BW/BW2 What do think the evos will be?

Pokemancer said:
I truly see Pokabu's final evo as an awesome Boar with lava-saliva (sa-lava? ;P) sizzling in a puddle on the ground, ashy smoke from its flaring nostrils and a series of flaming spikes along the ridge of it's back as it glares malevolently at the pitiful opponent that is about to become barbecued Pokémon. So I'm thinking Fire/Dark - though possibly Fire/Steel and replace the flaming spikes with super-heated metal spikes. I think the latter is less likely, but still a possibility, because I think Tsutaaja might end up as a Grass/Dark, given the sly look to its eyes, and be all snakey.
Most likely, the Otter ends up as Water/Ice. Bleh. Unless it ends up as a Polar Bear with spiky-ice armor. Then I'd consider it worthwhile.
Haha :D

I'm hoping for a dragon based evolution for Tsutaaja, hopefully grass/dragon or grass/flying.

Will probably be some kind of large boar, but I just hope it won't look too plain. :/

Some kind of otter thing, hope it looks a little more fierce than Mijimaru.
Saiduck said:
Haha :D

I'm hoping for a dragon based evolution for Tsutaaja, hopefully grass/dragon or grass/flying.

Will probably be some kind of large boar, but I just hope it won't look too plain. :/

Some kind of otter thing, hope it looks a little more fierce than Mijimaru.
Fire: AWESOME! Yeah, something along those lines!
Grass: Grass/Dragon would be cool, as would Grass/Flying (an actually useful one!), but I think it'll be Grass/Dark.
Water: Agreed. It's gotta get better from that. Right? RIGHT??? :p
redple said:
I see a Grass cobra, a Fire rabbit/boar demon thingy and a Water/Dark giant clawed vampire otter. I have a vivid imagination.

What a vivid imagination you have, Demon pig, Vampire Otter, and COBRA... cool lol.:p
for me i think...
tsutajja- grass/dragon or grass/poison beacause he is a snake. Maybe a snake with large arms?

Pokabu-His final evo is just predictable Large boar with tusks and lava

Mijumaru-Bigger Otter NO POLAR BEAR AND NOT FAT
Grass: A big bad ass Grass/Dragon! The first Uber starter! Multiple heads, hopefully.

Fire: It's been said, a raging boar.

Water: Either a massive Yeti or a little gay water version of Lopunny... which could be cool...
tsutajja- Grass/Dragon the little yellow pieces on his neck could turn into wings
Pokabu- Fire/dark it be cool if he was to start standing on his rear legs which allowed his brain to become more intellgent and thats how he learns dark type.
Mijumaru- Water/Psychic IDK but it'll be awsome if blows us all away
I agree with eveyone else on what Tsutaaja and Pokabu's evolutions will look like but Mijimaru...
Mijimaru's evolution better be something otter then that!
Haha! See what I did thar?! :D
tsutajja- Grass Poison, I see a grass Arbok
Pokabu- Fire Dark I see a new biggest pokemon
Mijumaru- Water Ice... Not really sure at all what this could be...
Tsutaaja looks a lot like a vine snake. The name is also suggestive of a cobra, perhaps it will turn into a Naga. I would like that very much. It will probably be either grass type, grass/poison type, or if they do go with a Naga maybe grass/psychic type. I highly doubt a dragon type for it, because it would be too overpowered. For pokabu, I agree with everyone, it will probably become some sort of wild boar. Probably solid fire type, but fire/dark and fire/ground seem like likely possibilities too. Mijumaru is obviously a sea otter so I would expect it to stay a sea otter. But I would expect it to become a water/ice type. I think that its resemblance to a snowball is very much intentional.

always hating of the disc,
I think that Tsutaaja won't be a Dragon type, as that would make it take neutral damage from Pokabu, and be 1/4 resistant to Mijumara (unless it becomes Water/Ice). Hopefully Flying.

I really really really really really really really really want Mijumara to be worthwhile, as then I may consider it useful in battle.
I'd like to see Tsutaaja Grass/Dragon, Pokabu Fire/Steel, and Mijumaru Water/Psychic.

Also I found some cool fan art/speculation of them on deviantart, and I'm fine if they look like any of them.




Grass snake best hope will be a thin ribbon like dragon
fire pig hope to be a boar type lava infused similiar to Torterra
water otter just to get respect back a savage type weasil
Im hoping for Grass/Steel, yeah double week to fire, but it would still be awesome.

I think that Fire/Psychic needs to happen. So few fire types to begin with why not have a new type combo instead of doing one of the few they have already like Fire/Dark. Houndoom has that covered already.

And sadly the water starter.... i am slightly disappointed with it... I always choose the water starter so i can only hope that they add a new type (Light) and make it Water/Light. If Light isn't introduced it will probably be Water/Type its already been paired with twenty or so times... ice, ground, fighting... lame. Water/Ghost would be cool to but i don't think that "cute" little otter could go to ghost type.
thegreatherbie said:
Im hoping for Grass/Steel, yeah double week to fire, but it would still be awesome.

I think that Fire/Psychic needs to happen. So few fire types to begin with why not have a new type combo instead of doing one of the few they have already like Fire/Dark. Houndoom has that covered already.

And sadly the water starter.... i am slightly disappointed with it... I always choose the water starter so i can only hope that they add a new type (Light) and make it Water/Light. If Light isn't introduced it will probably be Water/Type its already been paired with twenty or so times... ice, ground, fighting... lame. Water/Ghost would be cool to but i don't think that "cute" little otter could go to ghost type.

Maybe they can all end up being 4x weak to another's primary type,


That sort of thing would be kind of cool
I cannot imagine what they would evolve into. I could on the previous generations, but idk about this one.
Mijumaru- Polar bear w/ armor from de qolden compass
Pokabu- qiant boar w/ a volcano on its back
Tsutajja- awesome qrass snake :D

qrass looks like it mite be de beast of dis qeneration! :D