what decks frightens you the most and why?

My own decks, anyone who can think of such an original deck AND play it skillfully just has to be feared. xP (joking here)
Decks I absolutely do not fear: all current LVL Xes, Metanite, Flytech and anything else that won some Nats. Only fearsome deck among thosei s Bandoom, and that's getting rotated as well=(
Before I answer, ash ketchup, change your avatar so it doesn't sound too close to mine. It's my line. I'm scared of R-Gon and Mario because they pose threats to my current deck and Dax-Lock.
At the moment, I fear 2 decks, but only when I use certain decks.
When using my Extra Tech deck, I fear Mario. Weakness hurts.
When using my Infernablaze deck, I fear Bandoom, but only because of the trainer lock.
To add on my fear of R-Gon, it's fast, strong, and mini-snipes in-between turns. Flygon ex is also annoying to get rid of.
i hear ya' espeon. thats excatly why i play it :D and thats also why i fear it :(
TylerM said:
Why would I be afriad of a deck? I'd be more afraid of the player.

If I'm playing a good deck with a bad player I'm much more confident than playing a good player with a not-so-great deck.

Arcanine out.
Any Fire or Metal Deck would be a hard time to me
I love usinng Grass type decks, like Meganium, Sceptile...
Lighting Psyhich, And decks which hit hard, like MetaNite. I'm playing FeraGutor so 2x Weakness and Gutor has only 80 hp
I am scared of Infrencatty when I'm using Steelzone and when I'm using ambush, I'm scared of Electvire.:F
ATM, not much scares me. I haven't seen autolosses for my deck yet, but I know that I'll lose some games due to better opponents/better constructed decks.