What Deck should I use for regionals?


Aspiring Trainer
I'm not sure what deck to start building for regionals, I want you're guys' input on what kinda deck I should make. Please help...
A deck you often play and as such know. Seriously, don't make just any old archetype but come up with something yourself.
I'm going to disagree a bit. #1 play what you know whether it's archetype or rogue. #2 play what you think will either win the most or be the most for for you among the decks you know.

Flygon ex d & Metanite got the most wins at States. Make of that what you will.
Try to come up with a new rouge deck that will take everyone by storm.
What's your meta? And of course rogue always work, but not everyone can actually make that work, so it's always alright to use an archetype, as long as it works well in your metagame and/or is teched out to fit your meta.

Arcanine out.
Since you start playing pokemon again after soo much time and don't know much about cards I suggest you to play an Archtype deck
Well, you need plenty dark energys, and a Rockets DARK TRIANATAR!!!!
Justtttttttttttttttttttt, use JAMES"S DECK!
I'm geussing you can't use NEO DESTINY and I have Dark Ampharos, Dark Crobat, and Dark Donphan. I pretty much got more than half my cards from my brother, he gave all his cards for Chistmas about two years ago. When ever we battled he would give me 1-3 cards. I also have the DELTA FERALAGATR card. Use that card if u can (Just buy the feralagatr Dragon frontirs deck.

stupid questin plokoon but how do you get a picture by your name? :(

Please do not post multiple times in a row or off topic. Also, please elaborate more on your posts - posts like "I agree" or such are considered spam. ~DRK176
Woah, dude, stop spaming. No one likes it.
Back on topic, I like to go rouge. Gatr worked nicly for me in the cities, but died at the hands of metanight.
Metanight my be a good choice, but also consider crobat d with energy roots. I'm trying to come up with a good combo for crobat d, and I'll keep experimenting to find a good combo.
If you do want to play it, try jolteon ex. Tomarow I'll try it with kingler tools.
Rouge is always a great way to go though. PM me for random combos that might give you success, or check the card combos regulerly.
heres a good list:

2x D feraligatr
3x D croconaw
4x D todidile                                  

2x D nidoqeen
3x D nidorana
4x D nidoran F
2x D jinx
P.S. These are all dragon frontiers.:)
Heres some awesome decks:

1st Desteny
2nd Metanite
3rd Raieggs
4th Lati-Lock
5th Royal
6th Sallygross
7th Flairodos
8th Dragonight ex

If u don't know what any of these decks are plokoon, just pm me or ask,

About possible decks for regionals, if you want to play an archetype deck, I would recommend you an easy one to play in my opinion: Raieggs (Raichu d + Exeggutor d + holon castform + cessation crystal) - it is fast, simple and relatively competitive ;)

Deck master, could you PM me as well, i'd like to know what the typical archetype decks run... Trying to improve my deck, looking for suggestions!