Pokemon What do they eat?


Aspiring Trainer

Well...Another interesting thing I think to discuss about... XD
What do Trainers and people from the Pokemon World eat? Do they eat Pokemon? Milktank are cows...Magikarp are fishes...I remember an old episode when the ship at Vermillion sunk, James bought a Magikarp, which he decided to eat later on, but failed since it's scale is too hard. So...What do you think?

Lol, this is an interesting topic. Some of the popular food we see are Riceballs, Cornballs, Burgers, Berries, Soup, Fast Food, like the one which Blissey served, and other Cuisine like Food. Well, c'mon, it's sick and wrong to eat Pokemon.... Milotic and Gyarados = Eels. Miltank Beef, Magikarp Fish, Squirtle and Naetle = Turtle Soup. Lol, this is nuts!Mareep and Flaffy = Lamb, Snorlax = Dig it up and you get lotsa food.
It's one those things that makes you think, why don't those Tauros use Fire Blast to live:?
Huh? I didn't get the last post, GODZILLA. Seriously, a Tauros that can use Fire Blast.... and what does that do to Tauros being alive?
the eat soup to if u not said that allready + brock cocks much (Look movie 1) :p
oh they have to have real animals around so that's what they eat. It would be crazy if they ait Pokemon, its both sick and wrong o_0. But its one of thos things we'll never know, its just an anime cartoon afterall *lol*