2 Palkia LV.X
2 Dialga LV.X
1-2 Palkia
1-2 Dialga
some cool loking Rare Candies
Xx Claydol (possibly with Baltoy)
4 Pachirisu
Xx Lapras
Trade bait
House cards
Xx Mudkips
Obviously the Level X's as well as,
Altaria (will kill pre's, and I think it's pretty awsome)
Exploud (This guy is just fun)
Porygon line (Another card with great potential)
Pachi (I need something better then corsola)
if i get 2 sceptiles..i am so making a deck out of it...having a sceptile with a terra X is just broken..=_=
2 energies...100 dmg..and a friggin 160 hp..others are
Darkrai/Lv X ( i can imagine getting one of each during the PR..the darkrai would be the sleeping attack one...that would be
so lovely for owning the PR tourney..*drool*)
Premier ball
RC (duh)
Amulet Coin (you just got to love it)
i think almost all the rare cards...i am so tempted to just get a box but i'm so friggin short on funds..=_=
I want practicly all the cards but most specificly I want,
1 Darkrai Lvl.X or Cresselia Lvl.X
1 Darkrai
1 Cresselia
some rare candies, some amulet coins, and some leftovers
and i want alot more.
Don't count yourself out yet shaymin! I'm really hoping for some sceptile and kingler! I doubt I will get any Lv.x's I have never gotten a Lv.X and I have bought many a pack (no boxes maybe thats why) But I did get 2 tsd in like 5 mysterious treasure boosters so maybe I will have some luck! Gah I can't wait until next saturday!