Discussion What Decks Do You Play???


It's Wednesday M'dudes
Hi guys. I wanted to see what decks other people on Pokebeach play because I thought it would be fun to see the different decks that other people use and see if they are just regular decks that everybody else plays or if there where any fun Rouge decks.

For example:

In standard I play Decidueye GX/Zoroark GX

For standard I am testing Metagross GX/Zoroark GX

And in Expanded I am building/testing Zoroark GX/Vespiquen

Post what decks you play and if they are either standard or expanded :)
Expanded: Shiftry/Banette
Expanded: Night March
Standard: Alolan Exeggutor GX/Venusaur/Zoroark GX
Expanded: Alolan Marowak Toolbox
Hi guys. I wanted to see what decks other people on Pokebeach play because I thought it would be fun to see the different decks that other people use and see if they are just regular decks that everybody else plays or if there where any fun Rouge decks.

For example:

In standard I play Decidueye GX/Zoroark GX

For standard I am testing Metagross GX/Zoroark GX

And in Expanded I am building/testing Zoroark GX/Vespiquen

Post what decks you play and if they are either standard or expanded :)
You're building Zoroark-GX/Vespiquen? That's actually my favorite deck! Have you seen my list for it in the Deck Garage?

Anyways, in Standard I play Decidueye Zoroark as well. I'm testing Buzzwole Lycanroc, and for Expanded I play Zoroark-GX/Vespiquen.
Cool Guys.

GekkisaiDaiNi yeah I saw your Zoro/Bees list and I thought the deck looked fun so I made my own list that uses Zoroark as draw support and not so much as an attacker.

Alex Sablye, Cool decks. Whats the Alolan Marowak Toolbox? Can you make a list because that sounds interesting.
Standard: Tapu Bulu / Vikavolt + Lycanroc/Zoroark.

Expanded: Working on Zoroark GX/ Counter Energy Box + Zoroark variants for safe plays
I only play standard. I play an Alolan Ninetales + Kingdra + Zoroark deck and I'm working on a Vikabulu deck.
Wish I could Jump in on this but sadly I can't really.

If I could play Standard/Expanded:

Standard: Zoroark GX/ Lycanroc GX (W/a twist)
Expanded: Darkrai GX/Zoroark/Giratina EX

So yah, that's my dream there.
Lol AFEX great dream :)

Attix, that sounds cool. Can you make a list for that??? That would be cool to see how you run that deck.
Nice Evil Sneasel. Expanded ,Pumpkins sounds fun. :)

RisingRaichuu, somebody at my league also plays Gallade/Zoroark but he uses Lycanroc GX as well :)

Registeel379 Silvaly metal sounds fun, and so does Empoleon/Glaceon for the Ultra Prism format :)
In Standard, I've been mainly playing Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX, but have also started playing Tapu Bulu-GX/Vikavolt a bit.

In Expanded, I have Night March built IRL, but tend to play a lot of different decks online. I play @GekkisaiDaiNi's Zoroark-GX/Vespiquen deck quite a bit and it's a lot of fun.
Umm... All the decks?

No, really. I zone in one a deck for a month or so, to really learn it. But I play whatever seems to be running the best for me over the course of lots of plays.

Decks I have mained this season (in the order of whatever pops in my mind first):
Standard: Necrozma/Koko/Garb, Ninetales, Bulu, Solgaleo, Drampa/Garb, Ninetales Zoroark, Garde, Ho-oh, Decideueye Zoroark, Volc. I also tried my hand at Buzz/Roc, Zoro/Roc, and Metagross, but I could never get any of those to work reliably. Messed with Sylveon and Quad Wobb, but even when they win I'm not enjoying the games.
Expanded: Zoro/Roc, Psychic Toolbox, Firebox, Night March, Bulu, and D-ray M Garde.
In Standard, I've been mainly playing Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX, but have also started playing Tapu Bulu-GX/Vikavolt a bit.

In Expanded, I have Night March built IRL, but tend to play a lot of different decks online. I play @GekkisaiDaiNi's Zoroark-GX/Vespiquen deck quite a bit and it's a lot of fun.

Hm, neat.