What deck to play with boundaries crossed out

Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
What I want to play
Paste above link in adress bar to see a spreadsheet on what decks are doing in japan

Basically I don't know what to play. You can reccomend what you think will be the bdif of bw-bc.
Your Master said:
What I want to play
Paste above link in adress bar to see a spreadsheet on what decks are doing in japan

Basically I don't know what to play. You can reccomend what you think will be the bdif of bw-bc.

If you're going for Dusknoir, I suggest Darkrai/Registeel or a Landorus (both)/Kyurem (Glaciate) version.
Fighting and Hydreigon. Fighting decks get a fantastic card with Landorus EX, and Hydreigon has gotten even better assuming you don't get donked. That's its biggest weakness since all of the Deinos are weak to either Dragon or Fighting.
Try something besides dusknoir, Dusknoir kills my deck. No seriously now, electivire does 30 damage to each benched Pokémon, better than registeel, and its not an ex, and its almost a better raikou ex because you can choose what you want to do 150 damage to with dusknoir, not to mention spread the damage however you want in you don't feel like concentrating it.
If you want to use Dusknoir, I'd really recommend him with Kyurem NVI. Sure it takes a bit longer than most Decks to charge up, but I think having a 130 HP Basic with the threat of Outrage will come in handy quite well! Don't forget to equip him with Eviolite or Giant Cape (I consider Giant Cape as well, because that can increase the threat of Outrage).

I haven't really playtested this for myself, though. So, you should probably take my advice with a little salt.
i really dont think any new decks comeout that are competitive at the moment besides blastoise keldeo
Im pretty sure that Ill be playing vileplume because it has been testing really well. The only stupid match I had with it was vs flygon troll and I lost vs darkreigon because I couldn't get anything out to counter shaymin...
Blaztoyz said:
i really dont think any new decks comeout that are competitive at the moment besides blastoise keldeo
blastoise keldeo is the worst deck that could possibly come out.
i know, i meant as in that may actually be played
What makes you guys think Blastoise Keldeo a bad deck? I don't plan on running it but it seems like its got the mobility it needs with Keldeo's rush in as well as being able to 2HKO anything except for BK EX+ Crystal wall.
Mind knowing how you run Vileplume? It's the most interesting card in the set for me. This is coming from someone who loves playing water-based decks (Kingdra LA, Empoleon DE)
ctrl+alt+aria said:
What makes you guys think Blastoise Keldeo a bad deck? I don't plan on running it but it seems like its got the mobility it needs with Keldeo's rush in as well as being able to 2HKO anything except for BK EX+ Crystal wall.

To me it just seems the other things are better.
But just watch me start using it tomorrow, who knows.{W}:(
@Riskbreakers I am currently running a toolbox consisting of 3 virizion NVI for all of the Keldeo hype 2 Rayquaza 2 Landorus EX 1 Cryoganal fighting counter 1 Lapras 1 Mew EX 1 Shaymin EX but it still needs tweaking if it doesn't test well this weekend at a postrelease I am going to I might just run hammertime/terrakion/landorus EX
Do report here your testing results. I would change the Shaymin EX to maybe a fire attacker which you sorta lack.
I've been testing it with Terra EX, Rayquaza, Benchtini, Mew EX, and Bellossom, and doing OK. Terra EX is amazing in this deck, because Rock Tumble is good.
Since we're all posting Vileplume stuff....

I use Rayquaza, Virizion, Landorus EX (considering Terrakion EX instead), Meoletta, and Basculin. I also run 4 pluspower to ensure OHKO's with my 40 damage attackers.

It's extremely inconsistent, which leads me to believe that it's not that good, but if it gets set up it can be a monster, OHKOing the whole format for one or two energy.
0-1 vs darkreigon mostly because I allowed him to set up
0-2 vs flygon troll he trolled me what can I do lol
0-1 vs emboar rayquaza I had 2 prizes left at the end and misplayed by catchering up a bouffalant thinking I could end the game resulting in my loss or else I would have won
Thats it so far I would have beaten darkreigon if I wouldn't have used all of my four catcher in like the first 7 turns or so. The testing is looking bad, but I do have confidence that I can do well against blastoise/keldeo. I can usually get the t2 vileplume the problem is finding space for all of the attackers and techs which is pretty much impossible since you NEED 4 pluspower.
I actually play three PlusPower. With this deck it is INCREDIBLY hard to find room for everything. You need to know what decks are being played in your area and that is what it comes down to. This is my attacker line:
2 Virizion NVI
2 Torkoal DEX
1 Meloetta
1 Landorus EX
1 Articuno NXD (Totally missed Cryogonal NVI, might try that, although I like Ice Beam)

As you can see this is a bit odd but it is based on what I think will be played in my area. I will not take this to an early City championship (if at all), and if I do then it will be when I know what decks are doing well so I can adjust my lineup to fit that.
Here are some other attackers that can be used.
Basculin EPO Final Gambit/NXD
Rayquaza DRX
Durant NVI (For Vicegrip not Devour, only needs one PP to OHKO an Eviolited Kyurem NVI that will be in Blastoise sometimes)
Sandile DEX (very handy against Dusknoir)
Mewtwo EX
Mew EX

Here is my record with my deck so far

Keldeo/Blastoise- 3-1
D/H- 0-1