^ Very true. Cincino has do the wave correct?
This deck can still exist in the format: Pichu HGSS + Lucario PL (or Cincinno).Another deck I miss is just that: Do the Wave Wigglytuff. Fill your bench. Do the Wave. GG
Gliscor said:Porygon-Z
Porygon-Z was so fun. It dealt out so much damage quickly, Porygon-Z Lv.X has a great Poke Power, the deck was really fast, and yeah. But then Toxicroak G (Promo) became popular along with Machamp, and then Spiritomb came out, and then Donphan came out, and then Vileplume came out.
Vulpix Yolk said:Kingdra isn't completely dead, it shouldn't be, it is still good. I remember running it for Nats last year. Awesome. I miss Cursegar, that deck was pretty cool, hit for 80, then switch into a Mr. Mime MT. I also miss AMU, through down MT and LA Pixies, then Mespirt lv.X your opponent for 200.