XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

So, I was looking at the Shishiko image, and noticed it has a stinger tail....
hopefully a manticore evolution?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Oh that would be AWESOME...but I won't hold my breath. It's vague enough that the stinger resemblance could be accidental. Fingers crossed I guess...I hope its final evolution is scarier, in any case. I'd love that goofy little thing to evolve into something really terrifying, befitting of a fire-type lion.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Tsukeo said:
I just want a Ghost-type cat-like Pokémon. That is all I've been asking about since generation three. :I

I would like that very much.

Also I really want a dolphin and an evolution of banette
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Espeon & umbreon were released together, dark powerful over psychic. Glaceon’s snowy moves powerful over grass, Leafeon. Eeveelutions have up to now been released in pairs, one being powerful over the other. Is a new Eeveelution waiting in the wings? I wish for a fly type Eeveelution, cat like or fox like with snowy white fur, & vivid pink wings & Espeon like sapphire blue eyes. Or a chocolate brown, chunky Eeveelution, (Like a chocolate bar! LOL) that looks a lot like eevee, an earth type with the power of geokinesis. By the way, if Pokemon wants to use my imaginative creations, thats brilliant, I’m happy to see them be used its free. Fans, too. Eevee & her eveelutions are all my fav Pokemon, as you can tell by my username, I like that they are the image of cats, canines or foxes. They threw us a curve ball with the wing shape in the trailer, Glaceons snowflake, espeons purple zap shape, Jolteons lightning, they all relate to the types, but the wing shape, its not fly as lots of us assumed, including me, but fairy. Is Pokemon going to launch another curve ball? Is a new Eeveelution going to be a type powerful over sylveon instead of dragon? I’m not saying a new type, but simply a super effective type over sylveon. I’d be delighted to see what else this insider can bring us. I wonder what fennikens evolutions look like? Is Umbreon, the moonlight Pokemon going to learn moon blast? I wish that Espurr & meowstick are correct, & that they look like they sound, psychic type cats hopefully decorated in a vivid pink or vivid purple colour. espurr sounds delightfully similar to Espeon. Can sylveon fly because she’s a fairy type? What does eevee have to use to evolve into her? Does Eevee have to be a she? Does it need stardust to evolve? Tell me I’m going bananas! 
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Sparklyevee said:
Espeon & umbreon were released together, dark powerful over psychic. Glaceon’s snowy moves powerful over grass, Leafeon. Eeveelutions have up to now been released in pairs, one being powerful over the other. Is a new Eeveelution waiting in the wings? I wish for a fly type Eeveelution, cat like or fox like with snowy white fur, & vivid pink wings & Espeon like sapphire blue eyes. Or a chocolate brown, chunky Eeveelution, (Like a chocolate bar! LOL) that looks a lot like eevee, an earth type with the power of geokinesis. By the way, if Pokemon wants to use my imaginative creations, thats brilliant, I’m happy to see them be used its free. Fans, too. Eevee & her eveelutions are all my fav Pokemon, as you can tell by my username, I like that they are the image of cats, canines or foxes. They threw us a curve ball with the wing shape in the trailer, Glaceons snowflake, espeons purple zap shape, Jolteons lightning, they all relate to the types, but the wing shape, its not fly as lots of us assumed, including me, but fairy. Is Pokemon going to launch another curve ball? Is a new Eeveelution going to be a type powerful over sylveon instead of dragon? I’m not saying a new type, but simply a super effective type over sylveon. I’d be delighted to see what else this insider can bring us. I wonder what fennikens evolutions look like? Is Umbreon, the moonlight Pokemon going to learn moon blast? I wish that Espurr & meowstick are correct, & that they look like they sound, psychic type cats hopefully decorated in a vivid pink or vivid purple colour. espurr sounds delightfully similar to Espeon. Can sylveon fly because she’s a fairy type? What does eevee have to use to evolve into her? Does Eevee have to be a she? Does it need stardust to evolve? Tell me I’m going bananas! 

If you are going bananas, then my head is too.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

I generally dislike eeveelutions but I'd accept a mean-looking poison type to counter the fairy. Can't we have just one Eeveelution that isn't painfully cute? Just one creepy deviant? Like a "failed" or "mutated" evolution?

Note however that Nintendo isn't going to be using anyone's ideas for this generation because this generation has already been in development for years and finished long before it was announced. Also because, you know, it's against the law for a company to use a fan's ideas, even if said fan is offering them for free. Intellectual property laws require that any concept used by a corporation be transferred through an official contractual agreement.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
Note however that Nintendo isn't going to be using anyone's ideas for this generation because this generation has already been in development for years and finished long before it was announced. Also because, you know, it's against the law for a company to use a fan's ideas, even if said fan is practically begging them to. Intellectual property laws require that any concept used by a corporation be transferred through an official contractual agreement.
And this, folks, is why I hate speculation. General stuff like "I'd like to see more bugs" or "new Rotom forms would be epic" I have no problem with, but this ultra specific stuff where the user acts like GF might see it and use it just drives me nuts. Even when it's well balanced and a great idea, it just means it won't be happening without a ton of legal hassle that I doubt the game producers feel is worth the time, effort, and/or money. I just prefer to save everyone the trouble. (PS: it's times like these when I wish I could show what part of another users post my "like" is applied to... otherwise I'd use the button more often)
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

The title of the thread is "what do you WANT to see" though; I don't think anyone has any expectations one way or another, apart from thinking there's a higher chance of them using ideas they haven't before, since that's generally how it goes. Talking about what we think would be cool even though we know it's unlikely to happen, at least not exactly, is fun :y
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Besides, IF GF were to read, like and develop an idea from a forum, they wouldn't need to acknowledge it (besides, the avalanche of fans sending crappy ideas and fakemons wouldn't ever end); GF could make changes to the design, or claim it was a coincidence; I imagine more than one pokemon idea appeared before or at the same time in the head of a fan.

