what decks frightens you the most and why?


this milk tastes funny...
personally... i've had a lot of bad experiences over the years. what with bad matchups. ( states 06', i was playing some all electric deck i made and i fought machamp hl -_-) so... tell me... what deck frightens you the most... and WHY?
Riaeggs.... My fave deck of all time involves Electivire... And the only way i can OHKO something is to discard.... even though next turn unless i have a Windstorm in my hand im not gaurenteed a chance to attack next turn....
Inferncatty. Why? because i play Vespiterra and really i better not have to explain.

I am also pretty annoyed by R-gon
I am afraid of the deck I play,Delta.

My sis has real badd experiences with r-gon,holon magnemite start ftl...:(
Quicketune (Kricketune), cause it's easy to build (which means more people will use it) and is pretty fast compared to my deck.
The one deck I hate to face when I paly my Banette ex deck is Shiftry ex.
I fear the world champions I played at natz...not the deck. I acually don't fear any deck. Even LBS. i won 8 outa 10 games against LBS with my rouge deck last year.

well...I have to say that R-Gon still makes my stomach turn...but if I just cool down and relax I can pretty much take on a lot of decks with Nidokingler :D
Infercatty. So many people play it and it's good. People who hate R-Gon, it's not hard to beat, I've beat it several times.
Well the player should not be feared for me but fear itself... ha ha ha I hate Slowking system decks [NEO GENESIS] in the unlimited playthey ruin the game... ha ha ha... I am not afraid... I abhor them... ha ha ha... they fight like gays using mind games... ha ha ha... No offense to those who use this types of decks
the only deck that cares me is r-gon. even though i play it! :D
As said before, decks aren't scary. A world class player with a Mario deck would 100% suck for my poor Glimming Star, but even then, I wouldn't get scared until i've seen how my opponent plays. Before I have the chance to get scared, i'd have already lost -.-
well... when you put it THAT way... i guess there's no point in having the thread...