RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation?
I'm hoping for a good bird with Staraptor like stats and some cool dragons.
Actually, assuming we don't get any/a few dragon legends, we can actually get some normal Dragon types. Good for all of those Dragon type Gym Leaders/Elite Four Members, and also for us Dragon-type lovers.
I'm hoping for new type combinations, but that's expected.
To be honest all I really want are some new type combinations for Ghost types, and ones for common types like Fire and Electric types.
Fire/Water type Salamander.
Salamanders are usually associated with fire, and are aquatic most of their lives like frogs and toads.
Fire/Ice Snow Monkey.
Like one of those monkeys in Japan that live in the mountains and go to the natural spas. Its even white and red and could evolve into a yeti like pokemon.