On a different matter, given the relevance poison pokemon will have this gen, maybe a poison and rock/ground/dragon komodo dragon? it would be fitting for poison.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Bogleech said:
I generally dislike eeveelutions but I'd accept a mean-looking poison type to counter the fairy. Can't we have just one Eeveelution that isn't painfully cute? Just one creepy deviant? Like a "failed" or "mutated" evolution?

This. So. Much.
I'd love it to be an indication that Eevee, a cute Pokemon, can evolve into something disturbing.
Considering Sylveon is pink, got bows, and looks very feminine, a mutated Poison Eevee could be the mean, dark counterpart.
This Fakemon is the kind of design I'd like to see, just as an idea.
This way, it keeps the general Eeveelution look, with it representing its element, but it takes a darker turn.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

It would be cool if Chespin is to evolve into an "Assassin" Pokémon, as I see him to be the one with most speed. His Grass/Dark (according to the rumours) typing could make him an "evil" looking Pokémon, with a hood (like Scrafty) but over his head, shading over his eyes. And two very sharp leaves out of the top of his hands, providing him with two fast, and strong weapons. And also, he has a back of giant spikes to defend him from opponents trying to attack him from behind.

That'll be cool, huh? (Btw, I simply LOVE Chespin. He is the only Grass-type starter I've really wanted to start with.)
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Tsukeo said:
It would be cool if Chespin is to evolve into an "Assassin" Pokémon, as I see him to be the one with most speed. His Grass/Dark (according to the rumours) typing could make him an "evil" looking Pokémon, with a hood (like Scrafty) but over his head, shading over his eyes. And two very sharp leaves out of the top of his hands, providing him with two fast, and strong weapons. And also, he has a back of giant spikes to defend him from opponents trying to attack him from behind.

That'll be cool, huh? (Btw, I simply LOVE Chespin. He is the only Grass-type starter I've really wanted to start with.)
That would be interesting, But I don't want him to become a Shiftry clone. If the base stats mirrored what you said here, the only thing that would keep it from perfectly paralleling Shiftry would be a lack of the Chlorophyl ability (since grass starters have Overgrow by convention, though even that may change in gen 6).
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Nonono. I mean a slim, high Pokémon. With two blades out of his hands. (Like the hidden blades Altaïr from Assassin's Creed).
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Tsukeo said:
Nonono. I mean a slim, high Pokémon. With two blades out of his hands. (Like the hidden blades Altaïr from Assassin's Creed).

An altaïr/ezio pokemon would be incredible. Like i would die from the sheer awesome. Presumably it would learn leaf blade..
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Tsukeo said:
It would be cool if Chespin is to evolve into an "Assassin" Pokémon, as I see him to be the one with most speed. His Grass/Dark (according to the rumours) typing could make him an "evil" looking Pokémon, with a hood (like Scrafty) but over his head, shading over his eyes. And two very sharp leaves out of the top of his hands, providing him with two fast, and strong weapons. And also, he has a back of giant spikes to defend him from opponents trying to attack him from behind.

That'll be cool, huh? (Btw, I simply LOVE Chespin. He is the only Grass-type starter I've really wanted to start with.)

I've already decided to use Froakie, but if Chespin gets that kind of evo then I may have to reconsider my decision

Along the subject of starters, I'd like to see the following happen:
Fennekin Fire/Psychic. Theres so many fakemons I've seen with this typing that you can just google it and the things I'm thinking of (large body, big ears with wavy fur inside, mystic vibe) will come up. This looks like it would be the special-orientated one of the trio, I can see it having good speed, good sp.d and a nice sp.a stat.

Froakie, whilst I was really hoping for Water/Electric, looks like its gonna be Water/Fighting. I can kinda see this, with it having a body shape similar to Toxicroaks, but with foam around its neck, blue coloring and all that. It would also have white hands with webbing. I'd imagine this to have good speed, with high attack, decent sp.a, but meh everything else.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

All of my pokemon playing friends and i want chespin or froakie, so i really hope either of them get good evolutions. Chespin is the first grass starter I've actually wanted more than the others
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

- A creature with swords stuck in its back, it can take them out and fight with them (like Mendelson Shape)
- More hybrids. Like a wolf with a sheep. A butterfly mixed with a deer. A macaw mixed with an bear. A beast with goat horns. An otter mixed with a shark. etc.
- Pygmy Marmoset
- A black baldy cow (black body, white face, black fur around eyes - from afar it looks like a Skull)
- Bipedal raccoon or red panda (like Golduck)
- A lizard based off of the Leaf Katydid
- Sailfin lizard
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Lex said:
- A creature with swords stuck in its back, it can take them out and fight with them (like Mendelson Shape)
- More hybrids. Like a wolf with a sheep. A butterfly mixed with a deer. A macaw mixed with an bear. A beast with goat horns. An otter mixed with a shark. etc.
- Pygmy Marmoset
- A black baldy cow (black body, white face, black fur around eyes - from afar it looks like a Skull)
- Bipedal raccoon or red panda (like Golduck)
- A lizard based off of the Leaf Katydid
- Sailfin lizard

Spinda = bipedal red panda

I just pray for a Dunsparce and Farfetch'd evolution. That's all I require. However, a Pachirisu evolution would be nice.
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

AdamLambert said:
Lex said:
- Bipedal raccoon or red panda (like Golduck)

Spinda = bipedal red panda

lol Red Panda:

Doesn't really resemble Spinda does it?
RE: What cool new Pokemon/evolution do you want to see in the 6th generation?

Since Tierno is much interested in dancing Pokemon, and Maractus would be a suitable Pokemon for him, I'm hoping it gets an evolution.