BW/BW2 What could they possibly do in Generation 5?

Arceus looks nothing like a centaur...
And because most people (including me~) doesn't know what a... Qilin is, they refer to Arceus as a goat of sorts, which it (almost) resembles.

*searches for pictures of... Qilins*
Oh, Arceus doesn't really look like a Qilin either. Mythical creatures =/= inspiration for mythical Pokémon, I guess.
FireMeowth said:
Arceus looks nothing like a centaur...
And because most people (including me~) doesn't know what a... Qilin is, they refer to Arceus as a goat of sorts, which it (almost) resembles.

*searches for pictures of... Qilins*
Oh, Arceus doesn't really look like a Qilin either. Mythical creatures =/= inspiration for mythical Pokémon, I guess.
Well take the body of a Centaur the head of a Qilin and... here's your Arceus, anyway this isn't the way it was meant, of course there are lots of other mythical creatures mixed in Arceus, and not only for the design, also for the concept.
Pokequaza said:
Well take the body of a Centaur the head of a Qilin and... here's your Arceus, anyway this isn't the way it was meant, of course there are lots of other mythical creatures mixed in Arceus, and not only for the design, also for the concept.
All photos I find on a Qilin it's head looks different than Arceus.
omahanime said:
All photos I find on a Qilin it's head looks different than Arceus.
It was also a little bit sarcasm, but still I see many similairities, look at this:
Well, maybe they should make a pokemon resembling to the japanese racoon-dog (dont remeber the japanese name)
I certainly hope they dont make more rotom forms, I already hate the platinum forms lol, whats so wrong about cute, little regular rotom? I mean the other forms look rediculous and the only difference is ONE ATTACK in their movepool
I think they should evolve all the standalones like Tauros and Miltank. For those two create a baby form that evolves depending which gender it is. For the ugly blue punching bag, (Wobbuffet) create an evolution! And I also think that they should start making stage 3 Pokemon. No stage 4 and stage 5, that's a bit overboard and stupid. So my ideas are- 1. Create a Miltank and Tauros pre-evo 2. Evolve Wobbuffet 3. Crate stage 3 Pokemon. 4. Evolve all standalone Pokemon.
FaustVIII said:
Well, maybe they should make a pokemon resembling to the japanese racoon-dog (don't remeber the japanese name)
I certainly hope they don't make more rotom forms, I already hate the platinum forms lol, whats so wrong about cute, little regular rotom? I mean the other forms look rediculous and the only difference is ONE ATTACK in their movepool

Don't forget their stats as well. The formes are better in competitive.
Pokequaza said:
It was also a little bit sarcasm, but still I see many similairities, look at this:
I was looking at the face, overall shape of the head, texture of the coat. Thank you for pointing that out.
omahanime said:
I was looking at the face, overall shape of the head, texture of the coat. Thank you for pointing that out.
Sorry but this was the best picture I could find of a Qilin. Note that this is the Chinese version of a Qilin, the Japanese one looks more like an Arceus. The Japanese Qilin is more shaped like a deer, also seen as a dragon shaped like an unicorn. Also note that the Qilin is seen as a peaceful creature, like Arceus, however both can have a raging temper if necessary. Anyway, I found a better pic of a Japanese Qilin (Kirin):

As you can see, its body has a lot more common with Arceus than the Chinese version. Of course GameFreak heavily Pokemonized it and I think this was the base for Arceus' design.
Pokequaza said:
Sorry but this was the best picture I could find of a Qilin. Note that this is the Chinese version of a Qilin, the Japanese one looks more like an Arceus. The Japanese Qilin is more shaped like a deer, also seen as a dragon shaped like an unicorn. Also note that the Qilin is seen as a peaceful creature, like Arceus, however both can have a raging temper if necessary. Anyway, I found a better pic of a Japanese Qilin (Kirin):

As you can see, its body has a lot more common with Arceus than the Chinese version. Of course GameFreak heavily Pokemonized it and I think this was the base for Arceus' design.
That does resemble Arceus quite a bit.
hmm making new pokemon seem too hardcore. They have a problem on their hand, and are going to need some insane creativity. as for gen5 i agree on evolving the pokemon that dont evolve or just give all the pokemon baby forms :O
hmm making new pokemon seem too hardcore. They have a problem on their hand, and are going to need some insane creativity. as for gen5 i agree on evolving the pokemon that don't evolve or just give all the pokemon baby forms :O
No, making new Pokemons isn't that hard. Look on dA, you'll see there are like at least thousend good fake (in Pokemon-rules accepted) Pokemon.
They have no made krill or a humming bird or well yeah they have made most things.

Pokequaza said:
No, making new Pokemons isn't that hard. Look on dA, you'll see there are like at least thousend good fake (in Pokemon-rules accepted) Pokemon.

whats da and are you srs!
whats da and are you srs!, a site to post you art on, also used to post a lot of fake Pokemon concepts, you can find every kind of drawing, art, digital art whatever on it.
Pokequaza said:
Armaldo isn't an armadillo ;) So yeah armadillo is possible (*ugh Sandshrew *ugh).
This is an armadillo:

And looks nothing like Armaldo:

Armaldo is based of an Anomalocaris, an extinct shrimp like creature:

Sorry for the big pictures.
Dude thats what ANORITH is based of.I would like to see a PsychicLizard Type Pokemon.
palkia dialga clash said:
Dude thats what ANORITH is based of.
Do you even know where you are talking about? Anorith and Armaldo are from the same evolution line, it isn't that weird they are based of the same animal, namely the Anomalocaris. Why wouldn't it be possible that two Pokemon are based of the same creature, and why wouldn't it even be possible an evolution line is based of the same creature. I never said Anorith isn't based of an Anomalocaris. Next time read the posts twice before making such controversial statements.

Armaldo (and Anorith ofcourse too) shares a lot of physical traits with the Anomalocaris. The extending eyes, the armor, the fin/leg-like limbs, the fin-tail and the two huge front claws. And yes this is true. If you can find any other creature with a bigger resemblance, and sharing more physical traits to Armaldo, please post it then. Till then, don't state Armaldo isn't based of a Anomalocaris.