What cards will you miss?

I'm only really missing Roseanne, but I found an adequate replacement (Cyrus and Collector). Makes my deck more clunky, but it still works.

I do wish Claydol was staying around. Then Uxie wouldn't be a $50 card.
^Definitely miss Rosey. It gives SP yet another advantage because Cyrus searches Energy. sure, you can run cyrus in your non SP deck, but like Bippa said its clunky.
Bippa201 said:
I'm only really missing Roseanne, but I found an adequate replacement (Cyrus and Collector). Makes my deck more clunky, but it still works.

I do wish Claydol was staying around. Then Uxie wouldn't be a $50 card.

Especially since it was printed as a league promo. The level up on the other hand might get that high.

The biggest thing I'm going to miss might as well be Azelt [MT] mainly because it looks like next format is gonna be full of SP and decks using Mesprit+Uxie, so it's too bad there isn't that sexy Azelf to put a dent in an SPs run.
Moonlight Stadium,Mr. Mime (treasures),Claydol,Roseanne's research and Azelf (treasures). One of my fav decks (cursegar) won't be the same :[
even with out those tech's out of cursegar is still gonna be a pain. but i'm more sad that gardevior and shiftry dp are leaving. cya
Of course most people are gonna miss Claydol. Some decks will die without that quick draw every turn. Uxie will become more popular because of it though.

Rosanne's will definitely be missed. You could get energy AND a basic, which helped me donk in a bunch of games. The next best thing for that now IMO for getting energy is Interviewer's Questions, but knowing my luck I never pull any energy with it.
roseannes research, gardevoir gallade, skiploom sw, torterra x

im not gonna miss unown g cuz im running machamp next season =D
Roseannes' research more then anything else.
and if they remove all DP promos then Promogon as well.
And im very happy unown Gs gone >:-]