What cards do you think are underrated?


Aspiring Trainer
What cards do you think are underrated?
I think swampert ex is underrated cause one of 'em is weak to lightning!
-Solrock/Lunatone (DX)
-Starmie (DS)
-Manetric (HP)
-Hypno (DS and FR/LG)
-Grumpig (DX)
-Armaldo EX (LM) (not necessarily underrated but it just suprises me by the lack of people playing such a powerful card)
-Porygon2 (UF)
-Wigglytuff (CG)
-Mightyena (DX)

that's about all I can think of right now
Hmm...Arcanine EX is seriously underrated (and NO that's not because I'm called Arcanine 274 -_-). It's got a decent basic (T1 Paralysis is fun ;)) and can hit 100 for 3 energy, but has to discard ( ;_; ). It's just getting overshadowed since Banny EX has an Ascension basic and Rai/Eggs is faster. But it's still underrated IMO.

Arcanine out.
when it first came out, it was really good, but now, people don't use arcanine ex decks that much, because of "better" decks, like Bandoom and RaiEggs. I don't think its underrated, though.
I think team aqua's kyogre and team magma's groudon is underrated because
their attacks aren't all that strong but they still have the poke body power saver
that prevents them from attacking unless there are at least 3 pokemon with the
name team aqua/kyogre
off-topic: ShinySalamence where do I live?
on-topic: I think Salamence d it's very good. I will use it in my Deck, if I had any Water energy....
Rayquaza634 said:
What cards do you think are underrated?
I think swampert ex is underrated cause one of 'em is weak to lightning!

I got to agree with you on that!
ShinySalamence said:
I think team aqua's kyogre and team magma's groudon is underrated because
their attacks aren't all that strong but they still have the poke body power saver
that prevents them from attacking unless there are at least 3 pokemon with the
name team aqua/kyogre

Magma's Groudon isn't underrated anymore. It DID win Worlds, after all.
Salamence ex d and DEFINITELY STARMIE d. I also think that Crobat ex can be underrated sometimes.
I always thought Xatu DX was underated, I mean let your opponent play the stadium and he pulls 60 for2, and against a tool deck...
Plus he forces the opponent to heavily consider trying to inflict special conditions, what a way to kill of full flame (I hate this card, my coinfliping is bad enough as it is).
Mew ex. Just kidding.

Feraligatr d. Sure he's a stage 2, but used right, He can do 60 damage to ANY of your opponent's Benched Pokemon for 2 energy AND make them active!Then, he can do 100 damage for 3 energy! Woah!
hey you've got millions of gator d decks poping out every day... not under at all.

Sharpedo EX is great and totaly underrated. and with the new basic dark we might have a real pain in the *** with this guy.
Yep, you can still do 2 for 40 Drag Off (essentially snipe basic) and Darkness Blast for 100. Power Tree, some energy attacher and BOOM you die. Very fast.
I think that Mawile CG is beginning to get underrated. 60 HP basic that searches any trainer is good, it's just overshadowed by Castform. But some people are starting to say it sux, and I don't agree at all.

Arcanine out.