XY What Current Pokémon / Moves Would You Like To See Changed into a Fairy-type? Why?

RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Which is precisely why I think it should be Steel/Fairy.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

AdamLambert said:
Cinesra said:
Pretty much this image

I would add Mawhile, Chimecho, and Victini to this list and take Milotic, Luvdisc, Lilligant, and Alomomola off the list. I also think Blissey and Audino would be pure Fairy and Jirachi would be Steel/Fairy. I'm not sure about Volbeat, Illumise, Musharna, and Meloetta.

My only issue is that if Jirachi loses its Steel-typing, its signature move, Doom Desire, loses its STAB.

Unless Doom Desire changes type to Fairy DX
Think its more likely that this single and signature Steel move on its learnset changes type than the whole dozen of Psy moves.
It stays Psy.

But it'll stay as it is anyway.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Cinesra said:
Pretty much this image

I would add Mawhile, Chimecho, and Victini to this list and take Milotic, Luvdisc, Lilligant, and Alomomola off the list. I also think Blissey and Audino would be pure Fairy and Jirachi would be Steel/Fairy. I'm not sure about Volbeat, Illumise, Musharna, and Meloetta.

I agree with this, but why Swablu? I see Altaria, but just not Swablu. I definitely think that Jirachi should be Fairy/Psychic, not Steel/Psychic.
Re: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

I really really really doubt they'll retype legendary Pokémon; it's just too drastic. I reckon there'll be a small handful that get the ADDITION of the fairy-type to minimise a very random change to the game.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

On that picture, I just noticed Snubull and Granbull. Get them off of there. Now, please. They don't-- they just-- no. And now I'm thinking, "Why Bellosom?" as well.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

I would honestly be okay with a change in Jirachi's type, and wouldn't mind if they got rid of either Psychic or Steel. It is a Pokemon meant to grant wishes, and wishes are a big fairyish concept. Possibly Victini as well? I mean, it does represent luck. And then Phione so it actually has a purpose, and they are also called sea fairies in the PMD series.

Nothing else though. The Lake Trio is completely centered around aspects of the mind, which fits a Psychic type perfectly. I also would prefer that Audino get the Fairy type, or at least get an evolution with it, rather than Chansey. The Blissey line always felt like they were based more off of nurses and nurturing Pokemon and didn't really have any magical concepts to them, besides being pink and cute. On the other hand, a Fairy type addition to Audino would set it apart from its counterpart, and if it gets an evolution it could have an awesome advantage.

And here is what I think might happen with the retyping:
- Volbeat and Illumise: Kind of unlikely, but they are based off of fireflies and do have a sort of Fairy-like appearance. Would be Bug/Fairy dual types.
- Victini: Possibly Fire/Fairy, due to the luck concept it's built around.
- Togekiss line: Fairy to Flying/Fairy.
- Mismagius line: Really unlikely, but I could see them becoming Fairy/Ghost, due to the witch concept surrounding them.
- Belossom: It is a sunny counterpart to the Vileplume line, and it does have a bit of a pixie look to it. Grass/Fairy might actually fit them.
- Whimsicott or Lilligant: Either one or the other. They fit the same idea of pixie/brownie things as Belossom, so also Grass/Fairy.
- Clefable line: Fairy
- Granbull line: Normal/Fairy. They're called Fairy Pokemon, but they fit sort of a weird cross between that and Normal, thus the dual-typing.
- Audino: Fairy or give it a Fairy evolution.
- Chimecho line: Psychic/Fairy. Honestly I think the whole line just needs to be retyped in general and be Psychic/Ghost, but if an evolution doesn't do that I could see either Chimecho or both members of the line gaining a Fairy dual type.
- Mawile: Steel/Fairy. It would actually be really awesome to see it gain an evolution as well, especially if the rumors about Sableye getting a new evolution are true.
- Jirachi: Steel/Fairy or Psychic/Fairy. I would be fine with either, as they both get across the idea of "mystical being that can grant wishes".
- Phione: Because why not. I still have no idea why they made Phione, and it really needs something to stand out from Manaphy. Water/Fairy.
- Azumarill: I actually kind of like the idea of this line gaining a Fairy type, at least at the end. So another Water/Fairy.
- Politoed: It's less likely, but it certainly is cheerful, and would definitely be a contender for a Fairy dual type.

And yeahhhh that's it. Most of them are just possible though. I doubt that a whole bunch of them will be changed, let alone the legends.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Cinesra said:
Pretty much this image

I would add Mawhile, Chimecho, and Victini to this list and take Milotic, Luvdisc, Lilligant, and Alomomola off the list. I also think Blissey and Audino would be pure Fairy and Jirachi would be Steel/Fairy. I'm not sure about Volbeat, Illumise, Musharna, and Meloetta.

