What cards are you aiming to get at the Great Encounters prerelease?

I'm with ya, beeRush.

I suddenly want to get some swampert and unown g from the prereleases for some reason.
2 Palkia LV.X
2 Dialga LV.X
1-2 Palkia
1-2 Dialga
some cool loking Rare Candies
Xx Claydol (possibly with Baltoy)
4 Pachirisu
Xx Lapras
Trade bait
House cards
Xx Mudkips
Obviously the Level X's as well as,
Altaria (will kill pre's, and I think it's pretty awsome)
Exploud (This guy is just fun)
Porygon line (Another card with great potential)
Pachi (I need something better then corsola)
Altaria (It seriously counters Gallade)
Houndoom (I have reasons)
Darkrai lv.X
Rare Candy
Darkrai / Lv.X
Rare Candy
Xx Mudkip
I want:
All Lv.X
4000 Rare Candies (Look, I want that much since I can trade off to anyone but I wouldn't come cheap :3
Candies.. dont need to get them as i already have about 15.. Thank you HP prerelease.. BTW H_M when's our prerelease

On Topic: pachirisu darkraiX and maybe porygon2
if i get 2 sceptiles..i am so making a deck out of it...having a sceptile with a terra X is just broken..=_=
2 energies...100 dmg..and a friggin 160 hp..others are

Darkrai/Lv X ( i can imagine getting one of each during the PR..the darkrai would be the sleeping attack one...that would be
so lovely for owning the PR tourney..*drool*)
Premier ball
RC (duh)
Amulet Coin (you just got to love it)
i think almost all the rare cards...i am so tempted to just get a box but i'm so friggin short on funds..=_=
I want practicly all the cards but most specificly I want,
1 Darkrai Lvl.X or Cresselia Lvl.X
1 Darkrai
1 Cresselia
some rare candies, some amulet coins, and some leftovers
and i want alot more.
Blaziken is a really nice card, but I need Felicity's more. Apart from that, I got a whole deck thrown together already. no need for more cards.
Xx Swampert
4 Marshtomp
Xx Mudkip

4 pachirisu

Xx darkrai
Xx darkrai lv.X

I want the darkrai's to lock them up so they never see the light of the day, when there abusion will start.
Don't count yourself out yet shaymin! I'm really hoping for some sceptile and kingler! I doubt I will get any Lv.x's I have never gotten a Lv.X and I have bought many a pack (no boxes maybe thats why) But I did get 2 tsd in like 5 mysterious treasure boosters so maybe I will have some luck! Gah I can't wait until next saturday!