What do these Pokemon have in common?

They didn't. Stop making up lies.

All right, it was that they were all in Base Set, but their evolutions were in other sets. Is that really too difficult to look up? Just go to a website and look at scans, and you'll see a pattern. Sheesh.
Can I have next one?If so:

Has something to do with TCG.
RE:  What do these Pokemon have in common?

Tomokazu Komiya said:
They didn't. Stop making up lies.

All right, it was that they were all in Base Set, but their evolutions were in other sets. Is that really too difficult to look up? Just go to a website and look at scans, and you'll see a pattern. Sheesh.
Lies? Since when is a question a lie???? Come down, its a game. I was going to say that, but I was unsure of poyneta and duduo...and I was to lazy to go look it up in my collection. :p
Actually, Bellosom does not have an atack related to an ex pokemon. I think it's all pokemon d that have a poke-power or body.