Infernape Level EX star... squared
poke power: Max-cheapness
As often as you like during your turn you may search your deck and/or your discard pile for a chimchar, double rainbow energy, infernape, and rare candy. If you bench the chimchar you may switch it with the active pokemon.
poke body: Max-cheapness +1
If any infernape is your active pokemon, the defending pokemon is now weak to fire and takes double damage. THIS DAMAGE CAN NOT BE REDUCED, infact if anything would reduce this damage it has the opposite effect. If your opponent calls this cheap, the defending pokemon now takes 3X the damage and then just lie and say it isn't cheap... it's strategy
(No Energy) Cheap flame flip a coin if heads this attack does 1234567890 damage, if tails... knock out the defending pokemon, if that pokemon WAS NOT an ex.. take 2 prizes
, at 1st I thought that the power was enough, but then i said... naaaaah they wouldn't feel that way