What decks do you miss?


Porygon-Z was so fun. It dealt out so much damage quickly, Porygon-Z Lv.X has a great Poke Power, the deck was really fast, and yeah. But then Toxicroak G (Promo) became popular along with Machamp, and then Spiritomb came out, and then Donphan came out, and then Vileplume came out.
LuxPluff, CurseGar, Flyphan/Stallgon. All because of the loss of Claydol.
Not at all. It doesn't have Moonlight Stadium or Claydol. I've tried Cursegar and it can't keep up. Especially with all the Lostgar counters (you'd think they'd be gone by now).
I miss flylock, soooooo much.

@Gliscor: I'm running Promogon right now, and have been since CC's, and the only problem I've ever had with matchups is when my friend was using Mismagius SF because he knew what I was going to be using.
No, Promogon does not work anymore. The loss of Claydol just killed it, and Magnezone Prime is NOT a suitable replacement. Dialga G Lv.X is needed to function against Trainer Lock, and there are just so many decks around that destroy it that weren't around when Promogon saw its prime. That deck was my signature deck, the only deck that I wanted to play. Its insane damage output for a ridiculously low cost with a great support card within itself (Porygon-Z Lv.X) made the deck just so much fun to play. I wish I had had the chance to go to a big tournament with it. How I miss that deck. :'(
I said-
I am using Promogon right now, and it works great.

Your argument against that was-
It doesn't work.

Something is not adding up here.
I miss my Garchomp mt/Togekiss GE deck..That was SOO much fun..I had 3 of every energy in my deck..and hit for 110 every turn. XD
^I made a deck exactly like that (except it had no Claydol). Then I got better and moved on to Gigas.
Another deck I miss is just that: Do the Wave Wigglytuff. Fill your bench. Do the Wave. GG
This deck can still exist in the format: Pichu HGSS + Lucario PL (or Cincinno).
Just the base fire, I had a hard time playing my Charizard because he looked so pretty in my hand.
Gliscor said:

Porygon-Z was so fun. It dealt out so much damage quickly, Porygon-Z Lv.X has a great Poke Power, the deck was really fast, and yeah. But then Toxicroak G (Promo) became popular along with Machamp, and then Spiritomb came out, and then Donphan came out, and then Vileplume came out.

My friend (being Decmaster) just got 5th in seniors at regionals today with Porygon-Z.
I miss the whole EX era, cards like Metagross EX (PK), Gardy Delta EX, Latias/latos EX delta, the 2 Mr Mime EX with the Body that prevented one from being hit by damage that delt 20, 40, 60, 80 etc and the other did the same but with damage 10,30,50,70 etc.
But what I really miss was how games used to go for longer than a turn or two.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Kingdra isn't completely dead, it shouldn't be, it is still good. I remember running it for Nats last year. Awesome. I miss Cursegar, that deck was pretty cool, hit for 80, then switch into a Mr. Mime MT. I also miss AMU, through down MT and LA Pixies, then Mespirt lv.X your opponent for 200.

MR. MIME is a very weak card.