What decks do you miss?


Aspiring Trainer
Just give a short description of what decks you miss and what they did.

I miss Kingdra and Kingdra variants. They were so cool. I also miss Speedrill.

Kingdra just did lots of large attacks for low energy costs and discards; with kingdra prime who did 60 for 1 water energy and had a pokebody like Crobat G once per turn.

Speedrill used Beedrill GE with a pokebody that lets you search your deck for any grass pokemon and put it in your hand, while using another beedrill to attack (for 1 energy, it does 30x the number of beedrill you have in play). It wasn't uncommon to have 3 beedrills out by the end of your first turn (that you can play supporters).

I also miss donphan/nidoqueen; but Donphan is still around, I guess...
Kingdra isn't completely dead, it shouldn't be, it is still good. I remember running it for Nats last year. Awesome. I miss Cursegar, that deck was pretty cool, hit for 80, then switch into a Mr. Mime MT. I also miss AMU, through down MT and LA Pixies, then Mespirt lv.X your opponent for 200.
In miss Dumbo sooooooo much. That was my signature deck and once Claydol was gone I just couldn't get it to function as well.
@ Vulpix Yolk: Cursegar is still around. I run it in my Duskgar and it works really well.

I miss the Original Raindance/Raindance Varients.

Blastoise Base + Articuno Fossil(You can fit anything here) = Win :p

I did a Raindance Cursegar Varient that had the Pokemon lines look like this

3-3-3 Blastoise Base
3-3-3 Poliwrath Base
2-2-2 Cursegar Fossil
Wow you guys, the things you think were "old" that you "miss" from less than a year ago... LBS, Mewtric, Ludicargo, Queendom, Magma, Metanit, Flariados, etc is where its at
I re-joined the TCG around Mysterious Treasures, so I wasn't around during the EX era, but I DID see LBS being played, and man it was hilarious.
I do sorta miss Plox during the Holon Phantoms era. Sorta.
I am not as oldschool as any of you :( but I think I miss speedrill
And the Mr.Mime that you could wall with, for decks like cursegar and shuppetdonk just made for an effective wall :(
@ Gengar_Is_Pwnage: Can't forget Fossil Lapras. Made Raindance awesome.

I miss my Juxtapose deck. Rocket's Mewtwo + Base Alakazam. Now THAT'S how you take advantage of damage counters.
hey guys... what about mulligan Mewtwo with Dark Vileplume and Aerodactyl techs? that was awesome set down 2 mysterious fossils and an oddish on the bench. barrier, then breeder into vileplume and evolve into an aerodactyl. no gust of wind, no energy removal, no damage.. just outright letting the opponent deck themselves. make sure you let them professor oak a few times before you play dark vileplume.

or.. just have one mewtwo with 59 energy and call it a day.
^That actually loses to anything that snipes, or has an attack called "Swift".
Like Jirachi RR.
I don't miss any decks specifically, but I miss the way games were played. Donks were unheard of and there was so much skill involved in most games. There is one card I miss pretty badly though: felicitys. It would be insanely useful in an MD-on format
Yeah, I agree with WailmerMan. The way the decks were played were so different and fun. Definitely a far cry from today's format...

I miss some of the classics: Flariados, Delta decks, Pidgeot in general, and Politoed stall. I played mostly with decks on Apprentice, so I wasn't really able to actually play with the decks for real.

dmaster out.
I miss Ludicargo, because getting any one card from your deck each turn is just too good!
@Shinigami: Thats Evil, pure evil (Thats what the Rocket Sets were really). How about Do the Wave Wigglytuff :p

Another deck I miss is just that: Do the Wave Wigglytuff. Fill your bench. Do the Wave. GG
i went from base-neo straight to our luxchomp riddled meta...so a HUGE jump. i remember base set charizard was my deck.

4-3-2 charizard
3-2 arcanine BS
2 magmar

that is all i remember but it kicked grass...LITERALLY rofl im hilarious...not really.
^ lol. i didnt know deck building back then lol. i got a zard and my cousin got a zard and i traded for hers for a venusaur...how lucky i was lol. charizard was the best back then
haymaker and do the wave
both making a comeback imo with the new format and play style