Agree with the picture except that the legendary Pokemon won't be Fairy (except the Pixies and Land Shaymin) and if they are going to do Milotic, then retype Gyarados. Also on Altaria it would probably fit better Flying than Dragon or Fairy. It fits all but I would say that it fits Flying the most IMO.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Here my take on it.


Also, guys, note that Fairy type won't be all about appearance (for the primary typed ones mostly), its a type. So its about specific abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
So for example even tho Snubbul is actually called Fairy species, that is not refering to it in an "elemental" sense any more than the Fairy egg-group, and egg-group=/=type.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

I still disagree with most of those: Chansey, Audino, and Alomomola because being caring and nurturing (and producing eggs for that purpose in Chansey's case) doesn't really have anything inherently to do with being a fairy, and Jigglypuff for the similar logic that the only thing that really sets it apart from the other Normal-types is its singing, Skitty because there's just nothing fairy-like about it other than maybe its appearance (and aren't we saying that Fairy type isn't about appearance?), and Bellossom because it seems like it's more an attempt to retcon that unique typing quirk than because it has any actual fairy-like qualities. Why is it a problem that it went from two types to one?

I understand the impulse to try to catch Fairy up to the rest of the types, but it really doesn't have that far to go. The rarest type in the game right now (Ghost) only has 27 Pokémon to its name; the list Mitja posted contains two-thirds as many prospective Fairy-types as that, and the one Cinesra posted has 32 - which from conversions alone is already more Pokémon than Ghost, Dragon, or Ice have! So clearly they don't need to change a ton of old Pokémon to Fairy in order for it to "catch up". I'd even argue that it should be the rarest type in its first generation out of the gate. I think they should just stick with two or three lines, maximum, and introduce maybe three to five individuals/families. That'd probably put it just behind Ghost, and in good position to be more in the mix for future generations.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Plenty of good points there.

You're right, I shoved on all the cute pink thingies so there would be a "cliche" bulk of them.
If they were, they'd probably get a bunch of fairy moves (most of which will probably be introduced with the type), but right now its hard to know what to look for.
I'll defend Delcatty though. Things that made me put it on the list as a secondary Fairy-type include:
Copycat, Assist, Covet, Heal Bell, Sing, Substitute, Tickle,Wish, Baton Pass, but I might be going in the completely wrong direction in assuming these have anything to do with the speculated type.
It can even have an ability called "Wonder Skin"...but at the same time I realize it also has an ability called "Normalize", which pretty much confirms its gonna stay Normal forever.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

The only Pokémon that should get re-typed to fairy IMO, are Bellossom, the Clefairy line, Mawile and maybe Snubble and I agree with what Dorian says about only a couple of new lines that should be Fairy.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

I don't understand why everyone wants bellossom, lilligant, the jigglypuff line, the marill line, the snubbull line, alomomola, luvdisc and others as fairy, they are certainly cute, but they don't seem to have any magic or fairylike qualities beyond that, most are just cute animal-inspired pokemon.
Here's my two cents:

  • 173.png

    Fairy. I don't think they need an explanation.
  • 175.png

    Fairy, Fairy/ flying. Same here, ¿the happiness pokemon? screams fairy.
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    Fire, Fire/Fairy. I'm not so sure about them, but mainly to differentiate them from the fennekin line, and also because of the nine tails fox; it's a demon or something ¿right?
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    Fire/Fairy. Luck, magic, whatever.
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    Ghost/Fairy. They must be fairies, one is a banshee (I guess could be some sort of fairy) and the other is a witch (magic), also they desperately need some good moves.
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    Ice/Fairy. If I'm not mistaken, it's inspired in some sort of apparition in snowy regions, something about a girl in a kimono.
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    Ground/Fairy. They were dolls that became alive, that sounds more like magic than psychic powers.
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    Psychic/Fairy. I guess they could change too, I heard their design had common traits with elves or guardian spirits or something. Honestly, Be them psychic or psychic/fairy, I'll keep loving them no matter what.
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    Rock/Fairy. Fairy made more sense than psychic. ¿super intelligent rocks or magic rocks? space rocks.
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    Dragon/Fairy. They are the eon pokemon ¿right? I dunno, Maybe I'm wrong with this one.
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    Steel/Fairy or Psychic/Fairy. Well, it makes wishes become real, it's magic.
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    Psychic/Fairy. The spirit of the moon... magic of the dreams... wards off nightmares... yadda, yadda, yadda.
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    Steel/Fairy. Is pretty much a given, especially with the rumor, and, like froslass, is also some sort of apparition, a woman with a maw in her hair, I believe.
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    Fairy/Psychic and Fairy/Fighting. As the muse pokemon, Fairy and magic makes more sense to me than normal, Also, I love meloetta.

