What Deck?


Fainting Spell FTW!
I have multiples of almost every card DP on, what deck should I make? What is your favorite deck?
I had never been a fan of the "meta" decks before. I still dislike them.
However, rought/favorite decks just arent doing it for me.
Sure my sally deck has done good, but its just not good enough.

I have turned my attention to Gengar Spread. When HG/SS comes out, Flygon will be even better. Gengar is a good answer to that. It resists flygon and can hit hard and fast. It cant be locked due to its zero retreat cost and can counter back with Fainting Spell. Even Extreme attack cant 1HKO Gengar Lv X due ot resistance.

Gengar can spread, snipe(place) and just flat out ruin many decks.

As I said, I dont like this deck, but if it means winning more often, then I will do it.

So either this or Flygon is what I would recomend.
TheEvilGrin said:
What version of flygon version of flygon should I play?

who says rouges aren't competitive???

right now, Flytrap seems to be the most popular variant
Well your deck should be chosen based on your meta, what decks are big in your area now? it wouldn't be wise picking up any deck and using it if your meta is full of decks that can counter it.
Big decks in my area are a ton of sp variants all the other stuff pretty much fails. The most common deck is probably Blazeray.