Discussion What Decks Do You Play???

Hello everyone! This is my first post to the forum! I have been playing a lot of Zoro - Golisopod lately, but recently started messing around with Vika Bulu. I'm still trying to iron out the list. When ever I play against someone who is playing Bulu, they seem to roll hot and have two vikavolts out on turn two and hit choice band for immediate knock outs haha. When I play it I seem to brick. Not sure what the optimal deck list is. I think Oranguru is the better call over octillery due to deck space. What counts of grubbin / charjabug / vika are people running? Just some thoughts :)
Hello everyone! This is my first post to the forum! I have been playing a lot of Zoro - Golisopod lately, but recently started messing around with Vika Bulu. I'm still trying to iron out the list. When ever I play against someone who is playing Bulu, they seem to roll hot and have two vikavolts out on turn two and hit choice band for immediate knock outs haha. When I play it I seem to brick. Not sure what the optimal deck list is. I think Oranguru is the better call over octillery due to deck space. What counts of grubbin / charjabug / vika are people running? Just some thoughts :)
Would you like to post your decklist in a new thread? I would be glad to help.
Sure! How would I go about posting it? Just add another reply here? Thanks a lot!
Go into the Deck Garage Forum, and in the top right you will see a blue button that says "Post New Thread'. Click that, put your list in there, and then post it! :)
I run an Alolan Ninetails/Manaphy/Gyarados combo for standard. Looking forward to league cup this weekend!
I play Volcanion, Vika-Bulu, Buzzwole Lycanroc, and Drampa -garb toolbox in standard
i am testing Glaceon/Zoroark for UTPM
I play Toad/Serpiver/Doggo in expanded
All written out it looks like I play a ton of decks, sheesh
Standard: Mostly whatever is meta. It's nice to mix it up once in a while and get a new aspect on a different deck. Plus it helps you think of new tactics when you go against a deck you've played with before.
At the moment it'll probably be gardevoir gx and variants.
Standard - Frogs all day everyday
Expanded - Archies blastoise, nothing better then a FA Keldeo EX.
I play quad wobb in standard, and i just played zoroark barbaracle, at dallas, but I placed 9th in juniors. Bubble Boy
F4H_Jay, Frogs are fun, I used to play them when you could use Dive ball in Standard

TheAipomArchives, how do you sleep at night knowing you troll people in Expanded with Night March???

Triplemo, Quad Wobb, Nice and great job with Zoroark/Barbaracle
Not playing Standard atm, but thinking of building Buzzwole/Garchomp for something different.

In Expanded I run Solgaleo, Archie's Blastoise and maybe Garchomp post-ULP.
I have been playing a sole water deck with Primarina GX and Palkia EX, quite pleased with it. Holds it's own unless up against grass.

I also have my take on turbo dark with Zoroark, Darkrai EX and Darkrai GX.

With the cancerous amount of times Guzma has won my opponent a game, and with weaknesses almost entirely determining match-ups (Volcanion auto-wins against any metal deck and Golisopod, any metal deck beats Gardevoir, etc.), I've been trying to find decks to play throughout this standard format, maybe figure out something more for the future when I attend another tournament or finally go to a national or a regional. Every now and then, I try to make Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX / Magnezone work and make it more consistent. I think a deck with the ability to OHKO pretty much anything regardless of weakness turn after turn has got to be something to pay attention to, and if I could just get through that consistency issue, that teny tiny problem, then one of the best decks in the format (I think) has been born.

Other decks I kind of play, Buzzwole / Garbodor seems simple and top tier, anything with a 4-4 line of Zoroark, rip through your deck making it 5 cards in just a couple of turns? Yes please! I was just playing Golisopod / Lurantis online, I don't usually play Golisopod since I like to play decks that can instantly remove a threat or OHKO, but combining it with the promo Lurantis (a bunch of copies) fixes that issue for me and makes Golisopod more of an energy-efficient threat, and I like that! And if I can make my precious Solgaleo-GX a tournament-destroying threat, so be it (at the very least, he's the most underrated card in the entire format as of the timing of this post, in my opinion).


Not the format I tend to prefer between the two, but definitley can still be interesting from time to time. I currently have a Ninetales / Salazzle deck build in real life, and from online results let me tell ya, against every non-item lock deck, it sets up quickly and utterly and brutally destroys big EX and GX-based decks. I could build Night March as well, given the budget and just how good that deck is in expanded even today.