Most of the moves you guys already discussed were spot on, But I doubt about lovely kiss, ¿isn't it jynx exclusive?
but at least some of this list will be changed, mainly normal and psychic:
Healing Wish
Follow Me
Sweet Kiss
Perish Song
Heal Pulse
Lucky Chant
Lunar Dance
Relic song
Luster purge
Mist ball

EDIT: crossed some that did not make much sense after some new information.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

I wouldn't want to see anything retconned besides the obvious Clefairy line. I can accept the rumor of Mawile gaining the Fairy type however, because it's design basis is a mythical being. That's what I'd like the Fairy type to be centered around; mythical creatures that are quirky and unique. Not just tinkerbells and girly pink Pokemon, but goblins, kelpies, jackalopes, trolls, etc. Sylveon fits the stereotypical fairy idea, but all of Eevee's evolutions (except for Glaceon maybe) are immediately obvious and a clear representation of their type.
Dragons are an even more restricted concept than fairies, and yet we have designs ranging from Druddigon to Dragonite to Kingdra to Altaria. So I have high hopes for variety in the Fairy department.

A couple of these is fine:

But I want things like this too:

And is it just me, or would a Fairy type aye-aye/imp be awesome? Aye-ayes not only somewhat resemble them, but are feared as evil supernatural beings in some cultures. Dark/Fairy, perhaps. I would love that.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Does nobody else think that Dunsparce would make a great fairy? Those little wings.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

The only ones I think that must be Fairy are the Clefable line and the Togekiss line. Some others are OK. I don't see Granbull as a Fairy. After all it is a bull (that looks like a dog to me somehow) and I don't know how a bull can be any kind of Fairy. Legendaries won't be changed specially because they don't look like fairies (not even the fairies in mythology).

Only because it is magical or somewhat mythological, I don't see them being Fairy. Fairies are mythological beings but they aren't the only mythological beings. Nor they are the only magical beings. Changing Pokemon such as Lati@s, Victini, Jirachi, Cresselia, Claydol and Melloeta just because they are magical doesn't make sense to me. There are a lot of magical beings but that doesn't mean just because they are somewhat magical doesn't mean they should be changed.

Misdreavous/Mismagious do have something to go on though.

Cleffable line: This are the first ones that look to me like must be Fairies. I would say that Cleffa would be Normal while the others would be Fairy.

Togekiss line: If they want Fairy to be competitive, this might be one of the best tickets. It would get immunity to one of the best combos in the game, Outrage and Earthquake. It also resits Fighting types (if it gets Fairy typing). All its ability play with luck (Serene Grace, Hustle and Super Luck).

Misdreavous: Many have commented that it is a Banshee. It would make it cool to have a Ghost/Fairy. It would also be a not stereotypical Fairy.

Mawhile: This isn't one of the best I would say but with the rumor (which seems to be true) it becomes a high contender.

That would be 8. They make around 6 (3-stage evolution line, Sylveon and 2 other Pokemon) would leave it as 14 (Dragon only has 20 non-legendary, Ghost 25 and Ice 26). So in Gen 7 it will probably tie with the others.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Flys Gone 2071 said:
The only ones I think that must be Fairy are the Clefable line and the Togekiss line. All others are OK. I don't see Granbull as a Fairy. After all it is a bull (that looks like a dog to me somehow) and I don't know how a bull can be any kind of Fairy. Legendaries won't be changed specially because they don't look like fairies (not even the fairies in mythology).

Only because it is magical or somewhat mythological, I don't see them being Fairy. Fairies are mythological beings but they aren't the only mythological beings. Nor they are the only magical beings. Changing Pokemon such as Lati@s, Victini, Jirachi, Cresselia, Claydol and Melloeta just because they are magical doesn't make sense to me. There are a lot of magical beings but that doesn't mean just because they are somewhat magical doesn't mean they should be changed.

Misdreavous/Mismagious do have something to go on though.

Cleffable line: This are the first ones that look to me like must be Fairies. I would say that Cleffa would be Normal while the others would be Fairy.

Togekiss line: If they want Fairy to be competitive, this might be one of the best tickets. It would get immunity to one of the best combos in the game, Outrage and Earthquake. It also resits Fighting types (if it gets Fairy typing). All its ability play with luck (Serene Grace, Hustle and Super Luck).

Misdreavous: Many have commented that it is a Banshee. It would make it cool to have a Ghost/Fairy. It would also be a not stereotypical Fairy.

Mawhile: This isn't one of the best I would say but with the rumor (which seems to be true) it becomes a high contender.

Um. Snubbull and Granbull are BULLdogs. Just to let you know :p And I could see them being fairy-type
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Bellossom really seems like it could become Fairy type, and not just based on appearance. Pokedex entries state that their dance used to be thought to awaken the sun.
Sounds Fairy-like enough for the retyping.

