way of making money >_<

My dad makes vidio games and I can alreaddy program them very nicely, it's just the leigal age to work is 16 :(
Dugtrio Trio said:
3 Fs : Facebook = Friends = Fun
Oh right, count another F in, Football! ( Am I missing any important Fs? :I )


Yeah, I'll be hanging out with my best friend a ton over the Summer. It makes up for all the missed time during the school year. One more day until my Summer starts! WOOT WOOT

dmaster out.
^ One more day? It's one more month for us. T_T I'm going to spend July in summer school so when I get to high school, I'll have an extra credit. Then, my friends and I will go to each other's houses, and commit MASS ACTS OF DEBAUCHERY. We'll also have SWEET RAVE PARTIES!!!1!1
Yep, I'm out in less than 24 hours. ;o I'm going to Terminator on Thursday to start off the Summer right, and maybe catch Watchmen at the cheap theaters. I've got to pick up Punch Out!! and other games at Gamestop and also pick up Rising Rivals cards this week. At least, that's the plan.

dmaster out.
I'm testing for my black belt either on or right after the last day of school. After that, I'll do what I do best: sleep in and do absolutely nothing.
Electimortar said:
I'm gonna commit suicide.

serosly O.O?

play MS
Camp morro
i wanna go to reginols or worlds
hangin out with me friends
going to portland

did i say ill be playing pokeymanz?

I'm going to Lake Tahoe near the end of July. So before that I'm going to take Tennis lessons.