What deck do you think well be...

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I'm hoping people are caught off guard by my porygon z deck heh.

There really are so many possible decks that stand a chance competitively that no one can accurately predict what decks will be at BR. SP decks are VERY likely though, since platinum has been out long enough for most to get their hands on what they want and RR is providing a bunch of fun things for the SP toolbox. Flygon seems overhyped, but also highly likely due to that. Don't forget about rampardos though - I predict this guy catching some people off guard and forgetting to prepare for him.
I'm hoping peopel will be off guard against my not-too-much-anticipated Magnezone deck, which has several tricks to keep SPs at aby, and I'm guessing almost half of decks will be using SPs.
I still don't know which deck to use for BR because both are pretty fast. I think there could be a lot of GeChamp or Dusknoir around my area.
I am using when my next BR comes a Dialga G and alakazam 4 lv x deck but since I need my dialga G im playing ATM toxitank with alakazam 4 lv X, it is a fast deck with hidden rewards, alakazam is underlooked in my opinion since it can completely change the game :p
Shadowwiidragon said:
GeChamp isn't too bad to play. I played it before with a lot of trainers and Uxie. It seemed to be quick for me.

Also, do you think people well really have enough time to get the line up for Flygon Lv.X if the BR is on May 23?

Well, japo cards arn't banned untill after Worlds, so some people will be using the Japo jersion of it, because it is allowed.

I think there won't be TOO MUCH Flygon on the 23rd, maybe on the 6th tho (Great, the only BR I can go to and it's gunna have Flygon X.X)
ThePokemonDude: Ok thanks for warning me about Flygon the Japanese version because my friend has it. I have 2 BR to go to one on 23 and the 14th.
Meaty said:
^I believe that's what "Legos" is(though the name makes no sense to me).

It's called Legos because it builds like a wall over you. I believe.
Shadowwiidragon said:
Anymore ideas?

I'd say don't try to counter this but be carfull of it: Random SP Decks.
There not too inpressive, but they are VERY fast, just remember to send crap out when fighting a Rouge SP Deck.
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