There is no way Granbull will change type. Being the fairy pokemon doesnt mean a thing about type. Espeon and Volcarona are both called the sun pokemon, but they are still Psychic and Bug/Fire, respectively.

Clefairy, Togekiss, and Mawile are the only ones that really scream 'Fairy' to me.

They won't retype any legends, or anything else that is already dual type (I hope). Things like Froslass and Gallade have no reason to change their typing. Normal is the exception, as it currently is just a filler type really. It doesnt represent any special powers, so it could easily be changed for stuff like Togekiss.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Pikaboi said:
Does nobody else think that Dunsparce would make a great fairy? Those little wings.

...I didn't even think of this but you know? I would be all right with it. It is based on a mythical creature (the tsuchinoko), after all. I wouldn't want its Normal typing to be replaced, but Fairy would be a cool secondary type.

"I'm not a cool like a dragon? Pff. I'm immune to dragons."
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

Lot of interesting suggestions around here... well, here's what I think...

Likely changes:
  • Cleffa/Clefairy/Celfable
    Normal/Fairy for all of them (or maybe just the last two, Clefairy and Clefable) as Clefairy was used by Normal-type Gym Leader Whitney in Gold and Silver. It'd be a little odd for them to go pure Fairy-type when they're already so attributed to Normal typing, yet they definitely look like fairies.
  • Togepi/Togetic/Togekiss
    Fairy for Togepi, Fairy/Flying for Togetic and Togekiss...
  • Ampharos
    Electric/Fairy. I always imagined Ampharos, with it's affinity for light, to receive the often talked about potential Light-type, and Fairy-type seems to be as close as we may get to it...
  • Bellossom
    Grass/Fairy. Similar logic to Ampharos, plus she definitely looks like a grass fairy... also, it's kinda weird how she loses her secondary type and goes pure Grass-type...
  • Dunsparce
    Normal/Fairy. Never thought of it before, but after the suggestion was made, it would make sense, wouldn't it?
  • Snubbull/Granbull
    Pure Fairy. I admit it seems a little odd, considering their design, but they are known as the "Fairy Pokemon" and their movepool does show little affinity for Normal-typing anyways (they get E-Fangs, Bite, Crunch, and even Outrage!).
  • Mistreavus/Mismagius
    Ghost/Fairy. They definitely resemble mythical and magical creatures, Mistreavus as a banshee and Mismagius as a witch.
  • Celebi
    Grass/Fairy. Another obviously fairy-like creature, and between her lack of any apparent psychic abilities and the atrocious weaknesses granted by the Grass/Psychic combo, I could see her loosing the Psychic typing for Fairy.
  • Mawile
    Steel/Fairy. I could see this happening, she does look like a little fairy, and her design is based on a creature of Japanese mythology.
  • Mesprit/Uxie/Azelf
    Psychic/Fairy. Like Celebi they look like fairies, and they're even named after fairies! It makes too much sense not to be done.
  • Meloetta
    Fairy/Psychic, Fairy/Fighting. I could see this happening, as her songstress theme and cute design does resemble one of many mythical creatures known for their singing abilities.

Unlikely changed (based on other suggestions posted):
  • Jigglypuff/Chansey/Audino families
    Call me crazy if you wish, but these guy's don't really strike me as fairy-like. Sure, they're cute and all, but that's it, and with their level-up/egg movepools dominated by Normal-type moves, I don't see their types being changed at all.
  • Azumarill
    It's a rabbit, not a fairy... it's based on an animal, not a mythical creature.
  • Swablu/Altaria
    Who thought replacing Swablu's Normal-typing and (weirder still) Altaria's Flying-typing for Fairy would be a good idea? Seriously, that's just weird!
  • Latias/Latios
    I'm pretty sure the idea of them being psychic dragons has been well established, thus making a type change rather nonsensical.
  • Jirachi
    Sure it's fairy-like, but it's based on a meteor (hence the Steel-type) and shows a greater affinity for psychic powers than magical ones.
  • Froslass
    The Yuki-onna, which she is based on, is a literal ice ghost... hence the Ice/Ghost combo. No sense in changing this.
RE: If X and Y really do introduce the rumored Fairy-type, what current Pokémon would you like to see changed into Fairy-type? What moves?

J.D. said:
Lot of interesting suggestions around here... well, here's what I think...

Likely changes:
  • Celebi
    Grass/Fairy. Another obviously fairy-like creature, and between her lack of any apparent psychic abilities and the atrocious weaknesses granted by the Grass/Psychic combo, I could see her loosing the Psychic typing for Fairy.

Celebi's whole thing is that it travels through time. It can also revive dead plants (a trait that it shares with Meganium), and it can bring dead Celebi back to life.
Those abilities are much more associated with Psychic than Fairy.

Just because a Pokemon looks like a Fairy, it doesn't mean that Fairy type should take the place of other, more fitting, types of a Pokemon.